What's your favorite thing about Konosuba?

this scene pretty much sums up why i like it. Kazuma being a self-aware equalist and his crazily animated fast-talking rants. Then they throw in the rest of the equally crazy cast, each with their own particular flaws. Also I usually hate/ignore censored lewd cartoons, but i dont mind it this time


I made an arrangement of the first season's ED, if anyone's interested. I fell in love with the track the first time I heard it, and I wanted to try something with it really badly.

Attached: 1577465999679.png (1920x1080, 3.27M)

The second seasons ed reminds me of home

Because its a story about four lovable goofballs with personality disorders stumbling around a dangerous fantasy world.
Also because it has Aqua

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Season three when?

right now *unzips dick*

>I didn't care much for Darkness

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Attached: AquaSmug07.jpg (1920x1080, 366.97K)

Nature's Beauty!

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I want to rape Darkness and cum inside her while sucking her tits