Official OP and ED 11
Black Clover
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Great episode overall, initial thought on the OP was that it sucked but it's is growing on me. Still the weakest, but still a cut above most OPs out there these days. The user that pointed out that pierrot didn't animate Undine's waves ruined it for me. Can't unsee and christ I hope they fix that shit
Also can't say I'm a fan of the lighting/shadows on the character's faces during most of the HK scenes. Can't explain it, but it looks strange to me. Compass-Chan's fight was like that too
I'll give you a bump user.
>Secre having bigger tits than Noelle
>Secre having tits at all
Fucking KEK
imagine impregnating Undine and Sylph haha
I want to hold Astas massively long and thick black sword
This shot made my realize that I actually like how Spirit Dive looks without the elf tattoo and when he's not just spamming wind lasers everywhere
>even Chadasta blushed
There are not enough Noelle lewds.
Noelle a shit
I want to marry Lolopechka.
Looks par for the course for me
Vanessa x Finral x Finness ending is back on the menu, lads
Spirit Dive looks much edgier with the tattoo though
So this is the Snowman member who wanted to sing for BC so bad
A fucking Liver eugh
Did Isuta Meister direct the ED? Does that mean he's responsible for the anime shipping Finral and Vanessa?
jesus have some self-respect
Finral should marry Vanessa
Langris should marry Letoile
Finesse should die alone
Yeah Yuno is definitely getting a popularity boost
the guy even has a Tabata signature fringe
The shippercucks are getting uppity today, I see. As if it will make their crack ships canon.
Should Astabros worry about the popularity poll now?
Asta will marry her and become the King
Finral should marry Vanessa and Finesse
Klaus should marry Letoile
Langris should die alone
Finral got the short end of the stick. As of now I don't know what's in it for him to marry Finesse. She's older and sickly. Probably can't do housework and may even possibly die after one birth.
damn... the song has ZERO bass and sounds like it was recorded in a cardboard box. The animation is lame, half the characters aren't even relevant in this arc, and Sylph's little dance was unnecessary and completely out of place... God, when will Pierrot start taking this series seriously?
Come on, don't be like the IRtards who used filler to support their ship.
Well, we will have filler episodes starting next week. We might get episodes about the captains of Clover, too.
Probably because she's beautiful, rich and the first person ever to see his real worth and believe in his him. Unlike Vanessa who never was really interested in him and all the interests she showed towards him are anime-filler only.
This is gonna end soon isn’t it?
The war with the spade kingdom is going to be like the ninja war of naruto. We’ve probably just got 5 years at most of this
>half the characters aren't even relevant in this arc, and Sylph's little dance was unnecessary and completely out of place..
Are you retarded
yes, now please explain
>yfw the ED has continuity from the first scene with Noelle painting her nails to the last when you see her painted nails.
I love tsuns.
We aren't going straight to the Spade War
the anime is adapting the 6 month training which was timeskipped in the manga. So it's filler but presumably canon since they brought in Tabata himself to supervise it. We're sure to see Yuno's path to Vice-Captain among other things, Leo gaining height and befriending Luck, etc
>Leo gaining height
I bet he got a girlfriend during the time skip
This is filler I would actually enjoy if done right
>if done right
you're asking a lot there user
It was nice that they showed Asta worrying about Mars.
Tabata is personally supervising the filler so there's a good chance it's done right. The 2nd half of this ep was already done right imo.
More Hamon and a proper sendoff pls god
He was a Royal Knight ;_;
since he explained the other shit, Ill just ask if you remember how using Spirit Dive basically feels like sex for Bell
We can always dream.
How long the cannon filler will last
Where the BC figures?
Everyone asks that too. There's only like 2 or 3 BC figures on the market. It's understandable we won't see it in that picture.
So it ain’t filler after all. But it could be boring
CHADno having sex with women out here unlike Virginsta and Cuckmi
Ep 130-150 maybe more if they announced new season
There are people who say 20 episodes.
Just by virtue of being new content alone, it won't be, for me.
The answer is that we don't definitively know yet. Best guess would be once they figure that the manga is sufficiently far ahead enough.
Corona might affect things too so who can say