
I just watched the first episode. What's the appeal and what's the demographic of this series? I didn't like it.

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>what's the demographic of this series?

What kind of series do you like?

It's shit dawg. Watch a good SoL like pic related

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It has its use. People who work dead end jobs just want to relax and not think when they watch this kind of stuff and not feel lonely for 20 minutes.

>What's the appeal
It's cute girls playing music and doing cute things, minus the music. What's not to like?

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Uh idk. I used to watch almost everything but recently nothing interests me

Men in their twenties who want to relax by watching cute girls. Seems pretty obvious

>what's the demographic of this series?

It's okay. I don't get why some folks call it a religious experience, but different strokes, etc.

Now what I do have a problem with is folks who pitch a conniption fit when you say you don't think it's a religious experience.

>It's cute girls playing music and doing cute things, minus the music. What's not to like?
there's nothing to like. you are a pedophile if you enjoy this shit.

There's no appeal. Go watch Ika Musume.

they're 16

It's overrated baby's first SoL. It lacks comfy to be a full iyashikei and it lacks the humor to be comedy. What you have is a mediocre shit with above-average animation as far as the SoLs are concerned.

>It lacks comfy
Wow, this is the most factually incorrect post I've seen in a long time

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>What's the appeal
cute girls, great animation, amazing character interactions
>what's the demographic of this series?
>I didn't like it
watch more anime first

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I didn't say it didn't have comfy, I said it lacks comfy to be a iyashikei you illiterate fuck. God you fuckers are insufferable

If you wanted to say that, you would have needed to put something in-between the words "lacks" and "comfy" that indicates you are speaking of a lack of a certain quantity, rather than of the concept as a whole. The illiterate fuck is you, and your opinion is shit, too.

>what's the demographic
Chad Thundercock
Clearly you're too low test and low IQ to appreciate it.

>It lacks comfy to be be a FULL iyashikei
>no indication of degrees
This is your brain on keions

One note characters with phoned in dialogues are sure amazing

pretty much this
I had a classmate back in undergrad who kept telling to watch this series. i never did, cuz i spend more time deciding why not to than actually watching anime. he was a good dude, i wish i kept in touch.

Your indication of degree is misplaced, retard. Regardless of what you intended to say, what you actually said is "Because K-On lacks comfy, it is not a full iyashikei." This implies that you think that a show's status as "iyashikei" is based on not only comfiness, but on other unmentioned factors as well.
Your hilarious syntactical failures aside, your opinions and taste are still shit.

you are fucking retarded
k-on never tried to be iyashikei, its just a normal slice of life

Maybe something like dragon ball is more of your thing.

Chill anime fun characters to cosplay

dropped it after episode 6 when they had their first concert. they played as a band now with an audience. achievement unlocked. what more is there ???

Already watched that


cool story, bro

>What's the appeal
Cute girls doing cute things with impossibly high production value.
>what's the demographic of this series?
Yas Forums
>I didn't like it.

Attached: littlegirls.png (1090x1080, 348.32K)

it's cute

K-on! is a wonderful coming of age story with amazing character development and lots of love put into it by the people who made it. It went above and beyond in adapting a mere 4 volumes of an admittedly shitty source material and turned it into an anime that defined a generation. I mean this when I say it, if you don't like K-on! you don't belong on Yas Forums.

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I too know how to use the GNU Image Manipulation Program

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AKA a generic slice of life

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Five (5) (V) cute facts about Mugi-chan!:

1. Mugi-chan a cute. A CUTE!
2. She is mai Keionfu!
3. I love her!
4. Mugi-chan!

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You're a huge faggot. K-On is really soothing and the coming of age aspect of the story is extremely emotional. After watching show after show, nothing comes even close to it. I fucking wish I could actually watch something top this after all these years

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It's comfy, that's what it is. If you like intense fighting and action scenes then you need to look elsewhere.

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K-On! becomes better after seeing K-On!!

I think mugi's going to have to slap the bitch out of the bitches in this thread.

Kill yourself, Digibro.

>what's the demographic of this series?
18 to 35 year old males.

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For example...

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>what's the demographic of this series?
It has no charm, no characters, no comedy, bad art, and generally feels like watching the paint dry. The closest thing that comes to mind for comparison is Eromanga Sensei.
It's also presents the girls as cute moeblob daughterus, but then also sexualizes them, so I guess another demographic is neckbearded pedophiles.

But Eromanga Sensei was AOTS, user.

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Good job at creating the bait of the century.

>she knows

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I just learned what iyashikei is and have concluded that all the anime’s I don’t like are iyashikei animes

Think again, OP.

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>just learned it
just fuck off already faggot