One Piece

The clout that Jinbe brings to the crew is unprecedented.

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Who would win?

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I love them so much!!!

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btw, I'd like to point out that Oda never had more than a single character join in one arc

both Kid and Law have higher bounties than Jinbe.

Look Luffy, you've become a man in your own right, a true pirate. But seriously, what is that fat blue fish fuck doing on your ship? Don't you know that he's done nothing but betray every organization he's joined? Seriously, he left King Neptune's army, and believe me, King Neptune is one of the good ones unlike most of them. Then he left his subhu- err, fishman pirate crew to join Whitebeard. Then he went up and join the World Government as they extended a hand of benevolence only to betray them. Even now Luffy, he left Big Mom to join you. Luffy, be careful.

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why is zoro in this drawing when he was only there for literally one panel last chapter?

First off
>Bounties equalling powerlevels
Second off even if that was the case, he'd still make a good second strongest crew mate instead of what they got now.

Technically, Jinbe joined during Fishman Island

Luffy low-diffs

Jinbe not only tanked a full on attack by an enraged Big Mom, he also knocked her fat ass into the sea. That's right, were it not for plot Big Meme would have already drowned to death.

Meanwhile Luffy gets swatted like a fly in gear 4 when he attempts to hit Big Mom.

But Kid and Law are the only people of any note in their crews. They are Zoro-level at best and now Luffy has just acquired another Zoro-level guy in his crew.

>Oda never did X thing
So what? How is that stopping him from doing it in the future?

Usopp, Franky and Robin literally all joined in the same arc

In all fairness he had his number one weapon, the fucking ocean right there for a huge attack, but blocking her attack is seriously impressive.

Full hp healthy big mom > Skinny malnourished big mom
That Luffy didn't have advanced CoA either.

>Full hp healthy big mom > Skinny malnourished big mom

I don't know where people got the idea that thin Big mom is stronger than normal Big mom

>Skinny malnourished big mom >Full hp healthy big mom

List of strongest "swordsmen" ranked by feats:
>Big Mom

Why do people still belief in a shitter like Mihawk?
He´s just coping.

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>kid and law are zoro level
More like Jinbe level, Zoro isn't the bar anymore.

This, it's why Jinbe is the second strongest now.

they're both frauds

What went wrong?

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If zoro uses his swords properly he should win

>garbage post

Reminder that Oda has promised to take this arc BEYOND IMAGINATION.

Oda clearly didn't know how to handle the title, or how to write Mihawk at all, it's one of the few characters it's obvious he had no plans for in the long run.

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Thinking Big Mom > Food rampage Big mom
This however, is not headcanon.

Dead by the time he is declared the strongest swordsman.
Was still the strongest swordsman even when he had both arms.
Old and tires out versus Kizaru, Mihawk was still declared the strongest swordsman even when he was around.
>Smoothie above Zoro
A fucking door

Still my favourite yonko and crew.

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if luffy uses his haki and snakeman speed properly he should win

Did Zoro even got the new upgraded haki? If not that's your answer. Luffy could tank a few cuts but Zoro would get destroyed by new Luffy's haki.
Unless Enma is THAT broken.

How do we fix this problem?

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>Luffy could tank a few cuts
irrelevant for zoro wouldn't be able to hit luffy

>The boat/ship isn't stronger than cannons.
There problem solved.

Should have done it while power creep was not that big. Too late now. The last chapter was the closest we ever had and Jimbei ruined it.

yfw the next time we see Hiyori she'll have her hair cut short like her younger self

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>were it not for plot Big Meme would have already drowned.
Big mom saved herself thanks to her abilities. She was never close to falling and Jinbei only managed to land such a critical attack because BM was focused on the ship and the rest of the crew.

make technologically overpowered ships by Vegapunk

she gave life to candy perosperos prepared, without perosperos being there to bail her out big meme would be dead

??? it was zeus who caught linlin off the sunny. not the candy wave

Luffy > Jinbe >>> RS Sanji > Zoro

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>*laughs in Garp*

Remake One Piece with a smaller power scale

The amount of stretching that you guys make is always hilarious. Fucking liberals ruin everything

How its possible that 3 full supernovas crews couldnt stop a retard with a paintbrush from taking their friend?


ok drumpfie

>Gear 2.
Looks like he's in base to me.

gotta wait for the next episode

Oda switched focus to Kaido

he used jet stamp before he charged at jinbe

Have something they need to protect on their own ships. So they can't leave the ship.

i can't be married to amande

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So how lewd are they going to make this scene?

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Actually yes, Zoro hasn't mastered his new sword yet.

It’s Zeus and Prometheus that save her everytime she falls.

I keep forgetting Sanji didn't get put down by a punch from Luffy & Jinbe at the same time, where each punch was strong enough to knock the other down.

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really hope nami dies at the end

Why does hawkins just disappear after this?

sasuga keikaku appearance with apoo

I hope she dies now, shes irrelevant now that they have jimbei

It was the time for his dick flattening

Sanji couldn't even beat faget1

I kind of wonder about the marketing in japan and shit, there hasn't been a new straw hat since when, 10-12 years?

Just imagine a ship with armor haki

despite initial worries, matsuda still provides a lot of fanservice for the gals too. i think it's gonna be a good mix of convenient angles and steam clouds that hide all the "nasty" stuff

>nami gets killed off
>carrot joins
>luffy declares nami's soul the 11th member

Oda has an obsession with separating his main characters so Jinbe will disappear again

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They aren't real

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what do you mean? after the shitty cook reveals himself, he had to assist drake in his own struggle

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Well, she is the most developed ones of the current ones, Kaido is just a generic bad guy so far, Blackbeard is still being hidden by oda and Shanks is a gary stu


>that smoothie's butt
come on

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wich feats Smoothie has above Zoro beside being stopped by a door?

You're a fucking retard

Yeah that's my reason for thinking that he won't really join. Either killed this arc or leaving somehow

>o-nami gets tons of merchandise
>her next outfit is just an update to the kunoichi's dress
this was an amazing marketing strategy, honestly

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Sorry Katakuri, it seems that Luffy prefers his mature oniisans fat and with an afro

Manga version wasn't that lewd desu, the situation was but 3/4 of the body was shadowed dark