Self explanatory, though this could also serve as the de facto M+ dumping grounds for tomorrow.
Alliance thread
I got up to chapter 80 and dropped sorcery fight. I think I should give it another try but am too lazy to do so. I'm a lazy fuck.
>MeiMei is gonna die
>Aki is gonna suffer
>Akira is back
Hard and sad times coming, lads.
You finished the best arc and dropped it right there? Weird
co co co co coOOOOOMFY TIME
>M+ dumping grounds
At last, my time to shine has come.
>Aki is gonna suffer
Well that's normal
>Akira is back
Kek. But yeah, I'm both looking forward to and dreading Mei and Aki's moments to shine since they belong to my favorites.
I don't know, it felt like generic (as all shounen are bar a few), maybe my expectations got the better of me which is why I've been thinking of giving it another try
> is back
What are you on about?
>meanwhile in Jump SQ
Not loli Hina is cute.
Yeah, it's more conventional shounen than AA/CSM but the flashback arc hooked me and I've been liking the last 40 chapters or so a lot ever since.
If the flashback arc didn't do it for you JJK might just not be for you.
I think the alliance hype has been killed.
Not really in love with the latest CSM chapter.
I don't really care that he offed the redshirts and the Lesbians, but Beam and Violence were just starting to get enough personality and plot attached to them for the reader to start caring about them. It was just premature to take them out now.
I'm more sad about all the stuff that didn't happen with those two than I am that they died. Hopefully their reincarnated forms will play a part in some manner.
The JJK chapter was really good though.
And I am just starting to dig into AA. Pretty nice so far. More psychological than I was expecting.
>AA nothing to discuss and no translations yet
>CSM has generals now and everything has been discussed to death
>JJK action heavy and barely any posters
Shikata ga nai. We should probably make separate threads.
Glad you like AA. How far are you?
>Not really in love with the latest CSM chapter.
I have the same opinion. The last couple of chapters have been pretty good, but this one just feel somewhat forced. I hope I'm wrong, but Fujimoto seems like he's starting to burn out a bit.
Only a handful of chapters into it. Kei is nicely autistic.
I don't know if its burn out. I hope it isn't.
I'm holding out hope that Fujimoto is setting up something with the Reincarnated Devils for later. Otherwise this will be just kind of a waste of characters.
Its not like there is a big enough cast to get away with that either.
>not exclusively getting attached to main cast members with plot armor
Heh, you fool ;_;
Mei-Mei is too hot to die. She hasn't even crushed my skull between her massive muscular thighs yet.
You're going to get Getou crushing her skull between his massive muscular thighs and you're going to like it.
I'm not really attached to them. And that is the problem.
The redshirts were of course going to die, and so were the antagonists.
But both fiends were just starting to get personalities and plot threads attached to them. If Fuji wanted to just kill them off then he should have not wasted the time that he spent on them. But if he wanted us the readers to get affected by the deaths in a substantial way then he should have done more with the two of them before going through with the killing.
As is I am more annoyed at all the things that were set up that are most likely not going to be addressed than I am saddened by any of the deaths.
These threads are so embarrassing.
Every thread until Gojou gets unsealed
CSM fan here, think I'm gonna pick up Act age. I just watched Smile down the runway and I'm wondering is Act age similar to that, and is it better or worse?
I think they are similar in the way that they go full shonen like with a premise such as acting/designing. There's way more less drama here.
I like both series but I like this one more.
Sorry what do you mean by way more less drama
which one
Act Age has much less drama, that's what I meant.
Just how I like my coffee
Embrace it.
Who should adapt AA and CSM in your opinion?
JJK already confirmed to be Mappa
inb4, JC Staff and Pierrot
It's gonna be A1 or Cloverworks for AA and for CSM I honestly have no idea, maybe WIT.
Can somebody post that Getou (I think that's his name) face where he pulls off his hair to reveal a bald head.
From what a I read.
Agravity boys > CSM > Mitama > Black clover > Yokozura > OP
>le ebin underdog alliance!!
Based Agravitybro
You could just search the archive but I'll be nice this time.
Thank you. It absolutely cracks me up every time I look at it.
This face actually made me read Jujutsu and I was pretty disappointed it is an edit and not a real thing.
You read JJK and you barely remembered Getou's name and couldn't tell it was an edit? Shame on you.
But yeah, I like it too.
So many people had no faith in Ashihara's ability to adhere to narrative satisfaction only to get blindsided by one of the most amazing and cathartic climaxes to a battle shonen tournament arc I've ever seen in a manga. It feels so good.
>JJK already confirmed to be Mappa
It's not.
I admit I speedread it and I'm bad at remembering names.
I read 30 chapters and I have a hard time continuing. I can see it's good but I can't seem to get into it. Are there even character deaths?
>muh normal guy beating the top team because of a plan that every other team also comes up with
Osamu is the most overrated shit in shounen, he's special not below average or normal.
You know it to be true. JJK will be adapted by Mappa with CGI models and put on Netflix.
The only casualties are one antagonist and some support staff offscreen. The worst the cast has to worry about is getting spirited away by aliens with almost no hope of returning.
All the flavors of the world and you chose to be salty.
His overpowered friends are his special above normal powers. As great as his character is you can't move forward in a battle shonen without packing some kind of firepower, so Yuma and Chika are there to help the squad make progress together so that he isn't forced to grow at an abnormal pace.
Asumi Rizu and Sensei?
22i butchered Makima
But his Kei is so goddamn cute
What happened to Tom?
He took the Jujutsu Kaisen anime production money for himself and ran away with it.
>more suffering
I kinda want a JJK thread for Mei. But it'll die. Like her.
Chiyoko a best!
Mei Mei is not dying, ChadUi Ui is there to save the day.
>Mei Mei is not dying
Just accept it already. I give her no more than 3 chapters.
We need to meme her death hard enough to repel it.
You mean memeing her to death?