Finally, an anime that doesn't sexualize girls!

Finally, an anime that doesn't sexualize girls!

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and yet kanamori is still so fuckable

Is she half caucasian or nihongo girls have freckles too? Also, what's up with all the niggers in this anime?

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You DID buy the BD, right user?

>w-why didn't the show get any ratings

Japs can have freckles, and it's in a nightmare dystopian future where global warming has ravaged the earth and the Nigerian mafia wasn't kicked out from Tokyo. The two may be related.

because of the women-hating alt-right

>not because the show itself was garbage like most western-pandering shows.

fucking plebs I swear

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>edd, edd and eddy moe version

I've been watching anime since I was 9 and I made countless cosplay Tiktoks, desu.

American bases in Japan since after WWII. If the idea of mixed children in Japanese cartoons offends you, blame the burgers

B-but who was responsible for this blond nigger boy-girl?

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I liked it for the first four episodes before it repeated the first four episodes three times.

Reddit moment


Eizokuen takes place in a future where Japan has gone full sjw cuck.

The author got pozzed up by diversity after going to a gaijin-friendly school. Sad thing, really.

Finally, a quality twitter cucktime with an extra brown note.

>You DID buy the BD, right user?
What about them?

truly groundbreaking

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>Finally, an anime that doesn't sexualize girls!
I hate it when newfags act as if this is some rare thing.

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>bad anime with bad reviews
>ugly art
>boring story with lame characters
>full of political undertones and seems to be aimed toward 30+ yr. old balding gaijin aka soi
did anyone actually like it? real answers only pls

Is the little frog girl supposed to have genuine autism? She goes full sperg at least once an episode.

An Yuasa turd taylor made for resetera trannies who hate the medium for "objectifying" drawings of girls.

>full of political undertones.
How so?

yes, i actually liked it
>bad anime with bad reviews
the review is overall positive. if what you meant by bad reviews is probably the review/criticism towards the third arc in the show
>ugly art
that's just your personal taste, but the art in my opinion, eizouken is actually great and leans more toward the high end in quality when it comes to seasonal anime. backgrounds are solid, enviorments are great and it gives the right atmosphere of calm and comfy, and it complements the story of the trio as well. if you're talking about animation, i get that it's not proportionally consistent, but it doesn't need to be. the animation in eizouken is very dynamic and expressive and each character are animated differently based on their characters. compare asakusa and kanamori for example, the way they animate asakusa is loose and expressive while kanamori is animated more calm and proportionally accurate because that's their character. i get that it's not your taste, but to call it ugly, it's obvious you just like the generic sexy/cute cookie cutter anime girls.
>boring story with lame characters
then this show just isn't for you and this show isn't for everybody. since it has a specific tag (seinen), the show doesn't expect people like you who's more into shounen to like it and to me and to other people like it, the story and characters are unique and exciting.
>full of political undertones
is having different races what you meant by "political undertone"? if it is, then you're just looking into it too much because the characters being different races are very insignificant and doesn't effect the story at all.
>and seems to be aimed toward 30+ yr. old balding gaijin aka soi
it's seinen. it's aimed towards adults or people who likes, intrested and appreciates animation, art, or the creative industry. i have a friend who's not an adult but she likes this show because she likes art. so it's not just strictly aimed towards adults who likes animation.


They're not hot in those scenes tho.

They're never hot.

Based women haters

>what's up with all the niggers in this anime?
What's up with them?
Also your pick doesn't look like a nigger.

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I hate it when retards take obvious bait as genuine

why are fags so desperate to make people watch this drivel?

what a gay.

What did you think of the show beyond that OP? I found it an enjoyable exploration of the youthful creative process trying to challenge the realities of hard work.

>full of political undertones
if you watch it through your sjw glasses sure

Why aren't they wearing bras...

Why are you always asking for opinions? Why do you need recognition?

That's my first post in the thread. I'm just wondering if OP has anything else to say, if he's even still here.

Cool. Now come back when you've seen more than 10 anime.

it has niggers and it doesnt make my dick hard

kek, are you that pathetic?

They don't have tits so there's no reason to wear them.

because black girls are cute.

Technically no, Mizusaki is quite sexualized and Kanamori has her appeal too. Although it is subtle, it is still there.

who knows. he cute

morgan freeman has freckles


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what's wrong with redhaired girl's mouth? looks disgusting

I did. qute a bit actually. ending was weak though

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You have to go back

oh user, don't you know?

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I feel like there should have been more in-universe reluctance to associate the city advertising show with war and death.

Huh, that's actually a good portrayal of realistically unattractive women. No curves, weird looking asses and tits, bodies look downright unpleasant to the touch. But they aren't so bizarre or ugly looking like a lot of western cartoons go for and they sure aren't that fake-ass homely where she's got glasses and braids but is still insanely bangable.

they took them off to have a bath?

Sexy doesn't equal sexualized. You can find someone sexy even if they aren't sexualized. If you see someone on the street and think they're sexy then that's an example of that.

do you feel like that because you think that's what would happen or because you wanted more drama?

She is an Australian aboriginal.

But it does.

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Spring season look really grim

Summer too

with the corona lockdown summer is going to be fucked too