ITT Charts.
ITT Charts
>serial experiments lain
Why it isn't?
There's no punk.
I'm iffy about calling akira cyberpunk as well.
don't share this chart it's awful it ruins the meaning of the cgdct and degenerates it into a synonym for bishoujo which would make us lose an important genre moniker
>Yas Forums approved
i thought Yas Forums hated trannies? aka 88% of this show's fanbase?
sure i got a few of these i just gotta make sure i dont mix them up with my book/vn charts
aren't most of hetalia fans teenage yaoists? I remember it was like that when it aired and years later
shit chart
thats a large portion yeah
all i got
honestly looking into its fanbase the venn diagram for trannies and yaoists of the fanbase is almost circular
whoever made that chart thought that just because the mc's are the axis (plus allies but mostly the axis) it's based and didn't watch past the 30 second mark
kek, beyond based
Akira is definitely punk. The cyber isn't really there. Biopunk would describe it better.
Trash chart, you can delete it user
>Gunbuster and Madoka fall under CGDCT
Maybe this genre isn't that bad after all
>worthwhile mecha
>massive chart
It's shit.
You forgot one
This list was updated. But there were not enough people on the thread, so it has a small amount of faggotry.
>Yas Forums approves Mahouka
Sasuga Yas Forums and their shit taste
How many have YOU fapped to, Yas Forums?
>Turn A
>hokuto no ken
The stormnigger who made this is really even more retarded than the rest of his kind.
>Haruhi still in comedy instead of sci-fi or psychological
>Madoka not in psychological
It's still shit. It doesn't matter that you have the right shows if you're going to recommend them to the wrong people
I'm glad other people recognize how conservative this anime is. It's conservative politically, and it's conservative socially. The first arc is all about blowing the fuck out social justice commies who protest on campus about equality of outcome. But on top of that, the whole show is about high class living:
>refined, modest clothing
>social graces
>ballroom parties
>dedication to your school and country
>personal responsibility
It's great.
Christ almighty kill yourself.
I'm pretty sure it's a joke chart, user.
>You're under arrest
How the fuck did it end here? It has no common points with CGDCT stuff like K-on. Who the fuck made this?
>The vast majority of information and opinion here is taken from Wikipedia, ANN, AniDB, MAL
Please make this section bigger and more obvious so that people don't miss it and waste their time reading the chart.
This, all those series are cringe af
Does anyone have the part 2 of this chart?
Don't ask me I din't make the chart
Read my comment again! There were not enough people in the thread, so we didn't have a chance to correct his bullshit, before the thread got archived
Just see it for yourself, we told him that Haruhi is still in the wrong cathegory, but the dude just never corrected the chart.
So basically it's a recommendation thread.
>all those words for a pile of garbage no sane person would watch
What is it about HxH that makes it appeal to gay men but not fujos?
Needs Niea_7, which is all about hating immigrants and having racial hierarchy
I've got this big collage that includes that as well
People on Yas Forums generally only hate trannies because they try to brainwash children into developing gender dysphoria, when there is no brainwashing there ain't that much to get angry about.
That's just charts for you.
thanks brother
i like it
never seen/read HxH so i really cant tell you for the fujo perspective, maybe just a less vocal minority?
I was literally on that thread explaining why Haruhi in comedy makes no sense
You might be the only one to think so, stormnigger aren't known for their subtle humour or intellect.
>"Good anime movies"
>No EoE or Disappearance
I'm assuming that's because they're linked to their respective shows?
It's not a joke chart, because a lot of those anime aren't conservative by reputation. You actually have to watch them and pay attention to realize that the author is a based conservabro.
I didn't know mecha was so based