The anime didn't do their relationship justice.
Post your OTPs
That ending did them dirty though.
When will they procreate already?
They barely have one outside gags.
Not like they get anywhere on the games either...
Following the events of SoJ there shouldn't be any excuse left not to, if Nick doesn't smash on AA7 I'll riot.
Anime did more with their relationship than Takumi ever did
Top tier
When the games do them justice and the ladder/step-ladder business is solved
They're more of a brother and sister than a couple. Stop being obsessed over fictional people fucking already
Bullshit, there's lots of tension between them in the games.
Cute and canon.
Brothers and sisters fuck
Fuck off. Phoenix should only be with Iris.
i love these two
The anime didn't do anything justice
Phoenix for Dahlia
They didn't do it wright, you mean.
What does Apollo have to do with it?
I thought they got a happy end. I mean the epilogue is pure suffering until the last minute but then the implication was everything was fixed
That's even weirder than what is talking about though
Phoenix was into her as a teenager when he was a completely different sort of person and that's the guy Iris fell for too
PLvsPW is the only time I ever sort of felt like there was any of that to be honest
Literally the best shounen canon pairing, bar none
If you have garbage taste maybe.
For some reason I always liked the idea of him with Fran, though it's basically crack ship-tier I guess.
Crack whip-tier, you mean.
Don't think it's a crackship but it has barely any fans. I like it too.
Absolutely based.
okay, no
Based & Hawthorne-pilled
Iris fucking sucks
Never, Phoenix is a homo-sexual.
Utterly disgusting and delusional. Iris should rot in prison for helping Godot murder Maya's mom. She could've easily called the police or prevent the murder from happening, but no, she went along with it like the wet rag that she is. I hope some "Daddy" lesbo rapes her in prison daily.
Terrorists and lovers.
Ehrm, like, cringe like wheres the poop, ehrm, no dip uggo fuggo lego my eggo
I get angry at well done pairings because I can't enjoy fictional characters having a well-adjusted relationship
Ummmm....excuse me? Are you delusional?
1) that girl is hella lesbian
2) she was raped by a male farmer, and the guy in your pic watched her fuck him
big if true
I noticed that these OTP threads show up on Sunday
You sound cool user
Thank you
OTP stands for One True Parentage, right?
Here are you canon pairings.
Based and truepilled.
Bonny x me
I hope we get more animations like this in AA7.
I hope we get AA7
Yeah, maybe play the games first. There's nothing and the only romance is his crush on Iris. Seek help shippercuck
Despite the burger localization fuckery, they aren't actually in US
The only scene I can think of was when he said she looked good in a MAIDO outfit.
I haven't played PWvsPL. Anything spicy happen?
Haha imagine telling Pearl to channel Mia for sex, then while doing it raw, she runs out of time and you get your dick stuck on Pearl's juicy, tight cunny. Haha and imagine that you would end up just finishing the job because she's just 8 and can't get pregnant haha.
It's all just a joke of course, please don't put me in a watchlist haha ;-;
Not that user but in the Layton game Nick & Maya just have really good banter with each other in particular. Nothing especially romantic but it displays their relationship in general pretty nicely.
Gotta be ready for anything
CC aka Cute & Canon