ITT: Post some special feeling interviews in snow

ITT: Post some special feeling interviews in snow.

Attached: 14d.png (680x383, 466.91K)

Other urls found in this thread:特別な気分

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> спеціальний доповідь
Machine translations at their best

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Is that a new meme?

Why is that pretty girl so tall?


This was such a cute meme. I wonder what happened to the couple that was interviewed.

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it turned 6 this year

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Why do you think it need a reason?

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Is that an old meme I missed then?

Thank you

Chances are they've broken up by now. These hoes ain't loyal.

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I should have done the search first, baka me特別な気分

Congratulations, you've find the source.

Attached: want-to-embarass-your-girlfriend-on-valentines-day-tell-the-world-about-your-special-feeling.jpg (599x448, 73.23K)

still the best

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This aged poorly.

My sides

I don't recognize or know the character, care to explain me this meme?

It's 8man, it's "literally me: the character".

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Did he become a normalfag or what happened?

>Did he become a normalfag

Still don't get it. At best I read it as "hate me". Also 8 man look like it's a really old story.

new cd when

Attached: special feeling.jpg (1024x640, 563.97K)

>Still don't get it
"Hachi" can be read as 8 in Japanese
Hence 8man. Kind of like how the mangaka Nanashi is sometimes referred to as 774.

I'm sure you are answering trustfully my question yet I'm no closer to understand the joke is built on. Is he alone because he is such a loser, cause he killed his girlfriend or something?

Bullshit it has been that long

Is there one for undead unluck yet

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Kyon and Haruhi are so cute together

Could've sworn it was older, I thought the meme came from 2012 or something.

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As far as older memes go, I like the cicada block.

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LOL gayest gundam mc, and gundam had traps mc and shotas before.

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Meme are insane

it would be the other way around

I think this fits the post-Disappearance situation

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Came here to post this, nice taste.

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this is wrong, momo should be the one embarrassed

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This is a trend among many of these pictures

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Why people bash on him though what a bunch of retards, he was being sweet.

In a country where holding hands or showing affection in any way in public is seen as uncouth and lewd, this guy might as well be giving her a french kiss while looking at the camera.
For real, though. Yas Forums by and large is built on Japanese internet culture. Slight hostility towards anyone who can get a GF or BF is pretty normal.
"Die, normies button here! ~ 5000 likes, hundreds of TFW no koibito responses submitted"

I like Paolin and Ivan

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I think they are cute, her ships are usually him or BR since she hangs out with them more, it is easy to think that she might get with one of them when she is older.

See you all in 2022.

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See ya user! Stay safe.

Will do fellow T&Bro/taibani user

lol deluded s/u/bhumans

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Bullshit, it's been around longer.

We need more of these.

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>daft punk
Do people actually ship them?

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Uh oh

>kill la kill started airing 7 hears ago


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