People actually watch shows made by this garbage studio.
People think that this studio might improve or deliver.
People don't realize that Toei is a Nigerian sweatshop disguised as an animation studio.
People actually watch shows made by this garbage studio
Other urls found in this thread:
It's an amazing studio, fuck off with your bait.
Retard , enjoy consuming garbage.
>Toei didn't keep archived copies of literally the most popular anime franchise in the world so we have to rely on recordings from Japanese basement dwellers and official release never ever
Yes they should be beheaded in the streets, but they're literally too big to fail at this point (barring another Japanese bubble burst)
>i don't watch their shows
>but some youtuber told me they're bad
Thanks for letting us know faggot.
What fucking tuber ? Toei is objectively trash, i don't need anyone to tell me that
How am I supposed to know where you're getting your obviously second-hand opinions from?
How can anyone defend Toei ? Are you blind or retarded ?probably both.
The only way i see someone enjoy a Toei show is of they are both blind and retarded.
Based , Fuck Toei
Nothing says "I have no argument" like resorting to insults immediately.
Precure's great though. I don't give a shit about garbage like One Piece and Dragon Ball.
>Thanks for letting us know faggot
>Nothing says "I have no argument" like resorting to insults immediately.
big think
Show me on the doll where the jirenfag touched you
Hahhah le funny epic chaden maymay.
No amount of maymays can save the trash that is DBS
What have you ever done with your life, user? At least they created something useful in their lives. All you can do is shitpost.
Am not a Billion dollar worth animation studio though.
It's always Dragonball fans
They are the equivalent of Marvel. They have the most successful franchises and always deliver the same mediocre shit, but retarded consumers will eat it anyway.
They make weekly episodes and One Piece still looks good. If they would adapt it seasonal, it would even better. It's not a bad studio, just look at Dragon Ball Super: Broly
No ,no ,no no marvel puts the some tiny little amount of effort in thier movies.
Toei is just irredeemable garbage .
They are blinded by nostalgia.
I see
the Narutard is assblasted again that the superior studio is getting its deserved recognition
seethe more
>One Piece looks good
What universe do you live in ?
One piece anime stopped being good after Skypea, and unwatchable after Thriller Bark. Maybe you are just used to their shitness, but I personally can't stand only having 3/4 of manga chapter and 15 minutes of filler/pointeless stretching per episode.
Wano does look good for being weekly
Nobody ever defended Toei here before DBS crossboarders and their blind fanboyism invaded this place
Don't know about Wano but if the first 800 episodes are garbage , there is no way you could ever make up for it.
DBS threads should be moved to Yas Forums
>the studio that made Doremi
Okay faggot
But I liked Majin Bone and Tiger Mask W. They delivered more than I expected.
I think they are better now than they have been in the last 10 years.
>studio that gave us Ikuhara, Hosoda, Igarashi, SatoJun, and Yamauchi from the Sailor Moon and Doremi era
Shit taste
ok pedro
>I don't watch anime
>watching WT anime before season 3
>get to the other world invasion arc
>episodes are 15 mins of flashbacks followed by 5 minutes of content
Toei haters are shonentards mad that they put more effort in kitaro and magical girls
Sorry, Janny, but Toei simply is a better studio than you instagram filter spic sweatshop. They are a company that actually cares for its employees.
That's valid, except KyoAni is also well-known for treating their staff well.
> they treat their employees well
first of all , i don't care how well the treat their employees their output is garbage , secondly it's probably because everyone who works there get hired through nepotism , Toei is probably a money laundering scheme.
>their output is garbage
You don't seem to realize how much Toei actually produces, make, finances. Your favourite anime was very likely financed by one of Toei's subsidiaries. Be grateful, you goddamn vermin.
I wrote this as a joke but i looked it up and Toei is in fact a money laundering scheme , imagine my shock !
What's with the weird spacing, user?
Tbf they re constantly producing shows so I can see why the quality of some of them plummeted (One Piece).
But they have no excuse for being so greedy and impacient with every major franchise they owned.
The constant milking of Dragon ball and the early animation of Super was embarrassing too.
But if it wasn't for them we probably wouldn't have adaptations for long running Manga so at least there is that
>hired through nepotism
How the fuck does one find a hardworking artist through nepotism.
They don't, and that's the problem.
>I can see why the quality of some of them plummeted (One Piece)
Quality can't plummet if it wasn't good to begin with
Tax avoidance isn't money laundering.
>t. Dragon Ball loving spic
Toei is hot garbage. Anyone trying to defend this shit studio need look no further than Hokuto no Ken (triple takes and QUALITY everywhere), and the TV airing of early Dragonball Super and Sailor Moon Crystal season 1 (literal Marchen Madchen/Imoimo tier ""animation""). This studio is a joke, it's a miracle Precure/One Piece don't suffer that level of quality but they look JC Staff tier at best.
I'm fine with a bit of Quality every now and then , the problem is that their directors and animators suck
They used be decent.
Like 30 years ago
When it comes to animation, maybe. Fist of the North Star had some noticeable, but funny (to me at least) "animation" like the the POV of someone who had his pressure points struck by Kenshiro. Other than that, I enjoy their anime adapation of some Leiji Matsumoto's works like Space Pirate Captain Harlock and Galaxy Express 999. Too lazy to find scanned and translated manga for either of them. Don't care for One Piece and any editions of Dragon Ball though.
>Hokuto no Ken
Not sure what standards you use for weekly long running anime that is what 35-40 years old? I guess Saint Seiya and Dragon Ball were better productions from them but they came out later. They did the original Transformers and that is notoriously quality
>Dragon Ball Super
>Sailor Moon Crystal
Everyone agrees these looked like shit. (The later seasons of Crystal weren't even good they just weren't that bad)These were also 5 years ago and they have obviously restructured and improved since then. The Broly movie looked great and I imagine the SM Crystal movie will too.
Digimon Adventure: and Kizuna also look fantastic ( a vast improvement over Tri) and I have hopes given the Dai no Daiboken teaser
After you have compared other little girl shows of the same type, will you find out whether the quality of Precure is good or not, or are you asking the little girl show to be the same as Shōnen shit?
The audience level of CCS is older than Precure, but if you compare CCS CLEAR CARD and Hugtto Precure in 2018, CCS only has 22 episodes, while Precure has 50 episodes. Is CCS SAKUGA more than half of Precure?
Does that mean MADHOUSE is not as good as Toei
They had a good streak that sadly ended with Nadja. Precure dying could potentially save Toei.
CCS had no shitty looking episodes. Hug had quite a few. Most notably the climax of the only arc people cared about.
>CCS had no shitty looking episodes. Hug had quite a few. Most notably the climax of the only arc people cared about.
In fact, there are few SAKUGAs in the entire CCS series, and the SAKUGA scenes do not add up to 60 seconds. Many dynamic frames have very low frames. In fact, CCS animation production costs are not high. Compared to Hugtto Precure, TV and two theater editions a year, the SUKUGA scene is close to ten minutes
You can try to find the SAKUGA scene in the CCS animation and see if you can make more than ten SAKUGA webm
Clear Card looked consistently decent. Hugtto had nearly 10 MINUTES! of sakuga and looked like garbage for several entire episodes.
Lol , Madhouse don't do Sakuga bcause thier average animation is Sakuga tier
>Clear Card looked consistently decent. Hugtto had nearly 10 MINUTES! of sakuga and looked like garbage for several entire episodes.
You don't need to say anything else, come up with WEBM to prove that the animation of CCS is very good. The 22-episode animation can't even get the 60-second SAKUGA scene, so don't say it is a good animation
Precure sakuga.
>the only shonenshit I care about got stuck with Toei
Some of the action looks nice, but you have to sit through several hours of bad pacing to get to to it. Might as well just watch a highlights reel of all the best parts.
I hope the new director is as good as everyone says he is at least.
Why is CCS without SAKUGA a good animation?