Airs in 30 minutes. Subs in 1 hour according to HS.
Am I the only one who's weirdly excited for this? From the trailers it look like a comfy episodic fantasy anime.
The style kinda reminds me of Last Period.
Airs in 30 minutes. Subs in 1 hour according to HS.
Am I the only one who's weirdly excited for this? From the trailers it look like a comfy episodic fantasy anime.
The style kinda reminds me of Last Period.
Mobage adaptations that give directors a lot of money and the freedom to whatever they like are a surprisingly positive addition to the industry. We'll see how this one turns out.
Seems comfy.
I think a mixed cast is also a good sign for mobage adaptions.
Most of the time, if a show has just one guy and his harem or a girls only cast, it ends up feeling like boring pandering garbage for people who play those games.
ded thread
Gleipnir is probably attracting all the shitposters right now.
>a lot of money
This looks cheap imo.
subs out
>[HorribleSubs] Shachou, Battle no Jikan desu! - 01
Well, hopefully it's got heart.
Look at those sluts exposing their lower halves like that.
cute couple
>obligatory 7/10 fun show with dead threads of the season
I'm in.
>Playing a male healer
Me too. I always like show like this and Bermuda Triangle.
They put a lot of focus on this girls butt.
>dear diary the ass was fat
Nice thighs.
Boys shouldn't have ponytails.
Is this hatena s2?
Boys also shouldn't wear sexy gloves like that, but here we are.
He also has a little ponytail. My dick likes it.
my friend hadena's show is still delayed.
meant for
My friend
They delayed it?
I dropped it around episode 7 or so.
I imagine it already had a shitty production and Corona made that even worse.
>Game was released on October 2019
>It went on a "renewal" maintenance at the end of January until last month
>Never saw it on mobage sales chart unlike the other mobages adaptation this season
I feel sorry for people involved on this.
Last episode is delayed until who knows when.
Well where is the money?
We just don't know.
Why is that dude wearing a ponytail?
This reminds me of Merc Storia a little.
>a fucking crotch window
Best girl spotted.
Preliminary best girl ranking:
Akari > Yutoria > Guide
No wonder she's a lard ass when she did nothing during the whole dungeon run.
It's nice how all the girls have big tits and and different degrees of thigh exposure.
I don't agree, but he's really not doing himself any favours with that girly ribbon.
The size of this girl
>[Muse] Shachou, Battle no Jikan desu! - 01 [720p]
I don't watch this garbage, but that should be better than Funi shit
>everything that isn't super detailed and mature looking is QUALITY
Where did all these retards suddenly come from? I see them everywhere now.
ANY job
>Yui Horie
Instant best girl
Looks like Mile from Noukin but with tits.
That should stay on Youtube. It has much lower bitrate than Funi videos.
Let's hope it's last period tier then.
I have nothing against Yui Horie but she always does same fucking voice for past years.
Except that crazy girl from Ousama Game, now that's peak Horie.
Bernie Sanders finds the way
It's made by chinks so of course.
I know the term gets thrown around too much, but are they actually shills? I see Muse being pushed a lot recently even though the video quality is trash and the subs are ESL tier.
That was a strange episode.
You should actually watch the things you shitpost about. This isn't an isekai.
>modern outfits with plate armor on top of it
I don't have problem with the premises of these kind of shows but the aesthetic laziness has made me skip most of them nowdays.
And Its not that I think there is anything wrong with modern costume with plate armor on top, its as good as any other fantasy attrie or any other round town.
But after the 3456 show with this kind of aesthetic you get tired of it.
Just with giving it a more ancient look, or Swashbuckler style or steampunk or with a sci-fi skin I would be sold
Nice butt.
>first minute into watching this
>the heart of the world,
The episode looked fine to me.
More than shills, I'd say it's simply people who hate the stablished providers of subs (like Funi and CR) for various justified reasons.
Muse happens to be the only alternative. They became popular because their hardsubs included neat typesetting for Bofuri (which is one of those shows that needs it due to all the menus and such), while Funi's typesetting is literally non-existant and they can even leave some stuff untranslated
People also prefer ESL subs when the alternative is what they feel is overlocalized "burgersubs"
I feel people are just pushing Muse because they're the only alternative to the US simulcast sites
They actually got Kumiko Watanabe to voice not-Keroro.
I wonder if we'll see Makoto wearing this later in the show.
I'm gonna need to start making another collection for this.
I wonder would they bother ripping it in the first place myself since watching on Youtube is free unlike CR or Funi which is why HS/Erai exists.
I only said it looks cheap. The animation is just okayish compared to what is shown on Shironeko and Priconne anime PV.
In this case it's justified because the whole premise is "mix generic fantasy adventure guild with modern business stuff (like logos or job positions such as president and secretary)"
Hell. The shot of MC and others in that busboat thing is a reference to modern japanese work commuting
You don't have a lot of money and freedom, the best mobage adaptions are the ones done with a small budget.
Muse is region locked
Pretty fucking generic and not that interesting
Tank/soldier seems like the most profitable job in this world then, getting compensation for all hits.