The whole crew, finally assembled again.
One Piece
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Aren't they missing the desert princess?
Get ready Kaido
Kikuchads cant stop winning
Sabo's taking good care of her!
You mean the crybaby with the same hair as Buggy?
>winter clothing
but it's april...
Carrot is missing.
She's right there.
Mmm... Someone's missing.
vivi is currently being escorted away by the revolutionary undercover agents, lucci and kaku
>No Sunny
Adamfags BTFO
Do we have this page without the one piece logo yet?
why do you cry so much? pathetic
I don't see there Vivi.
*LE kaido
Ok I'm thinking he's based
why the fuck did zoro only get a single panel this chapter
>no fucking new clothes
>spends the entire arc doing nothing with the whore
>gives up his black blade for the aids sword
and no he isn't even in the chapters, fuck oda
she isn't a straw hat
He will oneshot Kaido so it's okay.
>"oi kaido, guess who got the cooler-looking color scheme... GUFUFUFUFUFUFU"
What was the moment you knew Jinbe would join the crew?
>One piece threads post chapter are just filled with falseflagging and shit flinging
Reminder that Gaimon and Sarfunkel will join after Luffy declares his island part of his territory
when he said: "i'll join your crew after i take care of personal business"
also got his background relegated to a sbs corner kek
Damn. I was expecting him to be orange and purple.
I had major Ally vibes when he told him to look him up once he went to FI.
Him showing up in the story.
It's a given Luffy will have one of the shichibukai since that's a big dick move and Jinbei was the only "good" one of the lot.
Plus having a fishman in his crew is a statement.
The only thing missing now is a logia.
>The only thing missing now is a logia
Once Vivi rejoins, Karoo will have that spot covered.
So you still didn't think he would join after the blood transfusion scene and Luffy directly asking him to join? Are you actually retarded?
Why do people say Carrot has no goal, her goal is to help the straw hats bring about the dawn of the world. The thing her master Pedro died for.
Not yet
based and friendshippilled
>Why do people say Carrot has no goal,
Because they are idiots who speedread the series.
>So you still didn't think he would join after the blood transfusion scene and Luffy directly asking him to join?
well that was basically his immediate response after that so i did, actually
Zorofags are a class act.
This being Zoros arc is partially a zorofag fantasy. Not that Zoro will not do some cool shit, but Kinemon is more of a main character in this arc than Zoro is.
Wish Viz never censored "Okama Way". Who in America would it even offend?
>implying that buggy's hair aren't super fabulous
Well, Boa wasn't going to join the crew, but already having her hanging from his dick was pretty much like having a Shichibukai on the crew.
trannies and faggots would find a way
>This japanese word can't be literally translated into English? Quick, change it to something retarded because we can't respect our audience enough to believe they can use google
Viz in a nutshell
>well that was basically his immediate response after that so i did, actually
It was the next chapter. That means that in the time it took to skip the translator promotion pages and the cover page, you were still unsure about it.
That's absolutely retarded on your part.
It's very abstract
Don't forget how he's "Kami Eneru" not "God Eneru".
Oh yeah, because the "religious types" were totally reading manga when those volumes came out.
Zorofags want a second flashback like sanji had and some crazy bloodline like sanji has, which would be retarded Kek.
I would rather have Zoro be a self-made orphan and that backstory he has is enough.
>Mr 2 ends up appearing in Wano
>the same fruit that the Kurozumi used to screw up Wano ends up screwing them in return
Wano Cuni chads...
Where are we located?
Hey opfag how do you feel when recent shonens like KNY and MHA are more popular and better than One piss? everybody around the world loves that two than wan piss
considering how long it took to get him abroad, i guess i was in the right after all
No all I want is a cool fight
Now that I see it I realize I never actually thought of what color scheme he would have had up until now. Can't say I expected green and orange.
Near the end of marineford really, he was always sort of the loose end of all the other Impel Down allies. This nigga Jinbei took a magma fist for Luffy, that and Jinbei was the one who reminded him he still has his crew even though Ace has been gone.
Jinbei's a cool character and a good dude, and deserves to be on the crew. My only reservation about him is that he's so powerful and experienced it's like having your dad on an adventure with your friends. Even taking in account of the older crew like Robin, Franky and Brook. There's something particular about Jinbei that does feel like he's just so experienced in comparison to literally everyone else, it sort of feels like he's going to have to be the second in command just based off of power, experience, and intelligence.
also viz
>9 red scabbards? who would want to read that, make it Akazaya Nine
how many trilbies do you own
that would be sick
>Jinbei was the only "good" one of the lot.
Don't forget Luffy's wife who would never be allowed to join because Luffy finds her too annoying.
Which world zoomer, America cause that's the only place your statement might be true...In Europe, Middle East, Asia there is only one manga people follow.
reminder it's levely and not reverie
zorofags literally only need a fight where zoro convincingly beats a relevant (currently: high yonko commanders or admirals+) opponents
thats all, they will forgive all oda has done that arc in exchange
Kikuscholars are the smartest in the world.
this guy REALLY should be a straw hat
>the virgin viz's "g-glorified harlot" versus the chad toei's "YOU FUCKING WHORE"
10 more chapters until Wano becomes as long as WCI
34 more chapters until Wano becomes as long as Dressrosa
then read a manga for adults
wtf why?
the will of c will press on
I easily see it surpassing both in length given where we are.
Jesus, Dressrosa was this long?
Monkey D. Luffy: Fourth son
Roronoa Zoro: First son
Nami: Daughter
Usopp: Third son
Sanji: Second son
Tony Tony Chopper: Youngest Son
Nico Robin: Mother
Franky: Father
Brook: Grandfather
Jinbe: Uncle
The only members missing would be a grandmother, aunt, cousin and possibly another daughter.
How many chapters until bird cage?
He is a seasoned captain of a pirate crew famous enough for the Marines to want him as a Shichibukai
that would be extremely kino.
now we can prove how shit was the pacing in dressrosa, wano is much better
It was over 100 chapters.
The Void Century of the manga.
16 until the eruption of Onigashima is introduced as this arc's timer.
Only one
Big Mom activates her Soul Bubble to surround Onigashima, meaning that anything leaving gets their entire lifespan taken
According to who? Random user on a chinese cartoon forum?
Counter question, why not?
it's just a matter of the next sbs for franky to get demoted to uncle while jinbei smashes the archaeologist pussy
I fucking hate arc timers, only time they worked was in Thriller Bark with the sun.
Jinbe with a grandma wig looks fine. Not much of a departure from his usual hairdo.
marineford was 31 chapters. its pacing is probably one of its most impressive elements. it feels just the right length. can oda make the onigashima war similarly well paced? how long will the onigashima war be, knowing that oda has said this war will surpass marineford in scale?
Not until the tank comes out.
I would like an exposition panel of Carrot at least talking to someone about this dream of hers. Something like her talk with Sanji at the end of WCI, but meaningful for her this time.
yeah this is sort of my critique of Jinbei as a whole, I guess. I feel like he's had his adventure already. Robin and Brook have had long extensive history before being strawhats, but it's relatively really minor- which is weird saying about for Robin of all things, but Jinbei really is that storied in terms of One Piece characters. Jinbei sort of fits if you consider him like the last superpowerful dude you get at the end of an RPG before you take down the final boss, so I'm not too bothered by it I suppose.
we, only get those until the volumes are release, so in about 15 weeks
>wants Enel to be addressed as "God" since that's a literal title in the land of Skypiea
Wano had less breaks
Marineford had a lot of inconclusive fights/scuffles so I doubt Oda can do the same in Onigashima, he obviously wants some of the Straw Hats to shine against important opponents so he'll dedicate more time to showing off their full fights.
Wasn't Brook already older than Jinbe when he became a skeleton? He even has similar circumstances, becoming the captain of a crew after the loss of the original captain and ship.
And we still don't even know his full past.
cute and funny poster
>Cute bunny raptor girl
"O Cum My Way"
same, coincidentally, i'd like it for it to be with jinbei, taking into account just how young and stupid carrot is i dubt she has a good idea on what the dawn of the world means, and not only is jinbei a seasoned adventurer but the sun also has a lot of meaning to the fishmen, he could be a really good mentor to her, pedro left a really big impact in her life, but he wasn't around for much
also, carrot is like a young female luffy, i'm sure jinbei will like her
put down the mountain dew, it's making you jumpy
X Drake - Allosaur
Page One - Spinosaur
Go (Five) Fish - Plesiosaur
Crazy Eights - Ankylosaur
All Fours - Triceratops
Masked Deuce - Deinonychus
but i am
He always gave me strong nakama vibes from the moment he met Luffy and was also introduced alongside Ace, but the way he helped Luffy not kill himself after Marineford solidified it. Ace literally asked him to look after him
Based Papazuki
>Go (Five) Fish - Plesiosaur
that's not a dinosaur, but i'll allow it since it would be sick
>- Plesiosaur
Poor bastard.
>that's not a dinosaur
And neither are pteranodons. Your point?
>Go (Five) Fish - Plesiosaur
how will it even work?, there have never bean sea animals a zoan for obvious reasons, is basically locking them into the hybrid form only
Do the Japanese have Uno?
They even share having served their countries as soldiers, Brook-Jinbei is the new dynamic duo.
Looks like a tranny. That's all you need to know.
Akainu is the hottest man in One Piece
Wonder if the rest of Brook's past before the Rumbar Pirates will ever be revealed.