When did you realize it was a masterpiece?

When did you realize it was a masterpiece?

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I remember when it first came out everybody on Yas Forums mocked it for being an edgy cringefest.


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Just post the face

When Yas Forums kept posting the face and calling it kino. You know something is good when a bunch of childish mouth-breathing pedophiles get excited about it and call it the meme word the year. It can't be bad. It is, in fact, kinomotography

What face?

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Chapter 1

Uh based

When he lost it and killed Doma

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I would've liked if Doma was fleshed out a bit more

I wasted my time reading this.

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>japanese wojack

this is a great manga, and people who are turned off by its "edginess" and think its cringey are to be discarded.
its just violent and gory. i don't know how people think its some over the top shit

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the f/a/ce

MFW I got accepted at the job interview


>nothing about FP is a masterpiece.

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Who are you quoting?

When someone told Agni to LIVE.

>turn shota into ugly monster
>have a bland story going no where
even if this got an anime it would be under funded still frame cgi garbage

just got memed into reading it and finished it, 4/10 I want my time back

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Might as well try and save this thread with actual discussion.
What made you so angry? Was is the plot or the messages that it was trying to communicate?

I've seen this face posted so many times that I forgot why I even found it funny in the first place.

is the face the most important page in the whole manga? it's pretty much the moment he decided how he was gonna live the next 10 years. its just an awkward smile but there's so much power, emotion, and meaning behind it. truly a masterpiece

the cringy movie shit makes me angry

The references to them? Or the general backdrop?

The movie scenedressing served to reinforce the concept of roles that people played in life.
Fire Punch, as far as I see it, is mainly about them. The roles of hero, god, brother, sister, man, woman, leader, follower and others are all explored, showing both positives and negatives. Everyone plays a role in life and eventually that role becomes who you are. At the end, Luna (Judah) and Sun (Agni) are able to shed every role that they hold and are freer and happier than any other character in the series for it.
By playing up the acting relation he's able to show them in a very obvious way while integrating it into the story.

The author's also just a movie lover who was having fun referencing them all.

Not him, but I read it a week ago, and I felt like it burned out halfway through. Yes that pun is intentional. Too many elements are just thrown in at random with little purpose. From dumb stuff like Star Wars to more ordinary issues like that spear chick bringing 150 foreigners to live with them. For all the attention given to the troubles of keeping a community together, not once did they mention if these groups had any trouble uniting. Everyone created their own image of the Fire Punch beforehand, but somehow they all immediately reconciled? Could they even speak the same language? And once Doma died, the manga could have ended shortly after. Nothing new was stated by repeating the same LIVE arc with Agni for the nth time. He never even came to any meaningful conclusion about why he tried to live. And the setting got visually stale after the city was gone. There's never any deeper explanation given for the special children, and we only see Judah use multiple powers one time. The movie thing was alright if the series was trying to be more campy, but it clashed with the deeper tones at times. This is a really minor nitpick, but I don't like that most of the movies referenced are from our time when humanity advanced to the point of leaving Earth before the ice age hit. Also I got tired of most of the villains just being an asshole for zero reason. I get that they need to do harsh things to survive, but nobody at all seemed to show sympathy for the lower class they raped with dogs for fun.

All in all, it was enjoyable and it's not like I regretted it, but I wish it had lingered more on the interesting concepts at the start. I appreciate Chainsawman more for keeping a more consistent tone.

I felt that Fire Punch was a slapdash mess thrown together after my first read through too. But I highly recommend a second go at it in a few weeks/months. Its remarkably consistent in content and tone. But I'm not going to condescend you by just saying 'read it again' so I'll actually address what you wrote:

It is definitely pretty memey. While Star Wars was obviously there to show the Ice Witch's insanity it was also there because the Sequels were just starting to be talked about when Fire Punch was written. And Bikini Girl and the Dark Souls cosplayer were there really just to make people laugh as well. So I can see how the tonal dissonance would bother you.
As for the world building, or like you pointed out the lack thereof, I'm not really bothered. The Blessings were explained as old genetic technology cropping up occasionally due to lucky atavism and I didn't really need more. Languages were mainly used to jokes, but most of the characters came from roughly the same area. It didn't really matter what happened in the world to the characters and because of that the reader is told not to care either. Its a character first kind of story.
The Villains are also kind of hit or miss. But they were mainly frontloaded into the 'The Road' style shithole apocalypse setting of the first half where they weren't a terrible fit given the genre.

I think Fire Punch gets to its most important parts only after the timeskip. I said this in an above comment, but the central theme of the story as I saw it was around the idea of Identity and Role. Agni adopting the role of Luna's (Judah's) brother and then being consumed by it as a coping mechanism was really important in terms of getting this across. While Normal Punch might not be as fun to read as the first half, I'd say that its more key to understanding the themes. The film backdrop is there to let Fujimoto really show the idea of adopting a role in a way that doesn't break immersion too badly.

Meant to add.
I like CSM and reckon its probably the best manga in WSJ atm, but it just doesn't hit me like FP did.
If anything it feels like a less mature and less polished work than Fire Punch did. But ymmv I guess.

>And once Doma died, the manga could have ended shortly after.
I wonder why this opinion is so common. There's no resolution at that point, neither for the characters nor for the themes.

For what it's worth this face compelled me to read it.
Though I really think people should separate "fans" from the actual piece of work.
I mean it's ultimately "fans" that are annoying,
they're not even a reflection of the works quality.
When theman trapped in a woman's body
expressed his frustrations and became closer to Agni.
Honestly the best implementation of diversity that perfectly ties in thematically.
What a forced smile uwu

meant for

Togata seriously was probably the best inclusion of a transsexual character in any media I've read.
They were far more than just a transsexual, but it also wasn't just tacked on at the end for diversity points like a lot of western media does.
It was a definite part of his?her? character but it wasn't all of their character.

what a pained smile...

kek, but unironically it's good

right before the big fight where he got his namesake and he stopped fucking around and said "i'm going to save them"

also when he realized that the guy who killed her sister turned out to be a good guy, but then he snaps
cringe meme answer

This is the face of a broken man
A man who went to hell on earth and just wanted one thing dick his sister

Also, after reading it I understood why Yas Forums loves to spam the shit out of this manga

you mean when he remembers how Doma smiled while he burned their village down and he snaps and ignites his whole face?

lots of people spamming it havent even read it.
its just shitposting.
Good manga attract shitposters. Before this, it was the case with PunPun.
though in that case there were literal mentally ill people raging about the manga for things that didnt even happen. oh and real autists that cant understand that a character isnt themselves

I literally just finished reading this in all in one sitting. It's pure kino.

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>mfw Chapter 53, Page 16

Are you me? Finished it ten minutes ago.

Or how Doma went on about people including himself needing a righteous education?
Except he didn't know and/or remember that everyone in Agni's village was entirely populated of earthly old people,
meek people with the insight to reluctantly accept flesh, some of whom even choose not to and die, and in no way could've passed on learnt ignorance?
And said learnt ignorance is a what if that boils down to Agni and Luna theoretically doing self cannibalism outside the village.
And how Doma's wisdom and opinion wither intentionally or not is acts as justification of him carelessly killing people over a 30 second exchange

I'm trying to scour the archives for a link to the Viz releases for volumes 1-6 since 7-8 are on Nyaa already. I'd like consistency and neither danke or LuCaZ ever finished. My last resort is bakabt but the ol' google trick didn't work so I'm relying on the sign-up process. I'm not interested in actually signing up and paying for Viz of all things, but I've heard their release is also generally better than the fan scanlations.

Were Viz's first 6 volumes ever compiled? Is there any hope of finding them?

They're both on Nyaa.

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I'd say originally it was when he "became Fire Punch" rather than let things go.

But really, I think in hindsight it's the villain being someone who only wanted to end the world so she could see "the amazing new star wars trilogy" which with how those movies came out, adds such a fucking fantastic layer of kino to this entire fucking conflict that wasn't even intended.

>First part of the trilogy is a fairly safe, by the numbers story with some confusing elements
>Second part of the trilogy drowns itself in subversion and meta narrative that breaks the world
>Third part of the trilogy is a desperate rush to tie up all the loose ends to get that "happy ending"

and you look at Fire Punch and fuck


The volumes 7-8 one is Viz. The volumes 1-6 one is danke-Empire. Viz is the only one who has done the entire series in English, and I didn't want a whiplash in writing style 75% of the way through.

It should've ended here

I wish we got more context on Doma, I liked his whole "righteous education" dialogue. It really showed with the worst of humanity in the case of agniism and san.

I was under the impression that Danke just ripped VIZ releases.

When he went tarantino on Doma.

I had thought danke-Empire was an original group rather than a compiler, but some of those file names in the storytime threads have Viz in them, so maybe they do just rip stuff ala HorribleSubs. A comment in Nyaa threw me off. "I hope Danke will rip the rest as well!" led me to think that they were separate translations.

I avoided actual comparisons between both releases because I wanted to go in somewhat blind.

fleshed out how? he was an impressionable brainlet who took 40 years to figure out killing=bad

Read it completely a couple days ago and I stil can't tell if people making these threads or saying the manga is kino are beign ironic or not.
The plot was rushed, fell back on the sister motivation far too much, pulled characters of out nowhere, dialogue was too inhuman (similar to Gantz strongly in this regard), characters had extremely questionable motivations, the world itself didn't make much senese. A dozen wasted chapters are pretending the brain damaged girl was his sister. Too much of the plot moved offscreen, which seems more to cover up the fact the author had no idea how the twists he wanted to happen happened.

There are some great moments of writing, especially early on in the train where they skip forward after the battle. But mostly it lacked consistency and seemed to bounch between scenes the author wanted to draw without much care about how to get there

Plotfags, when will they learn?
>dialogue was too inhuman
Did we read the same manga?

I really think Togata as a character was absolutely brilliant
A self insert guiding both the main character and the reader along in such a way, mixed with her crazy personality was what really helped the series start up into something great

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I unironically like this manga very much. I thought it's theme of identity and how Agni become a different role in order to appeal other people whether it be for Togata, Judah, and San. He was a brother, an action hero, and a prophet despite not really being either of them (except maybe action hero).


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The fake-sister plot was the strongest demonstration of the story's message.
Far from pointless it was probably the most important part.

What was the point of introducing Bat Dad and Bikini Cyclops? Just to illustrate how far Agni's legend had spread? Even so I feel they were under utilized compared to how much they stood out. Especially the one eyed flying beach babe

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I guess to show Agni's influence.
If there was a misstep in Fire Punch it was definitely the plot with the Village. It was just handled pretty poorly. Fuji jumped the gun on the shock value kill.

And what message do you think that is