

Attached: image.png (873x402, 429.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Kill yourself, immigrant.

Just like with real trans girls there is not much gender left to identify.

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Back to Yas Forums

>is dead

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Why would anyone care about Lily when Sakura exists?

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How does Yas Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.


>traps are now considered "trans"

Attached: transgirl.jpg (439x600, 58.22K)

>trans girl
Really makes you think

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Reminder for trannies to rope themselves.

holy cringe how can normalfags have no self awareness

Told you traps were gay

season 2 when
also, trans rights

So it's a "he", gotcha.

Transfreaks are worse than coomers.

I think it's based because a trans girl is dead unsuprisengly


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My friend told me this was his favorite zombie in the show and I don't think he realizes it's a dude. I never told him.

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Tbqh I prefer furries over trannies because they at least tend to stay in their lane

Why would you do that to your friend?

>season 2 when
Fall, trust me

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>be lolicon
>enjoying watching qt girls
>enter loli
>more interest
>loli is actually is a shota



transbros we won

Not even the first one in anime.

Always funny when people discover their first trans in anime.

I didn't want him to be embarrassed if he didn't know, but I also didn't want to have that conversation if he did already realize it was a dude.

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Reminder that /lgbt/ needs to be purged from the site even more desperately than Yas Forums does.

The tranny from Liar Game was pretty good but you don't see retards talking about him

>Being Transfag and necrophile

is this the shitposting thread

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Normalniggers and sjws continue to ruin everything they touch.

because boobs are garbage fetish


That only makes it better.

This 100x times

Redpill him and tell him you'll be there for him. Send him pictures of cute lolis to help him through it.

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What's a TERF?

Yas Forums is worse than both, unironically
At least vermin from /lgbt/ and Yas Forums don't bring their shit to other boards

Not fooling anyone, tranny.

>At least vermin from /lgbt/ and Yas Forums don't bring their shit to other boards
I present you this thread.

Feminists who are against tr*nnies

That is good

Why do normalfags have to ruin everything I like

Weak attempt, tumblr.

LGBT doesn't even have anything to do with LGB, It's all just tranny stuff

Nothing normal about these folks.

nice try tranny

>traps are now considered "trans"

bullshit even most ironic weebs know the difference between traps and trannies

t. she/her

Yas Forums is just a melting pot of all the boards.

felix call himself a dude he maybe a bit crazy but he's not insane

Imagine looking for social acceptance from a chinese cartoon based on the story of reanimated idols.

Which was clearly made by a trolling Yas Forumsack. Good job proving his point.

fuck trannies (not literally, just figuratively)

If trannies knew how to not ruin the things that other people like, no one would be transphobic

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No, they seek to assimilate all other boards and make them "Board topic, plus politics".

Looks like a male tho

time for lolis

Attached: Cura girls.png (1199x1647, 2.62M)

What kind of garbage am I looking at?

I'm disgusted each time I see some dirty tranny call himslef "a trap".

Post twitter link

Literally rent free

Don't ever talk about my son without my permission ever again.

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It's literally Yas Forumstard falseflagging, don't you understand? They alone make threads and obsess over tr*nnies, no one else cares about them as much
Just check out these r*ddit tourists, they hate truth as much as a vampire hates sunlight

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Because that zombie girl makes those incels angry.

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