She's scary

She's scary.

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she's sexy

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Llenn is cute! CUTE!

I miss it

Season 2 when?

used goods


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Karen > LLENN

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I miss her

I like that doujin of her, where she rapes a dude with her 2 foot schlong.

based P-CHAD

Why was this the only SAO show that isn't wet garbage?

Because it had no evil villain and was just people playing video games

It was SAO in name only
Written by author of Kino's Journey
With Kuroboshi Kouhaku designs as icing on the cake

because you're a sheep
bet you watch anitubers too, faggot
but it was indeed a good show

Cause this one is dumb fun that doesn't hurt your brain. Nothing wrong with preferring that.

Because the author wanted nothing to do with SAO and only wanted to use the setting to let his gun autism run wild and kill people without violence.

Written by SIG Sauer.

How would LLENN cope with getting choked out?

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because it doesn't have kirito

>my feet hurt
>this suit is tight
>I wish I was at home getting loli dommed
>these gym sluts think they're cute

A shame hes stuck in japan when he loves guns so much

>Toss someone in a VR game without revealing that it's VR so you can give them PTSD because they're too good at being an IRL mercenary.
Are they not violating any laws or ethical standards here?

When was this?

If you stuck a dick in that, do you think she would bite?

Volume 6
Squid Jam top players were invited to beta test high level experimental AI but the AI were actually human controlled and basically a setup to give a super Merc simulated PTSD so he can retire and enjoy life with his family.


>>I wish I was at home getting loli dommed
implying you wouldnt wish this too

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No, I want to be Karen's big spoon.

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I want Elsa to kick me in the balls and spit in my mouth!

Is this comparable to Bofuri?

No, it's good.

Well the mc here is actually mental.

Nigga are you shittalking AOTS?

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It's a compromise between Bofuri and SAO, closer to the Bofuri side.

Did this sell well? What are the chances of S2?

It’s watchable

Llenn is Maple's noobness with Sally's build.

Both are great shows.

It did well, there won't be a S2 anyways.

No, I'm not.

The production value is decent thanks to it riding on SAO's name.

Not enough material?

Enough for at least two seasons more. user is just a negative nancy.

There's plenty, but that's not how anime works. Success doesn't mean sequels.

So what does


projected increases in sales of whoever's funding the anime production. usually publishers trying to shill LNs

based, ty lads I'll watch it in quarantine

Is the LN finished?

Accel World S2 anytime soon bros...

What? Are you ok user?

Thank fucking god that is never gonna happen.

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Mark my words, it will happen.
Just like WSJ scrapping for Kubo's semen, there's no way they'll let Kawahara material go poof just like that. Especially since SAO and Accel World are in the same universe.

oh fug wrong thread

SAO is popular though. Accel World was always dogshit. If I ever have to see another second of that fat midget again I may seriously consider suicide.

Cope. Accel World was good enough to keep pumping volumes.

Enjoy the fun

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>Drive me closer I want to hit them with my sword.

Still ongoing.

Good you should be afraid for your P-chan.

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