Naruto is the gold standard by which all other shounen adaptations should be measured

Naruto is the gold standard by which all other shounen adaptations should be measured.

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...In animation*
Yeah i agree

But it's not.

naruto it is a classic
but no. if some artist wanna try something new, he should

>let narutards post here
>they spam the same threads every day
thanks mootus, even /dbs/ keeps it to one thread at a time

This but unitonically

This but really unironically

second this

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Wait people actually like naruto? I thought it was a meme. Naruto is drivelous garbage and babbys first anime tier

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>moeshitter ruins a good thread
every time

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Funny how you retards always ignore that Trashuto has far more shitty animation than good, and has far, far more shitty fillers arcs than any other shounen in existence.

Doesn't matter as long as good fights are well animated.
just skip it bro

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Absolutely not.

Absolutely Yes

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Fucking hell

Why is it that Naruto dominates all of shounen? Even hxh can't do anything about it.

Narutochads keep winning

>has far more shitty animation than good
Prove it
youre welcome

That's not what Kunai are for REEEE

Forced animation

>cutscenes everywhere
Force Animation maybe

It's an Opening you dip.


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You may as well come out and admit that you've never actually watched anything besides Naruto and possibly dragonball.

If that was the case why does this still sell better per volume?

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boomer anime is trash


t. 40 years old

That's the best you have? You can't even defend your series in any way? You're just THAT absolutely, utterly defeated?

you seem to be angry old man

Good to know narutotards are weak and have no capacity to stand by their statements. Their own series is trash and they know it. But they live in denial.

old gay man lzls

Sakura is stronger than anyone in YuYu Boomersho.

>awkward and desperate attempt at powerlevels between series
Oh ok, you're genuinely autistic then. My apologies for earlier. I was not aware that you were incapable of understanding ordinary social cues.

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it doesn't even sell better than yyh u delusional old bastard, Naruto sold more than yyh per volume

Naruto: 3.47
YYH 2.63
oldtards lose, yet again...

>posting boomer cartoons
your butthurt is showing

Naruto: Ninja Clash In The Land Of Snow
Is better than anything that came after Shippuden

Why are people still talking about Naruto? What is there left to say? It came, it sucked, it ended.

it doesnt even sell better than Naruto*

yeah yeah run along child the chads are talking.

Boruto is unironically better than anything in this thread.

Please go watch monster or dragon ball super please this is not for you.

Kill yourself, retard.

Why is this echo chamber thread of one guy replying to himself still up?

I don't know what Monster is but DBS is the greatest anime ever created. I don't see why you would bring it up as if that was a bad thing


Come back when you have a higher IQ, this place is not for you.

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Yas Forums is tsundere as hell about Naruto, whenever someone actually points out how objectively bad it is everyone gets massively ass-ravaged.


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>Literal SEASONS of filler

Filler is just anime going on break , every anime goes on break.

Complaining about filler as if it was 2007.
c'mon man you're not that retarded, are you?

fillers are the best part of the show

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Naruto bored me when I was like 10 and it was just starting to air.
Before Naruto the only other anime I despised was sailor moon, but only because it delayed DBZ by half an hour on the variety show I watched, therefore pushing it into the time I had to get school and therefore making me miss DBZ.

It was that bad.

>Naruto bored me when I was like 10 and it was just starting to air.

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Someone post the one where Sakura fights the puppets
I'm genuinely impressed at how well they animated this

2002 was a looooooong time ago now.
The hatred of Naruto literally drew me here over a decade ago.

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