You're going into battle. Choose your General

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yang gang

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no generals on Yas Forums!

easy choice

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Best choice
Akagi doesn't lead, he just does his own thing and still wins in the end. Even when he gets early onset Alzheimers.

The only correct choices are Griffith, Chrollo and Wenli

Yang if I'm going up against some nobodies. Johan if I'm potentially going up against one of the other generals.

why not !


>he just does his own thing and still wins in the end

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wouldn't uchiha be the most logical option? he doesn't even have to think of a plan, he'll just kill everybody and you can sit back and watch

but what if a plan prohibits killing

>still believes that /ag/ exists

Friendly reminder: half of these guys will get you killed without any hesitation the moment they deem it necessary, or when (not if) you outlive your usefulness.
That said, I'm going with Yang.


even then I think he could just predict the future, idk I haven't watched naruto in like 10 years so I could be wrong

he kills his entire clan, grooms his brother for two decades to be filled with hatred to kill your enemies. You still win

He always wins, baby

Plus, he's cooler than everybody on that list

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Itachi and lelouche are literally just Shonens standard “characters we pretend to be super smart but never really do anything that intelligent”

So neither of them that’s for sure.

Chrollo have the power of asspulls at hand, there is no way you can lose with him.

Yang is the only logical choice.
>won't dispose of your ass as soon as you're no longer useful
>not motivated by a personal goal that could go against what's best for the soldiers
>prefers plans that reduce as much casualties as possible
>near undefeated

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>never really do anything that intelligent
Lelouch making Suzaku his Knight was him finally doing something smart

If I need to pick a captain/general/commander to follow, I'll pick one out of my superior lineup of leaders to follow.

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Damn, this one is MUCH better. Now I can't decide between Yang or Global.

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Gimme the one with big titties.

/m/ is going to show up any second now.

lelouch's got great processing power

itachi has wisdom. he understands people

You know, why isn't there an /ag/? Like seriously, it would lessen amount of Shonen threads and other shit like that.

Give me the pitcher

if he's so great at killing then how come he fucking died

Yeah, but itachi has the strongest superpowers so he wins

Ninja cancer

That's a good list, but you forgot a couple.

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>putting Holland on there instead of Dewey

That's a trap pick

OP lineup isn't about leadership. each brings something unique. the list is dynamic.

His lineup is also pretty damn newfaggy. It's something I would have made after my first year of watching anime. I'd almost call it bait. And if it isn't, then his choices are terrible. Half of those characters would sacrifice you in a heartbeat. And he said pick your generals for battle. Being a general is literally about having good leadership skills.

Newfagginess is accessibility. Everyone's familiar with the choices and therefore can answer confidently.

All of them have leadership skills. Each lead in different ways. The kind of battle was not specified. Each excels in a specific climate that the other does not. Makishima's intuition and self-will mean nothing against Amaterasu. Tokuchi's predictive intuition can help him strikeout batters but he cannot kill a titan. Think of the question metaphorically. Which type of leadership do you prize most?

Yang all day. He'll win the battle and take care of our overpopulation problem at the same time.

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Damn user, he'd be sad if he heard you say that.

Here's a fun game:
> Pick one randomly to be your general
> Pick another one randomly to be the general you're going against
How fucked / saved are you?

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I'm picking Tokuchi. If you've read One Outs you know that in the championship game, Tokuchi does not participate. That's because he made the men around him strong enough to win on their own.

My general - Lelouch
Enemy general - Griffith
I think I'll get through, but it won't be easy

mine -- makishima
enemy -- griffith

similar folks, similar strengths -- silver hair! -- but makishima's on a higher level than pre-eclipse griff. post eclipse, though... i might be fucked

I'd either pick the Major or Summeragi from here. Pretty sure they are the smartest, and have the best data analysing capabilities. They'd solve any problem and lead me to victory.

shanks vs griffith, pre eclipse shanks can singlehandedly destroy griffith, post eclipse there are too many unknown

>You're going into battle
Yeah, let me stop you right there. As soon as there's an opening, I'm gonna run like hell in the other direction. No way will anyone find my ass on a battlefield.

The guy from LOTGH because others are just faggots.

He would betray you

Why wouldnt I go with Tylor? Max luck and zero major losses and even when he did get kidnapped he seduced the enemy empress

Ah, the tried and true Joestar family technique

Say what you will, but Joseph literally lived till the universe got reset.

I would die for best boy

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Why is he even in there? He's never commanded soldiers. He leads a political faction but never soldiers on a battlefield.

Seconded, swap him for Erwin

Shanks has the most plot armour I believe. With Cuckrollo I’d just get raped by Hisoka
Depends on whether you are you talking about h*manoid Griffith or (((Griffith))). The Griffith in OP’s pic is faggot h*manoid Griffith

he's not general material, he's not a strategist and never claims to be or wants to be. He's a gambler purely, his power of deduction more or less is boosted only by his ability to conceal information from his opponents or confuse them by turning a binary situation into something else entirely.

He'd be useless as fuck as a general, he'd be pretty good company commander or platoon commander though if he could get over being ordered around.

>He leads a political faction
That's why. Eren's got glamour and resolve. The people of Paradis worship him. He manipulated foreign extremists and dissidents. Tybur placed the world's eyes on Eren before he attacked Marley. How far does charisma and edge get you?

>Political Leaders
Johan, Lelouch, Griffith
>Military Leaders
Yang, Eren
>Espionage Leaders
Itachi, Chrollo


I choose /VG/