the only good episode so far was episode 5
this show is trash and so is this thread
I like trigger but hate furryshit. Is it worth the watch?
Because only women are for rape, at worst sex with animals should be consensual, meaning you being a female and getting rammed by a horsedick, that's the way things are.
>just finished episode 8
Nani? Aren't we stuck on 6 episodes?
Have you ever actually looked into that stuff? It's pretty disappointing imo because horses cum in just a few seconds of stimulation.
Haven't really, I've heard rumors that if you take it in the ass you eventually die though.
>you eventually die though
as opposed to all the people who don't eventually die?
I meant death by horse cock.
Why do furries have the highest rate of cognitive dissonance in any online community? They're all happy jacking it to fantasies of fucking animals, in some cases actual beastiality or zoophilia, a lot of them are into cub or diaperfur art and if they aren't they all freely associate with and share sites and communities with people who are.
Yet you put one cute and funny anime drawing in front of them and they run around like headless chickens screaming CP and that it's literally child abuse and that Tron Bonne is a child abuse victim because of it etc.
I don't fucking get it at all, is it all a ploy for them to fit in with the tumblr/discord trannies/sjws (that they have a high amount of overlap with) and pointing fingers at other fetishes to take some sort of moral highground. Just go take a look at /aco/ or even /trash/ here (both are well established tumblr colonies), anyone who posts any cute and funny pics get chased out by furries in an instant and then they go back to posting about how they want to fuck their dogs. Meanwhile based Yas Forums and Yas Forums have cute and funny threads all day long.
This is entire thing is a metaphor for Jews
>hated by everyone
>kicked out of countries since the dawn of time
>forced to live in their own ghetto
>believe they're the chosen people and that their special god will come and save them
I like both furry and anime, a lot of people do. I don't let such things bother me.
Don't forget the other side of the coin as well, the retard in this thread repeatedly screeching yiff in hell, all furries will die, etc when nobody was even talking to him.