Chainsaw Man

Were the last two chapters just Aki's vision, or was it already too late to stop it by the time he saw the future? How else could they escape from hell?

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I want future to be best boy but the fact only fodder died makes me think it's very real.

I doubt it's in the future, however, Aki is currently watching the future, which is why he looks so dead inside.

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Is being super fast, cutting a few heads off, then just chucking people out windows really all it takes to be a monster?

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It would actually be a brilliant twist on 'it was just a dream' but I'm pretty sure he can only see a couple seconds ahead. Unless if Future chose to give him an extended preview for whatever reason.

So Kon is a cute girl right?

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Well aside from Violence telling Kobeni to pull of the mask and Beam talking to Denji, which I'd count as manga talk bullet time, it all seemed to happen in a couple of seconds anyway.

Three consecutive throws out of the window onto Kobeni's car makes her a monster of comedy atleast.

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Yoshida didnt fall on Kobeni's car.

Did we actually see that? I thought it was a given.

kek, Violence looking like a muppet here.

he used Octopus before he could reach the ground

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That's pretty fucking good
But yeah, Violence looks hilarious, so tiny and those eyes, kek

Let’s hope no one gets along with each other in hell

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they are clearly not and people need to move out of the denial phase and accept the deaths.
this includes people saying
>she wasnt beheaded she's still alive
just stop

they're not dead if I don't read the chapter

eh, that might just match his current situation though.
I mean, no matter how you look at it, they are fucked.
but god damn this week chapter really made me want the next one immediatly, Darkness seems way too interested in Aki, something huge is likely about to happen

this bully really stealing everyone's lunch, huh?

The blood is gonna fall on Angel
Angel regains his limbs
Pulls out one of his swords from the halo
Uses all the remaining lifespan he had stored away
It's a sword on fire (like in the bible)
Aki uses it to defeat the darkness
Another door opens

>defeat Darkness
RIP human world

human world is fucked one way or the other with Master around

I find it unlikely that fujimoto will pull a "it was a vision all along", even if I would not bitch about it since that would mean violence and beam would be back

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All we can do is pray that Shark devil will come back in the future as a female fiend that will win the Denjibowl

So would you guys be okay with "it was a vision all along"? Because I'm pretty much a Fujimoto fanboy and even I would call him the hackiest hack in the story of hacks.

I would heavily dislike it and I dont see it happening.
some stuff happened outside of Aki's vision (real world while he's in hell, or being transported)

I think it would have been cooler if the background was darker so you could barely see the darkness devil

No, people just don't want to face the facts.
Beam, Violence and Quanxi all served their purpose.

Imagine the kino
>"Darkness, what you did to my friends, it-it's UNFORGIVABLEEEEEE!!!!!"
>Denji activated Super Chainsaw Mode, and gets a glowing, yellow aura which lights up the darkness

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>Super Chainsaw Mode

Like super saiyan but for Denji (his hair becomes spiky like Goku) and his power is a lot more

Violence and Quanxi didn't really do much.

Violence gave us more insight into fiends.
Quanxi gave us more insight about Makima.
That was their purpose.

How does Aki get his arms back tho?

he asks angel to tie the hilt of the sword to the sleeves of his suit
then he just spins like a fucking madman

He also get's spoken by a 90year old granny

Quanxi purpose was also to job to darkness.
she "nothin personelled" pretty much everybody then the same thing happened to her.
Obviously to show a difference in power level

He holds it in his mouth.

>Quanxi gave us more insight about Makima.
She really didnt

She did. Read slower.

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Wouldn't matter anyway because only he could change said future, but Aki lacks the power to do so. Would also be a pretty shitty development after teasing Darkness showing an interest in him only to undo and reset it. Waste of time.

holy shit dude now this is all im anticipating

all that she said is that she knows there's a lot of dark stuff about Makima, but she rather not know it because it would change her perception of her.

The future is indeed BEST

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>aki screaming while spinning
>who cares about the chainsaw devil? I am the chainsaw human!
>all the shadow niggas point at him

a possibility, we didnt see her devil contracts, if she had any.

She's telling Kishibe to stay put.

Dykefags are gonna be more delusional than Reezefags?

It would seem cheap if it happened. Mostly because previous cases of aki seeing the future have been a couple panels of aki saying "oh shit" before something happens.
Presenting an entire chapter normally then stating in the next chapter that it never happened would make me think that it wasn't planned well, rather than some deliberate choice.

If there is going to be future shenanigans I would want aki to minimally impact the events in the last chapter such that major things still happen but minor differences culminate in a different conclusion somehow.

the best Aki future reaction is still to Power going all smug about the vehicular manslaughter

I guess we all get a lot more attached to these characters by posting here, making theories, sharing fanart, since it feels like we're spending a lot more time with them than what we see in the manga. It's more shocking to see them die when reading the manga weekly than if we could read it all at once, their role in the story would be clearer too.

that said, reze is not fucking dead guys I swear makima is just keeping her hostage you'll see

It would have been amazing if there was a random car in hell that power ran over Darkness with.

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And what she said we didnt know?
That she is hiding something? wow
it took so many chapter for you to realize it?
Himeno and the survivor from the shoot out didnt give you enough hint?

When does Jesus come and kill all the demons?

Why are you so angry?
She spelled it out very clearly that Makima is lying about her age, hinting strongly at Makima being a devil.
How does it matter if other characters already hinted at it before? She did it too, that was her purpose.

Ask Angel