post timeflops
Post timeflops
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Neon Genesis Evangelion is the only anime that's not a timeflop.
jizzbrain reviewers
What the fuck is a time flop? New gay ass terminology every damn day.
Forced drama
Dishonest animation
Pretentious artstyle
Artificial conflict
Ingenuine pacing
Repetitive music
Unnecessary shading
Obnoxious paneling
Inappropriate design
seething discord tranny
Literally 99% of anime
What the fuck is a timeflop?
>Virgin wish fulfillment vs pretentious schlock
an anime that is instantly forgotten the moment it finishes airing
Gotta add bofuri too
Isn't artificial conflict the same as forced drama?
Like most anime. There's only few series that can escape that pattern
Already mentioned
Fuck u i like it
so like 95% of seasonal anime?
The first ep just aired today though?
>mom look it's porn!
>everyone is waiting for S2
try harder
No, only redditors and trannies
i had tried very hard to forget that was happening
you will never pass as a woman
duuude dicks and boobies and they fug so funney lol
you will never lose your virginiry
My daughter is a scary boogieman.
delet this
Coomers BTFO
oh shut up
i already boned ur mum
Both are awful.
Get ur gay ass ghost out of my board.
>blocks your path
>Inappropriate design
>Artificial conflict
>Repetitive music
>Forced drama
There is literally nothing wrong with any of these.
they're subjective nonsense anyway, except music which could be a problem.
>they're subjective nonsense anyway
Everything is subjective nonsense.
no u r subjective nonsense
you guys are running out of ways to complain about things, why not make a thread about something you like for once?
you havent said anything
Why not just look at porn? Or better, why not just fuck, even an escort? I genuinely don't get this mindset.
c00mbrain reviewers = forced popularity
You forgot irredeemable dialogue
An ESL saw the term "timeless masterpiece" and had the idea to twist it into a negative statement, however since he didn't understand English, it sounds retarded and nonsensical.
Why don't you just go back instead of trying to police board opinion faggot
Stop forcing this shitty buzzword
Both great
>everyone I don't like is reddit discord tranny waaaah
>however since he didn't understand English, it sounds retarded and nonsensical
No, it doesn't, ESL-kun. You don't even know how English words are coined.
fuck off you wet blanket, you think the endless threads grasping at straws for things to complain about are good? do you think it was always like this? you are the one that needs to go back you gigantic faggot.
>forced popularity
Please pick the longest item in your house and show it up to your arse
Only twitter/MAL/instagram/Facebook and Reddit likes Eizouken.
In what sense it is better? Also, do you think sex is more artistic than porn? Is a cartel shoot-out more artistic than John Wick?
>shitty buzzword
How is it a buzzword?
Yes us cool 4channers only like cool edgy anime B)
only contrarians dislike it, got picked up for anime and shit live action series + film in a single season
Yes, now go back.
It’s not about like/dislike, retard. OP asked for timeflops
>Only ... likes Eizouken
>not about like/dislike
please fix your brain
what art mate? If you're just looking at this garbage for sexual gratification you may as well go for the real thing. Let's not pretend youu like Ishizuko for the great writing.
X is interesting because it isn't porn. Eroticism isn't just poonus + vagoo. If you can't understand that, you're genuinely retarded
Why are you so desperate to be liked reddit?
>If you're just looking at this garbage for sexual gratification you may as well go for the real thing
There are many sexual gratifications that only fiction can provide.
I'm a native English speaker. No matter how many times you post it, "timeflop" will always be nonsense.
its memeing nobody actually cares
This is what damage control looks like
Yes, I realize that. But let's not pretend Ishozoku is on the level of well-made erotic art, it's a bland isekai with a grocery list of species to fuck.
Just reflect back on many dumb English coinages that gained popularity and wide spread usage, retard.
>it's a bland isekai with a grocery list of species to fuck
You're intentionally whittling away all the complexity in ishuzoku to make it seem bland. If every episode was just going to brothels to fuck new species then I wouldn't agreed with you. But each episode always has a nice setup and world-building elements.
why don't you just save yourself the years of gender dysphoria and end your miserable existence right now
now you're playing the game correctly