Why is Toei so stupid?! Why are they milking Adventure so much? Why can't they do something new that don't sell well?!
Why is Toei so stupid?! Why are they milking Adventure so much? Why can't they do something new that don't sell well?!
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adventure was the only good one
Not the only good one, but digimon fans hates to kniw that adventure is the only way toei can make money again with digimon.
When's the dub out? I want to relive my youth
1 > 3 > 4 > shit > 2
Dunno about the rest because I grew up.
Based taste user
Eh, classic digimon died with 4, which is why after all of the new series failed spectacularly they just decided to nostalgiabait with Tri
Incorrect, tamers is 10 times better than adventure
So when are they going to reach summer camp?
>implying that Tamers is bad
why don't Toei adapt the game into anime than milking Adventure
>Cyber Sleuth anime announced
>they use the male protag
Because unlike Pokemon, Digimon isn't a billionaire company who can take many risks
>under120k tweets
>>translating into sales
come on user
A game that sells barebones as opossed to adventure?
I didn't like that decision either, but clearly Toei was hard pressed for time to resolve the Etemon arc and get all of the crests by then, and they only had 6 episodes to do it in.
For your argument though, the crests signify where the characters are lacking and how they need to grow. Yamato cut himself away from interacting with other people since his parents divorcing and losing his little brother was too painful for him. Yamato was hellbent on smothering Takeru, whom he only just reunited with in the camp and was stuck in an unfamiliar and dangerous world with. Yamato was confrontational or emotionally cold with everyone else, especially Taichi, who foolishly led the entire group into dangerous and risky situations that could get Takeru killed. Yamato's arc was learning to let Takeru go and grow up, getting over his trauma, as well as authentically connecting with other people and taking the emotional risk of possibly getting hurt over a greater reward of bonding with them. It was initially Jou at first, but Yamato also learns to connect with Hikari and Sora as well, and eventually Taichi.
With Koushiro, he was too obsessed with knowing everything, and he closed himself off from people due to a similar trauma (his parents' death). Koushiro experimented on Tentomon, ignored the other children, and sacrificed nearly every human connection he had for knowledge. Koushiro's arc was learning to pursue knowledge in a healthy way, and to apply that knowledge for the betterment of humanity. You see this in later arcs, where Koushiro's intel was extremely important in the fights against Vamdemon and the Dark Masters. He was a central figure in saving Hikari's life.
Yamato and Koushiro got their Perfects during those important times when they learned what they lacked and what they needed to do (open up to people and believing in others, and using knowledge for his loved ones, respectively).
The Takahashi guy is the best one by far, holy shit.
anyone else really thrown off that they're opening the series by adapting our war game for some reason
Did you get all this just from watching the first episode of the original digimon, just asking? Too much effort to shit post
Takahashi was channeling Yamamuro's old drawings instead of his current ones
Are they?
Super had a mess of production problems right from the get-go, due to the massive demand for it and the relatively short production times for episodes. You had Super episodes being worked on a week or two before they were set to air. Super is an action-oriented series that involved a constant need for fluid, dynamic frames. In the end, it was a big fucking mess. Furthermore, you had Toriyama's hands-off approach, telling Toei to do whatever the fuck they wanted and only intervened if they did something contrary to his wishes. (For instance, Toriyama insisting on Caulifla's creation because Toei wanted a Broly-esque character in Kale, but Toriyama didn't feel Kale should be assertive. Hence why Caulifla was not present in the opening at all.)
Super still did very well overall in the ratings and merchandise, but as an anime it is a complete disaster. Popular, mainstream anime suffer a lot of production issues. Toei had to completely restructure its animation department for Dragon Ball products due to Super being a constant drain on time, resources and staff.
Digimon is a different beast of a series; there is no real pressure for it to succeed, it isn't as merchandise-driven or time-constrained as Dragon Ball Super was. There aren't a lot of fights or action sequences. Digimon's story is a very simplistic one and doesn't need to do more than advertise the characters. Plus, this series wasn't on a 3-month warning notice like Super was after Resurrection F. It is going to be fine.
Because that's what they do best, milk the shit out of the peak period of their biggest licenses, just look at Dragon Ball, you remove all the gods shit of Super and it's just a Z revival
Can't fault your taste though.
Tamers is better than Adventure.
It looks like Takeru & Hikari won´t join in the battle yet.
>There aren't a lot of fights or action sequences.
They said that the action and fights were a bigger focus this time around.
Takashi is peak super.
In the first episode of the original series, every character was at a complete loss of where they were, what they are doing, what Digimon are, how Digimon can evolve, etc. In this series, the characters instinctively know what to do and how to handle the crises; they aren't really growing as people or changing but rather going through the motions.
Taichi and Koushiro have already displayed competency and conviction in this reboot. Koushiro knows what to do and how to apply his knowledge for the better. Taichi is determined to protect his loved ones and is putting himself at risk, not foolishly and haphazardly like in the original, but as someone with prior experience. The kids already have their crests and are already personifying the traits that previously took them an entire series to develop. While we don't know what these characters will go through in the reboot, it doesn't seem to be as hindering or heartbreaking as the original. The thought of a military weapon being fired mere minutes after realizing that Digimon are a thing should overwhelm them.
Taichi used his digivice to power up Greymon?
tamers and savers are better than adventure.
Takahashi is the best
Tamers, yes. Savers, no.
yes, thats what digivices do, power up digimon
How are they gonna handle Algomon (perfect) next episode?
So is this a fucking reboot or not? It both does and doesn't feel like one considering Agumon already knew who Taichi was and Koshiro's PC upgraded after getting his digivice
The digivices are just a tool for the kids to harness the actual power within them that makes evolution possible. Humans can make Digimon evolve without digivices, but it is much harder.
savers is absolutely better than adventure. better protagonist, better antagonist, better overall story. adventure is still the third best series and the gap between it and the rest of the series is wide, though.
Rate the opening and ending
>Episode 1 is an intro
>Episode 2 is literally the fucking OVA where Tai/Izzy/Matt work to stop a third nuke from hitting Japan (cept this time it's global stakes)
I dunno. Feels like a remixed route to me
They already knew in the original too. Why are people forgetting that?
Tamers was beyond dumb. I mean, why those retards even go to the the digiworld? And then everyone in the real world tried to save then, despite the fact that some adults encouraged them to go. I mean, what am I watching...
fuk matt
It's a reboot. The partner Digimon (in the original) were programmed to already know about and bond with their human partners. Agumon knew who Taichi was in the original even without ever meeting him. It's the same here. Koushiro's PC was updated because the Digivice willed it. In the original, Koushiro had to update his PC manually, and then later got a analyzer patch from Gennai.
Why is the ending only 1 min, fuck. Lowkey should have been the op.
>How are they gonna defeat Algomon (perfect) if not reaching perfect evolution level as well?
Champion fusions
In Tamers did that
In Adventure it had the to power up only through evolution & "holy powers".
Summer camp will take place later as well. Likely ep 3-5 since tais already packing.
OP 7/10
ED 5/10
Imagine if the series is just one big omegamon wankfest
Check the OP, no need to imagine.
How is ed 5/10? Tanimoto sucks ass, he shouldnt be doing the op.
That would be kino
Cute Mimi.
I meant more than usual, with like 30 more combinations.
As far as non-Wada OP goes,
Never Give Up > Going Going My Soul > this one
>too small brain for Tamers
If my boy Joe doesn't win the Mimibowl in this one, I will be mad.
No butterfly or braveheart? I am surprised that Toei didn't use it immediately for more nostalgia wankfest.
Probably because I haven't seen Adventure in years and also the fact that they already had their crests
Song was boring and the visuals were meh
"You've created this thread about me and my friends' lives much earlier than I expected."
Still waiting for the waifumon harem show
They'll play it during some key events.
Nice reference.
Savers's first 10 or so episodes were complete slice-of-life, and they didn't delve into Tohma or Yoshino's personal arcs until the second arc started. You also had this strange narrative mess of Mercurymon trying to destroy humans, Kurata's abrupt introduction, the Hyper Bio Evolution trio, the forced Masaru/Tohma rivalry dynamic just to emulate Adventure, a dark evolution for ShineGreymon to emulate Adventure, Belphemon, and the Royal Knights suddenly showing up out of nowhere when they should have intervened much earlier given how many Digimon are being killed and Belphemon being revived. Yoshino didn't really have much of a character or a story arc aside from that one episode where Lilamon appeared. Tohma was forced to have a rivalry arc with Masaru for no real reason other than to have them fight later on, with the only difference between them is how they approach solving problems. (Unlike with Yamato, who was constantly frustrated at Taichi's recklessness and incompetence due to them being in constant danger by his guidance.) Ikuto quickly bonded with the main cast after Mercurymon died despite spending his entire life in the wilderness with human-hating Digimon. Burst Mode was a stupid gimmick to artificially extend the life of the series because everything was resolved by Episode 38. The Royal Knight arc was a boss gauntlet that had no real stakes aside from two worlds collapsing into one another; there were no actual antagonists or evil Digimon here.
The story was an extremely simplistic one and too derivative of Adventure; hell, the main cast were mostly older expies of Adventure protagonists. The characters didn't have much room to grow on their own. Savers did one thing: it tried to save the series but even that didn't work on in the end. A mature Digimon series like this doesn't work unless it can stand on its own legs, which it clearly can't.
What if Tailmon is now a rookie and her evolution chart is:
>Magnadramon as champion
>Angewomon as Ultimate
>Ophanimon as Mega
>fighting random blobs in episode 1
>fighting random blobs in episode 2
Insert song are spoilerific, like they announce who´s gonna win when the song plays.
This episode battle had it´s tension.
BASED Adventurechads cucking shitters
Your idea is gay and you are most likely gay
she's listed in the third box on the site so no
Magnadramon should definitely get relegated to a champion
Sometimes champions and ultimates can be promoted or demoted to a different tier but there's no real room for that in Tailmon's line. There's no reason she can't have slide evolutions though since she has obtained a lot of beast data already.
I mean I'm not shitting on it if you like it that's fine I personally just thought it was meh
Is Koushiro going to win the Mimibowl this time?
So it's a REBOOT? No way!
With they would've created new evolutions for everyone for Perfect and beyond.
Going through Agumon -> Greymon -> MetalGreymon -> Wargreymon again is kinda boring.