Admit it Yas Forums. even he would be a better protagonist than DeCuck

Admit it Yas Forums. even he would be a better protagonist than DeCuck.

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If he was the protag from the start, this series woulda been axed.

Who the fuck even likes him? Besides the retards of course.

Isn't he the most popular in nipland?

Anyone would be a better protagonist than Deku.

Tsuna is the main character.

Nips are retarded tho.

He will be very soon

This is the Deku betrayal arc


Probably, tone down the sperging and the dicksucking a bit and he could be a pretty good character

Bakugo is good but Mirio exists and he is the embodiment of the meaning of a true hero and the themes Hori's trying to convey.

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People love Bakugou.
Incels hate him.

There are plenty of head strong Protagonist like Bakugo

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Isn't he the most popular in NA as well?

Fuck off Yas Forumstard

He is the main reason I dropped the anime. Maybe if he were the protagonist we would get more of a sense of why he is such a ridiculous sociopathic cunt all of the time so I guess that might have made him slightly more bearable.
Ushio is a good boy. Don't compare him to explosive Sasuke.

You know, I bet most people would be okay with all the Bakuwank the series has if only Deku wasn't such a fucking wimp. I'm not saying he should go full edgelord or that he shouldn't try to become friends wih Bakugo, but he can't go 5 seconds without sucking his dick ffs.
Holy shit it's not even funny at this point.

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He is, the Decucks can stop seething about his popularity.

Pretty much.

Why? Bakugo is an untalented, whiny and lucky cunt, just like Dekucuck. Replacing a beta with a beta wouldn't change anything

All 1st worlders prefer BakuGod, congobro.

He has like the worst costume of western and eastern capeshit combined.

And still better than the DeCuck.

Imma be real with you man Bakugo is honestly one of the worst characters I have ever seen in fiction and I have yet to meet a person who likes him and also has braincells. I think the series would be better if Bakugo was killed by that slug monster the only good thing Bakugo contributes to the series is that without him Deku would never have gotten One for All.

Years later and I still cannot understand why you fujos are so obsessed with this screeching tard. There's nothing appealing about him.

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A literal turd would be better than Deku
That doesn't make bakugo good in any way
He is this generation's sasuke
Complete with the same fans and terrible manga and mary sue treatment

Everyone can't stop

All Might singlehandedly solved crime for a fucking country but he is impressed by Bakugo talking. Its fucking insane

Because they thought he could become something interesting, but inosuke did that and Bakugo didn't. Basically inosuke is what Bakugo could have been

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Bakugo had so much fucking potential its genuinely sad how ruined he is

Because All Might is a total retarded that doesn't even understand what being a hero means despite being the number one

That's why we have Inosuke

I genuinely hate All Might after their interactions

>muh potential

His only potential is to be less of a cunt


OP I think you have failed with this bait thread. MHA is so uninteresting it's starting to lose even haters

Ye old elevens are wrong excuse.

Usually you need one bnhaincel to defend the dogshit
The problem is the only people left who defend this war crime disguised as a manga are decuck self-inserters
And even they wont defend bakugo

Sure, especially with Ochako as the main girl and his love interest!

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Even deku x bakugo is a better ship


Any Deku pairing is shit.

*Bakugo is SO talented and hard working.

>Imagine being this much of an incel.

Women aren't attracted to you.
Nobody can blame them.

Endeavor is better character than Bakuck hope he could ever be

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Looks too edgy


Why are women attracted to dudes who care about them as much as they care about rocks under their feet?

Tfw what we have at home is sexy af.

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He's not in this show.

>Imagine being this retarded
decucks have always hated BakuGOD because he reminds them of their bullys

Luckily for us

Bakugou is intelligent, talented, sexy, and hard working. Choke on your envy incel.

That is what I am saying dummy


The true redpill is realizing that Bakugou deserved all the author wank despite him being a huge fag because he's the kind of "rival" Deku deserves

>Imagine being this delusional

>schizo tries to justifiy spending his entire free time seething about bnha and spamming falseflag posts and threads by making up his own headcanon about the fanbase
Seek help, if you don't like the series, just ignore it and don't waste your time. The "fanbase" you are talking about is mainly made up of schizo hatefags like yourself, you are basically just insulting people who have the same mental illness like you.

tell me how Bakuck a better character than Endeavor?
screaching is not personality


seethe harder, mental illness-kun.

Borning bara wife-beater rapist is boring and stinks of old man. Bakugou is cute gifted boy with spicy personality. SUGOI!

I almost dropped BNHA till I saw this scene.


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>being a huge fag
Mega kek. Bakugou is the one who has rejected Deku's homosexual advances for over 12 years.