Black Clover

This is quite possibly one of the worst WSJ manga in the last 10 years. Why hasn’t Jump axe this piece of shit already? Good thing the latest volume of this shitshow is tanking.

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Shoseki Weekly Ranking - 3/30~4/5

#1 One Piece 96
#5 Black Clover 24
#7 Dr. Stone 15
#20 We Never Learn 16
#39 Yuuna and the Haunted Hotsprings 21
#154 Undead Unluck 1
#183 Mission: Yozakura Family 2
#237 Agravity Boys 1

wow flopping

I read all the current shounens and Black Clover honestly has much better characters than most of them.

Black Clover isn't bad, just unremarkable. There's nothing about it that's novel, interesting, or unique. It's just the current gen baby's first shounen.

>stop liking what I don't like!!!
Rent free, fuck boy.

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Anime in general isn't that original.

OP has reddit syndrome

Cry more

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What is wrong with axefags?

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i've been enjoying it. it's enjoyable seeing tabata's progression from writing a cliched generic story and having it slowly come into its own over time. also i love mimosa.

Op is mentally challenged confirmed

>he actually believes this!

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>It's just the current gen baby's first shounen.
I think that honor belongs to My Reddit Academia.

They both have that role, since they came out around the same time.

Tell me you're joking.

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Yuuna-san axe soon.

Can't axe a ghost.

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Typical MHAcuck seething because Cloverchads keep winning

I thought Yuuna was close to finishing anyway?

Are you gonna cry?

Nigga, please. MHA is mediocre but it is still better than Blacked Clover. If anything, MHAcucks are more butthurt by Kimetsu.


>Why hasn’t Jump axe this piece of shit already?
This year or the next

dubs of truth

kek based

bros... the sales...

His ass

sales dont justify good writing

BC is the only one in the Top 3 with hot girls.

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And it’s the only one that’s going to get axed

>source: my ass

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>outdated chart

>MHA is mediocre but it is still better than Blacked Clover
No manga is worse than the one that can't even understand the hero ideal. MHA is pathetic and finally people are starting to realize it

I don't think you are right (not because BC characters sucks but because there are other series with good characters), but BC has better characters than MHA for sure

If wanted a Black Clover thread, all you had to do was ask

There's another one up where he tried derailing it there and ended up getting banned by the mods

It's an early Fairy Tail kind of thing, for me, super cookie cutter, it feels familiar, safe, there's neiter anything outstanding nor jarringly terrible about it.
Also the art is pretty good for a weekly manga, the fights are just pleasing to look at.

Fuckoff MHATARD MHA are shit garbage

Still better then garbage shit trash MHA

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Why MHAcuck butthurt so much?


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Because black clover big hit and popular then your favorite shonen

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Because their serie is worse than ever in both sales and events. The manga doesn't even have a plot or something that resemble character development. On top of this the series assulled 6 additional quirks for the MC and the stakes are, as always, inexistent.
And they cannot cope with KnY success so they have to insult BC to cope (BCfags, try to be merciful towards the retarded MHAcucks)

We already know MHA and MHAcuck are garbage

Hope Yas Forums mod ban all MHA

Why MHAfag still make bait thread are their favorite manga that bad?

Yes, the manga is so horrible sales started to drop

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Based axed soon

At least it's fun. BNHA is fucking awful and it's not even charming or fun.

Miles better then boku no hero

If you are a fujo or you have cuck fantasies it's good

The sales have been stable and dropping and rising slightly.... can’t say the same for cuck clover

I'd hate to say this because I hate them but mha needed a timeskip.

The growth for the characters are too low and the stakes seem to get very high just to crash instantly.

I feel like the current raid should be happening with deku already learning a few more powers or something and on the front lines

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>5. Black Clover vol 24
>32. My Hero Academia vol 26
CloverChads can't stop winning

>But sales
Reminder Sales =/= Quality


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The sales dropped even with 2 movies and 4 seasons. MHA vol 26 sold like that even if it came out when season 4 was still airing. The sales are dropping.

Source? I want a proof of MHA failing that hard since I hate it

It flop MHAtard harder