
did you like the first ep of the Remake

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How old is she, user

They need to make Adventure:02 and bring back those sexy spandex shorts.

02 Hikari is 11 in the original Japanese, 13 in the dub.



why is this so hot

No. I expected to relive a comfy isekai adventure before they became a chore to watch, not to see unexperienced kid saving the world from nuclear annihilation in fucking episode 2.
Also .

Hey guys, sure hope nothing bad happens to production.

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sounds based


>anything made by Toei

Attached: be4.jpg (600x364, 41.22K)

My expectations were rock bottom, but I was pleasantly surprised. Though that's also because I 100% expected it to be its own thing and be a remake in name only. I don't mind giving it a shot.

Things escalating so fast is hilarious though. You'd think preventing nuclear winter would come after the gang got together. But nope, gotta do it by the second episode. What's next; Digimon hacking biological labs in China?

Jail is not based

Thought crime that doesn't involve jews still isn't punishable in 2020 in most of the world.

Wasn't bad at all, I like how the OP focus on the only protagonist that actually matter.

These were exactly my thoughts. After Tri and Last Evolution Kizuna, I didn't have much hope but it turned out alright.

>OP with Taichi
>meanwhile, ED

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Digimon Adventure (2020) - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.40_[2020.04.05_04.07.30].jpg (1280x720, 112.35K)

Truly first post is always best post.


OP > ED, he's only there because you need him to make Omegamon.

Only problem is that the OP song isn't all that great, though it's hard when everyone is automatically comparing it to Butterfly.

Agreed, but this is better than burning out Butterfly like they did in Tri.

I'm sure they are saving it when the kids are all assembled and finally go to Digital World.

do we still have no info on the amount of episodes this will have? I'm hoping for a full 50-52

>did you like the first ep of the Remake
It actually has something from the old show. It shows promise actually so far compared to Tri and Last Evolution.

I want to be wrong this one time and see that TOEI can actually do something nice for once.

Why is she such a semen demon?

All imouto are.

Toei tokyo shut down this week due to corona user, production is going to have problems.

FUCK. And FUCK China too for this whole mess.

Music (except for the ED) was bad so not really worth bothering.


she was born in like 1991-92

More like 1990/91. It's impossible for original Hikari to have been born in 1992.

sure, but you're getting YamatoxTakeru whether you like it or not


God damnit, she's absolutely perfect in every way.


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Wasn't she captured by the bad guys to become a breeding vessel? Where's the porn of that?

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How frustrating would it be to have a sister like this?

Stay objectively wrong forever.

Taichi is the model for all onichan.

It was ok but I'd rather rewatch the original, soulful version

Tell me Yas Forums, why does she lusts for her oniichan so hard?

wait what
I've been living under a rock
Digimon gets a remake?
Is it only 12 eps per cour? Please say no

The trait of light as the light for Taichi,
his' cucked, lost both his best friend and lover, in the pit of darkness, the light to shed on him is his imotou.

I see, good for Taichi then. He is so blessed to having a kind and caring imouto.

Remember both Hikari and Taichi have no partner in the end?
I hope they won't retcon this one.

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It was really good, surprised by the animation.

>seems to take place in a generic virtual world
>they're likely free to leave the digital world anytime they want
>introduced le generic virus enemy with no sapience
I'm worried. The first ep was fun, but I don't know if they'll be able to keep up the stakes or get as much investment from me as the original. Really hope those are only red herrings. The slightly unsettling vibe of the og digital world was what made the series

I can't believe Takeru had sex with this!

All I want is for Taichi to breed with Hikari, is it too much?

Get off the Yas Forums, Hikari

Is there a doujin with Taichi x Hikari's love over the years?

Yeah, no incest for you, especially not with a literal cuckold like Tai.

Nope, there is not.

I will when it's dubbed.
Sadly it won't be as kino as the original.

What's wrong for a imoutou to make love to her lovely onichan!

While he having a broken heart , it is the best time for imoutou to ride on his cock!

It was to fast-paced. I miss those times where you could spend five from 50 episodes for a little piece of development. At least agumon didn't have to evolve to his ultra form instantly.

>Be me
>Don't know much about the franchise
>Curious if I should give it a try
>Open threads
Yuck. Guess that's a no.

It looks to be a 2-cour series, that's why. The V-Pet promotion for the show is only running for 25 weeks: