
What should they do next?

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Go back to Key adaptations.

Survive covid-19.

Disperse their production team.

Animate the eventual coronavirus anime adaptation.

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Burn down their other studio for insurance money.

They'll have to start with rebuilding once the COVIDs dies down.


Install fire escapes into their building



Sequel to Front Innocent with Satoshi Urushihara directing

Rebrand into Kyoto Publishing.

Honestly why don’t their LNs get licensed in the West?

haruhi season 3

It was Takemoto's birthday the other day

Komi can't communicate


Act Age

rest in peace

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Kadokawa owns 51% of Yen Press, and Seven Seas doesn't seem interested in translating LNs that don't have manga they can sell too.

Fire Punch adaptation

split up, the animators are taking this way too hard and it's killing them, and on top of everything theaters are closing down which has been a major factor in their revenue the last couple of years, instead of pressuring the people that are left let them find purpose elsewhere where they can build themselves back up as representatives of the old studio, I don't think most people understand how much is on their minds even now, honestly it's too much for a human to be able to deal with in a healthy manner by just picking up a new project and hoping things go back to normal with more people. I don't think the president has handled everything the best either, he's done the bare minimum of distributing the funds but wanting to close of all communication and try to sweep things under the rug isn't helping them, i'd sooner agreed with him closing the studio then saying they'll continue as before right away.

There's also this article though that shows one perspective on wanting to stay too though so I dunno, it just fills like a hole that can't be filled

turn their grief into a beautiful work of punished Kyoani art

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If they were Westerners I'm almost certain they'd fold but yamato damashii is a hell of a drug and the world needs more ufo

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do people unironically like that show? I don't see the appeal at all other than Tomoyo Kurosawa

Yes please


they dont want landwhales and spics filthing up their kino any more than they already do

It's time for them to drop the cutesy SoL stuff
Punished KyoAni should make an edgy, gory anime

It's a sports show with band instead of sports

they need SoL more than ever

Ishihara is still alive, so it's not totally out of the question

Rehire to do nanabun.

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Fuck that

based and the only true wise decision.

Stop picking up shit series like Hibike or Free and do more SoL instead.


imagine this cunts making hentai..

I feel if they're up to it, they can produce a pretty decent 30minute feature that portrays their collective experiences.

Many in the world have been victims of arsons, but KyoAni is in a unique position to produce an animation based on first hand experience.

Elf-san wa Yaserarenai

fucking this

Dragon maid season 2

Hyouka season 2

Summer Pockets

Tsurune season 2

The goal is to make money, user.

Then why did they animate Musaigen no Phantom World?

This would be quite based.

1. Provide SCBA under every desk just in case of another fire whether it be deliberate or accidental.

2. Suvive Ching-Chong flu especially the laboratory version.

3. Sell company bonds so that they can hire more workers

4. Stop watching porn unironically unless it is plot hentai.

sniffing pencils is not good for your health.

Violet Evergarden Ever After aka season 2.

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Came here to post this, I need more Kobayashi.

And watch them fail their career horribly as is happening now to the ones that left.

Not burn, I can tell you that much.

Not enough demand.

If I remember correct, Front Innocent caused its studio to go bankrupt.

Adapt kumiko 3-nensei hen.

And give some projects to yamada..

>Kadokawa owns 51% of Yen Press
If so, why isn't Hokkaido arc published in the US?

KyoAni survivors are at great risk of Coronavirus due to weakened immune systems. They should just retire and people leave to form new studios

Make visual novel adaptions like White Album 2

Complete Rance hentai adaption from the first game to final game

Canon KyoAni doujins and release their hidden KyoAni lewds. Everyone in this thread remembers the official character designer if Code Geass released a lewd drawing of CC's pussy with green pupes

Fire punch

Anything but that. Their style is great although only acceptable outcome would be if they managed to keep kyoani style alive even after new studio formation just like trigger did with gainax.