The wait is over

Berserkwill resume on April 24 in Young Animal # 09/10. Color page provided.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Miura watch tower of god,regain hope for anime and make a new berserk chapter


we need more Berserk memes desu

based gook

Sauce??? I want to believe

Who gives a shit? This circle repeats itself over and over, it'll be on hiatus in two three chapters of no progress again.

>Guts walks around the island
>The end
>Berserk goes on hiatus

I think people are getting disillusioned
Eventually people won't care as much about Berserk and it's how it'll die

If next chapter is a Rickert and kushans chapter I will lose all faith in humanity.

Berserk hasn't been good in at the least 10 years.
>b-but muh casca came back!!
Yeah, with PTSD instead of Amnesia this time, kys.

Yes finally!

tweet doesnt show up

>This account owner limits who can view their Tweets.
What do you want us to do with that link, stalker?

Bet it'll be a whole six pages, too. All glorious renderings of Griffith's face. Treasure them, anons, these'll be the last pages of Berserk we get before Miura dies of Corona.

holy based

Miura wouldn't dare would he

>it's a 6 page chapter of Griffith brooding in his tower, followed by another hiatus

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it's going to be griffith kino, gutskeks need not apply

>no date, issue number or anything in the pic


"The long awaited continuation. While Casca, who has awakened from a long nightmare, rests her body, Farnese and Schierke try their hand at learning a new power."

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I thought tower of god was overhyped korean wannabe shit, why is everyone praising it?
Is it just reddit influence just as happened with naruto and HxH 2011?

This better not be a filler chapter of just Farney and Schierke i really need to see Guts and Skullknight have their much needed talk

>This better not be a filler chapter of just Farney and Schierke
You already know it will. Don't set up yourself for even more disappointment than what you'll already be receiving.

And what are you going to do when that's exactly what it is, punk?

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Wait till I tell the boys at /tg/
Who am I kidding nu/tg/ would scream that it's off topic.

>why is everyone praising it?
Because is korean berserk and it will BTFO all redditors

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What if hunter x hunter comes back this week as well.

Berserk went to shit after the golden age.
It hasn't been good since after the eclipse

I would be convinced that the world is ending

>HiatusXHiatus ever coming back

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Miura can't draw for shit anymore, so I honestly couldn't care less.

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I will be disappointed have a cry and continue being Miura's battered housewife

It's literally just one guy spamming. Episode 1 was even worse than expected. Ignore the spammer.


Maybe berserk is coming back because miura has the corona virus and wants his legacy to be making another chapter instead of the extended hiatus.
Same thing could happen with togashi

Same. I can't get off Miura's Boat Ride To Hell no matter how many chapters he devotes to Griffith's face and Schierke's ass.

>comparing a (most likely traced) realistic drawing to an intentionally hideous one
ok huntard, you don't have to ruin every thread you see

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>intentionally hideous one
holy cope. Just accept that Miura isn't that good at drawing.

Looks like you got a bite! Good job, user!

filler nooooooooooooooo Miuraaaaaaaa


You absolutely retarded dumb fucking retards. Fucking mongoloid sub-human honkoids

The lockdown probably bored him. Kek.

>filler chapter

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>Schierke chapter
Absolutely based!

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Shierke a cute but I need to know if Casca will ever be able to be with Guts again

fucking KEK
it's the same gook spamming it in every thread


He's already a shut in what else was he gonna do

Probably just ran out of videogames to play

>Caska goes back to not speaking

holy fucking based if true

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My hype is just dead, bros.

I miss Zodd... I still hope we get to know more about him but the years are going so fast

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This and redditors. They took this place. It's over.

>Light X Novel fag talking about art
>merely pretending

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>lost to golden era guts
>never had a serious fight since then
he's an overrated jobber

Been rereading the manga and fuck is it as good as I remembered. I'm at pic related and fuck is Miuras art amazing. Imagine how much more story we could have had if he wasn't playing idolmaster.

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