Hunter x Hunter

She didn't deserve to die like that.

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Ponzu didn't but Pokkle did.

Didn't she reborn as a chimera ant?

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>I am forgotten

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Which ant?

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Killua is cute!

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Autistic people can't become leaders

Neither did those people but hey, an ant gonna eat something.

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Which Prince isn't autistic?

What is this expression trying to convey?

>like that
Oh? How did she deserve to die then?

nah, she wasn't eaten by the queen

Making myself pretty for Hisoka.

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My queen.

Shut up.

Depends on the situation.
It could be ''Hey I found the right prey!" ''What the fuck is this?!'' ''lol what?'' ''mfw another hiatus''

This is ant Ponzu.

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I aways thought that she was that girl with the power to grow her belly.

She is.

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You were fucking wrong then. Fucking idiot.

Pitou is cuter

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No. She was pretty cute though. And in my headcanon, she fucked Cheetu to remove the APR curse thingy, which explains why she looked pregnant between the removal and his unfortunate death.

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I don't want your Corona.

Just reread the latest chapters... im scared Chrollobros

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It's Hisokeks who should be scared.

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>she fucked Cheetu to remove the APR curse thingy
That's kinda hot.

That insane repulsive clown is going down!

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Chrollo is going to die like a bitch because he won't have any of his friends or civilians around to use as meat shields when Hisoka finally decides to kill Chrollo.

phinks is weak. you have to let him power up

>implying Chrollo can't use other hunters as his meat shields

That's the point.

>phinks is weak.
>you have to let him power up
He has other abilities.

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>implying hisoka cares
he'll slash through all of them, cuckllo won't have 300 puppets to aid him that's what user was trying to say

>saying things no one said
Of course Hisoka doesn't care. But those puppets are gonna slow him down.

No. We saw Ponzu getting eaten by a random chimera ant. She would only get reborn if the Queen ate her.

Based Phinksbro

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Phinks is physically stronger than Hisoka even without any windups, going by the armwrestling placements

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he uses ko, so he should be vulnerable while winding up

In a less brutal way.

The pleasure is all ours.

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>without any windups,
We never saw the arm wrestling itself.

>Phinks had to windup before his arm wrestling match with Hisoka so he could win

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he can't make puppets anymore

He needed to wind up to kill that literal who nameless soldier ant.

Nice fanfic, bro.

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The nameless gorilla ant officier was scared shitless when Phinks winded up his arms.

>Phinks sees Hisoka on the boat and starts to wind up
>what he doesn't realize is that Hisoka used bungee gum on him causing his arm to punch himself in the face killing him instantly

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i know

>implying other hunters would let him
>implying he will be close enough to the hunters

>implying he wouldn't be strong enough to do that when he held his own against 2 Zoldycks


sorry no chapters this year

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The weak only deserve what the strong deem they deserve.

>Hisoka used bungee on Phinks
>before that Phinks wind up his arm so fast and powerful, he send Hisoka flying through the black whale and then into the ocean drowning the clown

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Wait are you talking about the temporary nenless hunters? The 150 Provisional Hunters?

You're dumb

Only retards who don't use Gyo fall for bungee gum, Hisoka fought only literal shitters and almost died even then

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If you're talking about the fight with Kastro Hisoka let his arms get cut off on purpose because he was putting up a show and paid Machi in advance to heal him.

stupid sexy ant

>You're [headcanon]