How do you feel about SEVENS being the story of a kid living in a Chiene like regime trying to give everyone EGAO with card games?
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Interesting if they actually exploit the potential. So far it's comfy to watch.
firewall is a better ace than seven road magician by looks and effects wise. (complete package)
Apologize to based Yoshida. This shit will end up being a much worse ZEXAL.
not until he explains the point of specter.
Well yeah, nothing will ever be better than Zexal.
Zexal was great. Stop memeing and pretending to be retarded.
light saves the day?
>apologing to the Shepher of Yugioh
Fuck off and kys too
This is what I was thinking, worst show since Zexal. Maybe next time we will get another masterpiece like 5D's
>doesn't understand the point of spectre
VRAINS wasn't that hard to understand
I think Romin is by far the most beautiful and cutest YGO girl out there. Yes, she's hotter than Aki.
I can't disagree more.
it didn't kept ygo alive at all. in fact it destroyed the fanbase. LK's memery made people hate every other series that wasn't DM. people who liked abridged didn't even bought the merchandise nor watched the other shows or read the mangas.
it took duel links to make those faggots to start liking what they previously hated without reason. a bunch now understand why the synchro era was good by opening access to the extra deck to decks that weren't able which made 90% of the decks better from the get go.
same thing happened with Xyz and if DL adds Zexal the reaction will be the same
Watch more anime then I guess. It was a pretty basic sci-fi plot with AI and instrumentality.
No I get the basic plot, it just falls apart when you try to inspect it any deeper.
Ok if you get the basic plot and you understand the characters then that's all that matters. Who cares how VR and consciousness works? It's all magic anyways like every YGO.
well it just seems like spectre was too crazy to take anything he said or did as being important or influencing anyone's development.
If 5Ds is so good why isn't it more popular? I'm being serious. I haven't watched it.
Where do you get the idea I said ZEXAL was bad? Out of all the series this one apes ZEXAL the most and it already lacks a lot of the charisma and charm ZEXAL had, hence a worse ZEXAL.
It is. A lot of the western fanbase loves 5Ds and it's right behind the original. It's decently popular in Japan although not as much as original gx and zexal.
Spectre's issue was that they did nothing relevant with his character. He was just the wacky subordinate to the rival. 95% of his value, like most of the Vrains cast, came from the promise in his backstory.
Should I even try to watch this show? Will there ever be a Yugioh series for adults in the future?
Only time will tell. For the time being Sevens is comfy and isn't tied to the main game so I'm enjoying it.
They had a chance to make the rush duel exciting. I think if it was presented better it would have made a bigger impact as the first episode. They botched the BEWD and Kaiba expy too.
The entire franchise kicked off with a manga published in a shounen magazine (i.e, a demographic aimed at kids and teenagers).
If you want an "anime for adults", you're not looking in the right place to begin with.
why is fucking YuGiOh of all anime the one that manages to do CG right?
Don't get me wrong though, the CG monsters that only appeared in one or two episodes still looked like ass, but every main character's monsters looked pretty good, why can't CG anime look like that?
Why isn't it more popular in Japan? Is the second half that bad?
Im glad Yu-Gi-Oh is back
CG monsters aren't jarring to look at compared to mecha or people.
Is it just me or is Romin pretty sexy here?
>How do you feel about SEVENS being the story of a kid living in a Chiene like regime trying to give everyone EGAO with card games?
Oh no.
Japan love 5ds because it has a lot of memes but zexal had more memes and more gays.
>series for adults
>this series is supposed to be a culmination of 20 years of YGO anime
That sure wasn't a first episode worthy of that title. Who the fuck decided to give a big project like this to random who's?
>The gang spend most of the season fucking around doing random shit
>It all somehow manages to step on the government's toes
>Final boss of the season actually loses his mind because none of the gang know why he's there
It'll be great
Romin is sexy all the time
Wait for the third episode. There's even a countdown for the special date. Im expecting an anniversary Opening like the one in ARC-V
was choosing to move away from mainly shilling the tcg/ocg a mistake ?
Rey, Shadolls, Orcust sells more than any of the anime archtype, OCG/TCG don't need the anime.
>OCG/TCG don't need the anime.
but they have been shilling this game since DM, why break that now ?
Gallop collapsed. If we are to get another Master rule shilling show they need to get their stuff together.
Yes, rush duels will never reach the heights and thrills that master duels have.
Prob because Konami didn't feel like creating another mechanic for the main game, if they are not creating another mechanic may as well not use the anime to shill the OCG/TCG, what would even be the point?
I will say that yes they could the 20 year to shill the old DM anime but again, they make new cards for Dark magician/Blue eyes/Red eyes every year anyway.
All the elements save the day, light was just the one Yuuga was missing.
>Prob because Konami didn't feel like creating another mechanic for the main game
they don't need a new mechanic to shill the real game (look at gx)
>if they are not creating another mechanic may as well not use the anime to shill the OCG/TCG, what would even be the point?
to sell cards ? a era doesn't 100% need a new mechanic, they can just tweak the game with new rulings like they did with master rule 5 and that was received very well by the players even without getting a new mechanic.
Well, he did get rid of everyone's penalties.
There will totally be a repeat of the situation in this EP but with DIVINE element this time right? Can't wait for God cards to make a come back.
>tempted to try salvaging the speedsubs with an least tolerable typesetting pass
>start wondering if it's even worth it when the actual script TL is still garbage
>Wait for the third episode. There's even a countdown for the special date. Im expecting an anniversary Opening like the one in ARC-V
Anyone else think the opening is really good? it's catchy and full of energy, gives me GX opening 1 vibes.
ngl that opening alone gives me hopes for the series.
Romin seems like a bit of a red herring.
Good first episode. Any word on a video game to help market the new product?
Yup I like it too the song+visuals is really good
I'm a little curious why Yu-Gi-Oh cities keep letting companies run everything.
>Kaiba rents out a whole city for his tournament
>LDS does the same, but also has hard light stuff installed everywhere
>SOL Technologies pretty much owns their entire infrastructure
>Goha Corp has monitoring drones everywhere
In a world dominated by card games it's only natural that the one who controls the card game has absolute power.
Dibs on the girl wearing thighhighs.
it's konami self inserting
Yay more clips.
They bothered to have Sevens Road Magician reach 7000 ATK just for the sake of Sevens, there better be DIVINE monsters eventually since Rush Duels make them a piece of cake to Summon.
Middle part reminded me of Inazuma Eleven Openings regarding the voice and instruments. Although, I liked the Ending more but that's me.
I hope the next duel is not done in 2 turns like the first one.
Somewhere Kaiba is crying
Why? First episode was pretty decent. Storywise far better than first episode of VRAINS.
corporatism is the prevailing religion.
GX actually where the game have rules that stuck to this day. Even at the end of DM the game haven't taken shape yet. You can say that DM introduce the concept but it was GX is where they actually start advertise the real game.