Imagine wanting an edgy “everybody dies” ending over an absolutely kino Helos ending. Genocide cucks should be embarrassed of their shit taste.
ShingeKI NO kyojin
I love Reiner but only 2 endings make sense.
1. Eren wins and rumbles the world.
2. Eren is defeated and paradise is still destroyed by the world after witnessing the rumbling.
3. Reiner saves the world and creates world peace because he’s a Chad and he wills it so.
Nah. I am tired of asspull endings. Let the story come to a realistic conclusion.
Just wanna say that a Lelouch ending will never happen, Isayama is too based for that and will create his own original ending
>why do you sound like a dying pig when you ejaculate? I was aware of my surroundings the whole time I was crystallized you know
Go and seethe on Isayama's blog retards, that will unironically make him chose a different route than this
You guys start chimping on this retarded chinese cosplay website, and COLOR ME SUPRISED when nothing happens as you loser expect.
Unironically go and seethe on Isayama's blog, he might just make the decision to give it a KIno ending.
Why’d you tag me? I love the direction of the manga. My favorite character is going to become the hero and I get to see /snk/ seethe.
back to Yas Forums kiddo
suck my dick moomer
>Can't defend the objectively shit writing in the last 5 chapters
>Y-You mad cause he isn't writing y-your fanfiction!
Yeah, you fags deserve to be laughed at by Huntards.
this is my biggest problem with retarded writers. they for some reason think that peoples bodies go limp when someone else does a surprise move. theres no way that old chick disarms Floch like that ever, but because its muh surprise Floch just crumples to the ground.
GODren will destroy the world and raise a family with his tradwife
This mangas quality is in freefall mode
Eren will redeem it once he slaughters the traitorous pigs.
SNK dropped harder than Vinland Saga after farmland. I would rather read comfy retarded adventures of a self-aware pacifist than literal cucks who are fine with killing their people for literal who's who want them dead.
> Erenfags think cuckren can defeat this tag team.
Just drop it and read something better. Nothing can redeem it at this point
He's defeated both of these jobbers either literally or spiritually. (Like when he secured a victory against Annie twice by beating her around despite having literally no titan shifter training.) Or kicking reiners ass in literally every fight even with very little experience.
you do realize the manhattan project is whats gonna end this manga, right?
I would prefer the second one since it would show a harsher reality of the "good guys" winning but we both know they will never allow any of these two based endings to happen and we will get a circle jerk of peace and kisses
I actually liked how the alliance had no choice but to stain their hands with blood
>Like when he secured a victory against Annie twice by beating her around despite having literally no titan shifter training
Are Erenfags even reading the manga? She kicked his ass both times, and the second time she was only defeated because he had the power of friendship on his side.
>no choice
>But Eren has a choice! He needs to negotiate!!!!
Got to love the hypocritical schizophrenia of alliancefags. Can't wait till Eren kills them all.
Barely winning a fight against someone who literally has zero titan shifter experience is not a "victory." Eren literally punched her ass into the sky in his first time even consciously shifting.
Isn't that the point? That there's no way to escape violence
Slowpoke here, what did Isayama mean by this page? Why did Reiner suddenly remember that conversation with Eren saying that they were the same? Was it because he realized Eren did the rumbling because his friends were all talk but had no real plan, just like how Annie and Bert would have just went home after Marcel got eaten if Reiner didnt insist on attacking the wall?
The point is that is hypocritical for people eren has to negotiate while allowing alliancefags to systematically exterminate anyone they want to with impunity.
Them "not having a choice" completely contradicts their entire motives and arguments for the position they are in.
I forgot the page
>systematically exterminate anyone they want to with impunity.
What are you talking about? Samuel shot first
Nope the alliancefags attacked first retard. Read the chapter again.
Shitnnie is the worst
Eren had completely drained his stamina by overusing his strength while Annie was able to beat him and still face two Ackerman afterwards. Not to mention she also faced Squad Manlet earlier and was left blinded in one eye momentarily.
Kek what a cuck
>Incel want Genocide ending
>Virgin want Lelouch ending
>Cuck want Peace ending
Real Chad know we will get Gainax ending
The Worm is an alien weapon that sent to conquer the world but have changed of heart when It meet with Ymir. The Alien who sent the Worm will invade the earth 2000 years later. All this time Ymir have been preparing for invasion and Eren releasing Wall Titans to defend the world from the invasion. Eren acted as a villain so The Alliance can be formed and Eren need every Shifters, Ackermans and especially Gabi. Gabi is they key on defeating the Alien, turnout Gabi is rightful ruler of the Alien Kingdom but got transported when a coup d'etat happen. It's up to Eren and friends to help Gabi to claim her place as the Alien Princess.
Samuel shot Armin then Connie shot both Samuel and Daz after talk no jutsu failed.
I honestly don't know what you're talking about
Squad manlet was a joke and she didn't "face two ackermans afterward" she was running away from them covering her weak points.
Ok, I just read the chapter, and I actually liked. It.
It was really solid and somehow even better than 127(which was a good chapter too).
In that chapter many points from the previous one got addressed (why didn't they blow up the plane? Because they want keep it if possible since it will be un-replicabile technology. Why Magath called them N&ggers? Human delusianalization in order to not face up the errors he made, in fact he apologized for his behavior. Where kiyomi' s body guards went? They got killed).
It was nice seen some sweet actions scenes, some characters returning like Daz (Daz is farmer theory got debunked now) and some good dialogues.
I can't understand the complains about kiyomi beating flotch, since oriental martial arts are able to defeat most regular humans (since they involves special grabs that focus on bodies weak spot (as example the wrist nerves) or the fact that the guards didn't shoot instantly (which make sense since they have to Aim in order to not kill flotch for mistake, also the scenes take places in flew instant of second, so we see it as longer just because is a Manga, as happened with Kenny's squad too. So the soldier just got neutralized/killed before shoot)
The fact that she performed so terribly against a literal first conscious transformation shifter despite having years of experience on him, him being in a blind rage, and having the ability to harden shows the difference between her and Eren. Eren is a prodigy that was held back by a lack of experience. Now that Eren has the warhammer and founding titan (along with much more experience and the ability to harden) Eren would fucking destroy her.
>Barely winning is not winning
Mikasa literally attacked their base you fucking retard.
This is the same manga that had kids being eaten alive by dogs, smashed by rocks and trumpled to death. But a genocide is too edgy?
A "Heroes win and everybody holds hands and sing kumbaya" ending would be way more out of the ordinary
>Genocide cucks
yea the marley niggers need to be embarrassed for all that genociding they were doing
fuck your team edward loving ass nigger. fuck your my little pony adventure island nigger. fuck your nail polish... nigger
>you invade a city with a population of 10 with 1 million soldiers.
>They kill all but one of your soldiers
It was after Kiyomi attacked Floch IIRC. Anyway this argument isn't really going anywhere, I believe that this chapter did a good job showing that there's no easy way out of this
>All these traitors that are okay with this
Can't wait for Eren to murder literally everyone
And then Reiner and Annie started smashing people out of the air like flies. The Alliance are a bunch of hypocrites
>Tries to make Floch look at pathetic as possible
>Still far more of a chad then the 104th Scouts will ever be
Man these chapters are even disgusting to read, how Isayama really wants you to like the alliance puts me off
Yeah, it's completely backfired.
>Gets his ass kicked by a granny
>Any semblance of a chad
The state of Flochcucks
It's like he wanted to satisfy a bunch of Twitterfags. And now Kiyomi is redeemed too
he's a real chad because despite the author of the story(the literal god of the universe) trying everything he can to kill him he is still alive. So strong he surpasses the plot armor of the alliancefags. What a chad.
Floch doesn't exist user
Nice argument
>I-I’ll just propose a false dichotomy, that will make it seem like I’m right!
The absolute state of genocidecucks
If he did the world would be a better place.
>embarrassed of their shit taste
All you SnKFags have shit taste. The only anons with patrician taste are the ones that like what I like.
Why are they circling them when they have the fucking spears?
Isayama seriously fucking lost it.
Maybe that the point
So far the last two chapters show us that the alliance are fragile and hypocrite
I can't see them as the underdog that will the defeat the big bad guy and save the day after armin can even convince their former squads
Like isayama could make it less silly by making connie shoot samuel in the feet or arm, nope just in the head
All thise moralfaggotry talks amjc have on earlier chapter became a fucking jokes
It's clear Isayama is not stupid and knows the alliance are hypocrites and traitors, these chapters will be retroactively great when Eren wins. I'm putting all my savings into genocidecoin, lads.
>Real Chad know we will get
no ending, or Open Ending, as I like to call it
No, Isayama is just fucking terrible at it. It's like when he pretends that Armin is like Erwin
The quality of the manga entirely depends on if Eren wins or not. That's it. If he wins, it's good. If he doesn't, it's bad.
Anything else prior to the conclusion doesn't matter. The alliance being a clusterfuck doesn't matter. If the genocide is good, that's all that matters.
Your headcanon of Floch doesn't exist user. Floch was shown as a weak soldier who easily bent under pressure and a pretty petty secret police soldier. He was right at Serumbowl though.
Am I the only one who finds funny how Isayama obviously can't explain Yelena being there?
I never said genocide was the right thing to do but a "happy heroes win" goes against the tone of the series itself and everything that was established in the course of its run.
Everything that happened until now was a chain of extreme measures taking by every side involved leading to the most extreme conclusion to conflict to ever exist and that is completely eradicating the opposite side.
See what I'm talking about now?
What do you think user? Chapter 108 is named "sound argument" and indeed involves many arguments that seem to be sound.
Because even with the spears you need to take some weak points in order to deal damages.
Reiner already experienced the thunderspears back in RtS, so no ways taht he will let himself being trucked again (and for this reasons he is focusing into not letting them coordinate), Annie is faster than reiner and got informed in how to deal with the thunderspears. Add that the soldiers three are mostly newbies who never experienced a fight with a shifter (who is way more dangerous and imprevedibile than regular titans) and you have the perfect explanation
and yet Floch will be alive at the end and armong and the alliance will be squished by Eren.
>if you kill someone amidst a gun fight you’re worse than someone who kills millions of people all around the world, most of whom don’t pose any threat to you
How can anybody be so autistic as to think this?
I don't get it. Why do they even think Yelena knows where Eren is? They already know he isn't following Yelena and Zeke's plan but doing his own thing. Absolute shit writing.
None of that matters when all they need to do is throw a full frontal barrage and tear them to pieces, they have the fucking numbers.
There is no justification.
This is apparent to anyone above 115 IQ points.
Do you really believe that after we saw him getting overpowered by a grandma?
Cant wait to see which character will give a shitty explanation like we got from them not destroying the planes
Again i see it as isayama want to show how armin failed to replace erwin
Even armin admit it was better if they choose erwin over him
Last chapters show that armin didn't know what to do and desperately want to do something
Heck he even think on sacrificim his life to connie mom to save an enemy shifter he barely know
His plan to stop eren is to talk with him, how laughable is that?
He is on the edge of mental breakdown
That 's not why he crumples, it's the pain. The complaints in this thread are pathetic
We are going to get a G Gundam ending. The plot is already lining up for talk no jutsu.
>where is Eren
Was the giant walking spine leaving behind a huge trail of steam in its wake visible from the other side of the ocean not enough of a hint?
I just wanted them to be detectives
Yeah except is Historia the one Eren fucks
>They already killed four of us
Was this a mistranslation? Who was Hange referring to?
Canonically the thunderspears need to be throw in a specific distance in order to deal true damages, since the rpg like move(the rocket launcher, not the Yas Forumsgenre) is imprecise and can deal just superficial damages (mostly if the targets have a full armor like the armored or a switchable hardening like the female), and in hands of people who barely fought against regular titans, you can see. Why they can't beat them easily.
Kek I knew he would go back to beta bitch as soon as he can't point the gun at someone and act tough
canon and EMpilled
No, Isayama is sowing you how strong Armin's will is and how much the alliance is suffering. That's why he made sure a cute girl like Louise died and Floch being humiliated by an old lady, or Magath apologizing
I just try to enjoy the ride. Seeing Magath go from cuckgath to bipolar nuclear GODgath in a a few seconds was hilarious.
>genocide is wrong
I like Reiner but I hate Shitnnie and the rest of the cuck squad.
>yelena: *see erenosaurus smokes*
>hange: *see erenosaurus smokes*
>amcj: *see erenosaurus smokes*
>gabi&falco: *see erenosaurus smokes*
>the warriors: *see erenosaurus smokes*
Beeing lucky doesn't make you a Chad
you wont be saying that when he trips and his dick slides into your girlfriends pussy.
So just like Levi, Isayama doesn't know what to do with him because he knows it would be too ooc for him to shill the alliance and if he is against the alliance, fans will be too
They will still end up together if Hanji doesn't die
>Comparing the guys wanting to stop a genocide with the genocidal maniac because muh "they both kill people"
nope, doesn't work like that Erencuck
>most of whom don't pose any threat to you
Yeah man those people that have your race enslaved all across the world and planned to invade you and kill every single one of you to take your resources was never any threat whatsoever. Let's just hug each other and drink booze
The smoke can be produced by a group of CT's, and is probable that they are moving as a wide wave in order to destroy more countries in less time possible. So yes, those smoke can easily have nothing to do with eren's position
Kek you sound like a beta bitch too.