Will jinbei be a valuable member or is he just gonna be forgotten?

Will jinbei be a valuable member or is he just gonna be forgotten?

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is a Cucku


who's artur user?

Oh, and you forgot to put One Piece in the topic title, OP. Try not to fuck it up next time.

It will come down to what comedic synergy he has with the rest of the crew.

I can't think of anything.

Would people still like Kiku if he was short?

Seethe elsewhere, reject.

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How can he be forgotten as a part of the main crew? He'll be around for all main events starting now. And as one of the main fighters he is bound to get plenty of action and cool panels.

I hope I can forgot him soon because every time he appears in a panel I am either bored or annoyed.

He's a great straight man to the wackiness of the SH.

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Greg confirmed that the crew is complete

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Still voaming at the mouth I see. You can say what you want but your nagging and bitching became a prominent presence in the last few threads

I dunno dude, I forget Sanji exists constantly.

Luffy > Jinbe > Nami > Carrot > Sanji > Zolo > Brook > Franky > Robin > Chopper > Usopp

She would be even better

Yeah you either speedread the entire manga in the last few days or you're just a seething hater. No one with a functioning brain can read a manga like this for a longer time and just randomly forget one of the main characters

How did the meme of Shanks hating fishmen start?

It wouldn't be a problem if these characters were at all likable or interesting, and Jinbe is clearly the blandest of the bunch.

>Would people still like Kiku if he was short?
Next question.

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he sure is buddy, he sure is

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The fuck does that mean

that he's a /dbs/ spic

"I'm ESL, but..."

He has no fishmen on his crew and that's it.

Name one memorable thing about Jinbe, one thing that isn't inherently boriZzzzzzz

Neither does Buggy
Or Crocodile
Or Moria
Or Law
Or Kaido

Despite his serious nature he can't make plans properly.

I still dongeddit

Incomprehensible English as a Second Language Babble

user they just asked why Yas Forums made a shitty forced meme, logic was never in place.

No no those crews are all confirmed racist too

>Very competent fighter in water, in a crew with lots of DF users
>Saved Luffy multiple times
>Serious and dependable but silly at the same time
Oh and also
>An official crew member

Jack is a fish

Christ user, are you actively trying to put me in a coma?

Jack is a BITCH

It's about liking particular archetype of characters.
If you don't like him doesn't mean everyone should dislike him.
I enjoy Jimbei and glad he is officially Strawhat now.

Post your top 5 favourite OP characters and others will tell what kind of person you are based on your list.
Mine are


It means you have very low standards and are easily entertained by paint drying on a wall and are generally an extremely boring and uninteresting individual, but so long as you're comfortable with that then you're all good.

It's seriously this one autist in all the last threads isn't it?

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I never really thought about it so this might be very rough

1. Perona
2. Katakuri
3. Brook
4. Pre-TS Chopper
5. Koala

I enjoy watching Jinbei hitting things.
He has the most satisfying strikes in OP alongside Luffy

Peak $oy

No I'm a different one. I haven't been to Yas Forums since the chapter.

You're gay and think Katakuri is hot and also attracted to all cute so you like preTS Chopper and girls.

Bullfuckingshit, he carries no momentum because of his rounded design.



Kek, Katakuri is the only one there I don't find cute

Unless Sanji gets his shit together, Jinbe is replacing him in the Monster Trio.

1. Sanji
2. Zoro
3. Nami
4. Luffy
5. Shanks

How the hell is "I consider, unless somebody else changes their mind" a confirmation of anything

>Former Shichibukai and level 6 inmate
>Ex crewmate of fucking Arlong and the legendary Fishertiger
>Close with Ace and the Whitebeard pirates
>Strong as fuck, oneshot another shichibukai, marines shat their pants when he joined the enemy side
>Saved Luffies life TWICE
>Seriously though he ate a magmafist through the torso holy fucking shit
>Has probably matching scars with Luffy
>fishman so awesome fishman water shooting fighting style
>can rescue ability useres from drowning like the idiots they are
>loyal and experienced
>Big fucking dick to fuck all the haters
You would need to have braindamage to say that he's boring

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If main character bias wasn't a thing, this would probably be the character popularity poll.

What does that mean?

Looks like a mix of someone who loves comedy and memes and powerlevelfagging.

That's all circumstance. Better argument would be that he's an old gentleman who had trouble living selfishly and yearns to be both wilder and free. He does everything proper and melodramatic, and he's always respectful of the people around him, even those he should rightfully despise.

Doing cool things and being interesting are far from the same thing. Only little kids think action = character.

What quirks and intricacies does Jinbe have that put him on par with the Strawhat crew, the most colourful characters in the series? He has history with Luffy, but synergy with none of them.

>is a straight man on a crew that already has enough straight men with Robin/Zoro
>they haven't needed a helmsman for virtually the entirety of the manga up to Big Mom
>his interactions with the rest of the crew sans Luffy are incredibly straight and boring to a point even Buggy has more interesting interactions with them as a whole and would be more deserving of a crew spot
>they never had to worry that much about rescuing their DF users or half the crew would be dead at this point if they had no way to rescue them
>missed out on Dressrosa and is missing out on Wano, two HUGE arcs
Jinbei just feels like a meme at this point, "Yeah I'm totally part of the crew guys, like totally, see you at Raftel where I'll totally be part of the crew!", and then Raftel isn't for another 5 huge arcs or something insane.

big gay

Yeah sure could've said something similar to that too but that would've bored the autist.

You like big muscle men and are gay.
I guess that isn't entirely off?

So instead of saying something smart, you said something retarded. You made a choice.

It isn't, but anticarrotfags are grasping at straws at this point.

what is the term for small gay?


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In English, we use the subjunctive for hypothetical questions, whereas your language probably uses the conditional; in practice, this yields "would you... if she were... " instead of "would you... if she was." If you're the user who translates the French speedscans to English, I'm nevertheless thankful for your work.

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>Entire series-spanning theory based on one picture
Where have I heard that before

What's your problem buddy? How have I triggered your autism? Jinbei is fucking amazing, you seem to have a similar opinion so what exactly activated your tard rage?

>synergy with none of them
Maybe give him a chance to interact with them a little? He clearly makes a great team with Nami and his personality meshes very well with Robins. Chopper and Usopp will probably fanboy him hard and Zoro and Franky will respect his strenght and manliness. You clearly just hate the character and have therefore extremely biased tunnel vision