Public Service Announcement

Due to Gal Gohan ending it has been kicked out of the "Anime When? Propaganda Shill Ad Chart" and replaced with "The Maid I hired recently is Mysterious..." to keep the brown factor. That is all.

Attached: Anime when.png (1500x1000, 591.61K)

Other urls found in this thread:,3&statuses=1&tag_mode_inc=all&tag_mode_exc=any&tags=-41,-38,-37,-30,-28,-14,5,23#listing

I can think of a better alternative

Where is 100 gfs?

Attached: 001.jpg (922x1400, 360.76K)

Not Rokudou or Fushigi?



rokudou looks like shit

Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu

Sell me all those series.

>Boku no kokooro

Who do we think should voice Giji Harem MC?

It already has voice actors

There's this girl who like the oblivious male lead but teases him instead or can't admit it because autism. A fuckton of background characters get progressively introduced. Nothing fucking happens outside 1 in every 20 chapters. Mostly good fanservice here and there.

No one reads that compared to any series in the image.

Wow Konbu, 2 series?!

No Mieruko?

I you want to make that argument then why not Sukinako ga Megane wo Wasureta?

I'm not OP, dunno.

Attached: 86-868325_discord-anime-shrug-emoji-hd-png-download.png (860x769, 379.97K)

Black Gakkou anime when?
I want the magical springboard cock animated.

If we're going by popularity we can use MD to judge that and remake the pic with the popular ones. I went through all the series mentioned in this thread, looking at the views for the last three chapters to do this fairly. Post whatever you feel should be added. I think anything below 100k should be removed making space for other series.

>Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru: 94k + 94k + 66k = 254k
>Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san: 91k + 81k + 63k = 235k
>Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu.: 80k + 81k + 66k = 227k
>Dosanko Gyaru Is Mega Cute: 48k + 43k + 37k = 128k
>My Recently Hired Maid is Suspicious: 46k + 37k + 32k = 115k
>Pseudo Harem: 42k + 38k + 27k = 107k
>Hitomi-chan Is Shy With Strangers: 38k + 37k + 28k = 103k
>Black Gakkou ni Tsutomete Shimatta Sensei: 26k + 46k + 31k = 103k
>Yancha Gal no Anjou-san: 39k + 32k + 29k = 100k
>Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai!: 25k + 25k + 18k = 68k
>Atsumare! Fushigi Kenkyu-bu: 15k + 13k + 10k = 38k
>Sukinako ga Megane wo Wasureta: 12k + 12k + 12k = 36k
>Aharen-san wa Hakarenai: 11k + 11k + 13k = 35k
>Rokudou no Onna-tachi: 13k + 6k + 8k = 27k
>Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu: 5k + 6k + 6k = 17k
>The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You: No Data on MD (Jaimini Series)

Attached: Ku8Cexr.jpg (908x641, 81.31K)

Dosanko doesn't deserve to be there. Replace it with something like Fushigi or Boku no Kokoro. Also kind of strange to have My Recently Hired Maid when it is the same mangaka as Jahy. Also, Hitomi is shut compared to everything but Dosanko. Maybe remove that too.

I'm glad Bisque Doll got so popular. I started reading it when it was a new series I was always expecting to get dropped. I even dumped some chapters on Yas Forums just to try and drum up some interest.

100 Girlfriends is really popular, so I'm pretty sure it makes 100k too in 3 chapters, probably more.

kokoroshills btfo

>yabi yatsu
Kami-Sama this or my killer match

>I think anything below 100k should be removed
RIP Jahy.

Attached: renbts.jpg (499x499, 26.6K)

Jahy-sama's author is a treasure.


we probably would get an oh shit magical girl! ova first

>implying anyone reads Dosanko Gyrau either
it literally killed itself 7 chapters in

Attached: Current Anime When.png (1500x800, 488.48K)

It's the 4th most popular series itt.

I want more bro adventures without the thots

>my killer match
>8k + 7k + 7k = 22k

>That Girl Is Not Just Cute
rated 8.71 page views 1,923,925, list entries 36,718
32k + 33k + 36k = 102k,3&statuses=1&tag_mode_inc=all&tag_mode_exc=any&tags=-41,-38,-37,-30,-28,-14,5,23#listing

Pashiri na Boku to Koisuru Banchou-san
21k + 25k + 23k = 69k

Komi and Nagatoro are the only ones in this image that have a chance at getting an anime

is it that popular in Japan? Nips really do have no fucking taste

>brown factor

so japan is the new target for race mixers globalists ?

Where is Oni-chan is Done For?

I thought about it too, but it's at 92k.

Attached: Screenshot (198).png (432x110, 10.31K)

>There's this girl who like the oblivious male lead but teases him instead or can't admit it because autism.
Why is this so popular? I’m tired of this shit.

Attached: 127CDF0F-38B3-4AB1-BDEC-32306D5540A4.jpg (1200x800, 77.78K)

>24 hours since last chapter
you can't count chapters released in the last few days they haven't seen all potential views yet
you need at least a week

>no Amano Megumi or Adamas
but I like my tits and ass with "plot"

also no Dungeon Meshi or Fat Elf?

But I have for several others like Pseudo or Hitomi otherwise they'd be much higher.

then reassess with the mature data.
disregard all chapter view counts newer than 1 week.

otherwise Fushigi's newest chapter would give it less than 500 views

>Onii-chan is Done For!: 18k + 17k + 14k = 49k

>Amano Megumi wa Suki Darake!: 21k + 19k + 16k = 56k
>Dungeon Meshi: 53k + 44k + 36k = 133k
>Elf-san wa Yaserarenai: 28k + 28k + 21k = 77k

Remove 100 GFs and add Dungeon Meshi.

don't use chapter views less than a week old, it's bad data
amano changes to 20k + 21k + 19k = 60k

Takizawa's tits are 105K
Uzaki's DEKA SUGOIS are 145K

It's still far below 100k.

Uzaki literally has an anime.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 92.29K)

I see, good then

What about an Atsumare! anime?

Attached: fushigi_vol7.gif (600x424, 3.76M)

It will come, I have no doubts about it.

The more pressing question: Which studio and which VAs?

Studio: A1 Pictures

MC - Atsushi Abe
Kotone - KitaEri
Chiaki - Kayano Ai
Suzu - Yuka Iguchi
Nonaka (/chem/) - Rei Takahashi
Tanaka (Gyaru) - Misato Fukuen
Reiko (Morals) - Ayano Sakura

Why does original flavour Jahy have less views than maid Jahy this isn't fair

Attached: shocked jahy.jpg (475x286, 39.27K)

Jahy is a fotm meme manga, people posted their ebin Jahy memes for a bit and then moved on.

Probably the way how Mangadex promotes new series.

I didn't know Aharen was that unpopular.

Because she still hasn't paid off her renbts

Not enough chapters.

Not a gyaru.

The brown meido doesn't belong since it is by the same mangaka as Jahy.

because jahy hasn't paid her renbts

Because our scanlators are lazy and Yas Forums thus gets the translations months before the normalfag sites do

not a condition for entry