Boku no Hero Academia

What did we all think of the new number 1 hero's episode?

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10/10 episode until the Seven Quirks moment

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Big DADDY Endeavor HEATS up one STRONG boi.

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I cannot take it anymore guys, I'm sick and tired of people sharing stupid memes like this.

Why? just why?
why are normalfags so full of hatred against endeavor?

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natsuo obviously got Endeavor genes though

great episode. show needed a break from deku being a cringe lord


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>anime only fans are still defending that whore who tried to kill his own son Shoto


>quirks the bed

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Endeavor hate was always nothing but a loud minority. Dude trended worldwide in twitter this morning.

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Why is this boi so precious?

>why are normalfags so full of hatred against endeavor?
Why do you care about normalfags?

Bones is a shit

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Who's going to be the next character to scream plus ultra?


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Where's Geten?

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they make the gross the the fanbase, this is literally the only place where I can discuss this show without finding biggotry against endeavor

the worst part is how deku looks. i hope they will remake this scene next season


I hate Bones

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those aren't normalfags, those are tumblr rejects and freaks.

Yas Forums should be the only place you visit.

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>tfw you remember Shiggy's shoes got dusted in the Deika battle and we'll never see them again

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Voice acting, OST, Direction, Everything was perfect. It was a great way to finish the season. Fucking hell I even cried.

EnjiCHADS simply CAN'T stop winning

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Much better than the last season ending, that lame fight against gay Mirio

His second pair of shoes, rip.

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>endeavor ahead of iida is peak homophobia

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on her way to rescue the jobber

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best episode of the anime, you cannot compete

That legitimely one of the most evil things I've seen a female character say in anime.

Jesus Christ.

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Touya had red hair

When did eri learn to do that?

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doesn't natsuo say that

>if dabi doesnt kill endeavor
hateful motherfuckers

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so what does she do in that clinic? just hang around like Jack nicholson in the movie "one flew over the cucko nest"?

Dabi could kill Endeavor. Kill him being a dissapointment.

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Geten is male.

His son was the one who said that.

correct, he's either pushing the antianti-endeavor meme or he's a speedwatcher who complained about Gentle being the "hardest to fight"

but Natsuo said that, speedwatcher

Natsuo is even worse than Dabi. What a failure.


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Have you seen her penis to confirm?

Dabi is somehow finding new ways to job so i doubt he can kill fucking anyone.


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Have you ever seen a vagina? No, so I'm gonna assume he's male. And a cute one.

Kirishima is a lucky man.

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What is your favorite character favorite videos game?

Geten is the cutest girl, have some respect for him.

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Yes he is

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but he goes to college

>endy: slaps your wife once
>dabi: burns people alive like a maniac
"wow hes so cute! i wish he was my bf"

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Spinner probably plays MOBAS

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Is Dabi supposed to be a hero?

Where's Best Jeanist?

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>"wow hes so cute! i wish he was my bf"
this is exactly how girls think

Yeah, and who's risking his life to pay that college. Ungrateful cunt.

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who cares, Dabi will eventually switch sides.

Natsuo said that you fucking failure.

Yeah, women act like that.

Where are they going?

To Eri's bedroom to make love

why are you so triggered

Babysitting Eri

Shut up, incel.

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Why do they even leave the bedroom?

I'm redpilled.

still coping with the fact Bones cucked ur boy for a throwaway fight? kek

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>speedwatcher inceldom

I don't even watch the anime, how are you coping with the cgi boats and vikings?

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If only you were cyanidepilled.
