How would you fix Black Clover?

How would you fix Black Clover?

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rm -rf --no-preserve-root /

axe it

holy shit this guy’s a hacker

I'd improve it by having Asta impregnate Sister Lily and Noelle as well as that redhead with all those young siblings. I'd also use more occult concepts especially in regards to the 5 leaf clover.

By axing it

It's way past the fixing point.

Better anime.

Ufotable reboot when?

>having Asta impregnate Sister Lily and Noelle

Axe would be the best thing that would happen to that shitshow

The axe is coming

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i like garbage. stop trying to fuck with my garbage

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Keep Asta with no magic instead of giving him broken anti magic

How would you fix Black Clover?
Yuno as a protagonist.

You can't fix what's already perfect.

Remove the shounen tag

More idol bands for the OP songs.

By not making it shit

Mimosa nudes.

More Yuno
Less Noelle

based /g/ cross poster

Tabata needs to take the time to properly flesh out his story, this means slowing down instead of arriving at a place, contrived friendship speech then war arc in the span of 3 pages. He also needs to stop making a basic, color-by-numbers shonen in general but it’s a bit too late for that.

Getting rid of it

At least post the new one.

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Agreed on fleshing out story, the reincarnation arc showed that he can make long term story telling work well by bringing everything together but short term is kinda weak

>Look! We beat Stone!!! I-I-It's not a flop!!!!


Not an argument

It's too late for that

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A whole chapter of Yami bathing


Undead Unluck stronk


Make the setting not 4 fucking countries.
Have it take place in an area
consisting of 12 kingdoms the size of spain at the minimum that is basically constantly at war with each other.


It shouldn't be too hard to fix. Make an actually interesting plot, make the dialogue good, and make the focus a little tighter.

Give it a really well made 12 episode season to start it off and get people invested before going to weekly hell. Or if they're going to start it as a weekly hell anyway at least wait a while for chapters to build up so you can do it decently for the first year or so like Naruto to get people invested. The anime literally starting with bad animation and filler shit screwed it over, if you want to cut corners and stretch wait until it has gained a following.

Give it a actually engaging plot. Black Clover basically rides on its characters and break neck pace. The story isn't interesting by itself. Maybe make it less like Naruto from the start to avoid those comparisons. The war arc dragged too long, focus on short adventure arcs more.

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No demon shit god Im so fucking sick of demons in shonen unless its a setting built on them like Chainsaw man or Bleach

What made you guys start reading/watching black clover? For me I saw this panel posted on Yas Forums

Remove the devils. After all, the series ripped off the devil concept from TPN, JJK, CSM, and KnY

The pacing can be a bit too fast because I think he really wants to show just how everything is building up to something in a grander fashion to build up excitement of past occurrences culminating into a specific point of interest.
He has an excellent grasp on foreshadowing that I think is what could be his strongest aspect as a writer, and his fights and applications of abilities and characters are creative though lacking in lasting consequences like most other series once the battle has ended.

You do realize that BC was the first out of all of those series to include Devils/Demons, right?

Forgot pic

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Nigger, that was the most obvious bait.

No it wasn’t, nothing about Black Clover is original.

Stop lying you piece of shit

Clovercucks confirmed stupid fucking retards

Imagine being this retarded

Just report the thread.

HA-HA I hate Black Clover! Based!

Kill yourself

Time to enter the Spade.

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First you make a MHA bait thread. Now BC. How fucking bored are you faggots tonight?

Go back to r*ddit, Cloverkek You too faggot


The plot is allover the place since theres no real path to Magic Emperor


Holy shit, BCfags really are this pathetic.

nobody can be this fucking stupid