City Hunter

Is this series not really popular outside Japan and France?

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Yes OP nobody has ever heard of it or seen that famous live action adaptation with Jackie Chan

I always got the impression that it was a Lupin clone. Is it?

Not at all.

If it were really famous, it would have got a digital release on Funimation, Crunchyroll, or Netflix.

If anybody is familiar with the franchise, it's probably from the live action Jackie Chan movie where he dresses up like Chun-Li.

The only popular series in the west are on streaming platforms.

Which season and episode has Kaori getting her ass bitten by a dog?

That poor dog.

Not enough for people to guess it in “post an anime without posting it” threads.


Only kiddos from Yas Forums partake in those bad threads

I've been wondering as well
>In an episode of City Hunter, a guard dog bites Kaori, ripping the seat of her pants.

It's famous in French speaking contries, It's kino btw. I wonder why it's not famous in burgerlands.

it's kinda famous here in Italy too, at least to people from my generation, I was born in '86 and everybody I know used to watch it

Maybe it's because there are too many "mokkori" acts that American feminists would complain about it.

Jesus is better.
I got tired of the "lmao mokuri " blueballing schtick after a dozen chapters or so.
Angel Hearts was too father&daughter and not enough father&daughterfu

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Jesus was cool in Until Death do us Part too.

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because of muh SJWs

I only used that board for a week at most, and after I got into Yas Forums
So I dispute your claim.

I dunno.
It's fun and charming.

I think it's in the episode where Kaori has to steal a land deed from a rich politician who wants to close an orphanage. It's pretty funny since it's the anti-Cat's Eye.
I just looked it up, it's S2 E37.

So is Hojo Tsukasa done drawing for good?
I mean after 84+ volumes of City Hunter, I can understand...

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Whoa, thanks a million, user.

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>84+ volumes
This is where Miura should be at. They only started 4 years apart

Definitive City Hunter TV shows OP rating:

>City Hunter OP1:
Nice light-hearted song and visuals but not very iconic compared to GET WILD. 7/10
>City Hunter OP2:
Catchy but forgettable. Nice art and cool sound effects. 6/10
>City Hunter 2 OP1:
Great song by PSY S, Ryo blows up a helicopter. The best (also best season). 10/10
>City Hunter 2 OP2:
Good song and great-looking (nice exemple of 80's anime shading and coloring). 8/10
>City Hunter 3 OP:
Good song again, plays up like an action scene, cool as fuck, Ryo blows up a helicopter. 9/10
>City Hunter '91 OP:
Light-hearted one to finish with a generic 90's anime song. Best part is recognizing various girls from previous episodes (lawyer best girl). Also Kaori's ass. 5/10

This is a shounen manga MC.

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Too bad he only fatheru for 14yr old Xiang Ling even though his actual waifu's soul is living inside her

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i got bored halfway through the first season and had to force myself to finish it out of autism

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It's kinda known here in Burgerland, but being limited to physical home releases meant that it's audience was limited to collectors.

I also recall some scalpers at conventions charging insane prices for the ADV Films DVDs after they went out of print.

Ryo is one handsome-looking dude.

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>Great song by PSY S, Ryo blows up a helicopter. The best (also best season). 10/10

I see you are also a man of culture.


City Hunter is probably the only Shounen Jump manga I found more relatable as an adult.

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its popular in my heart ;_;

Had mostly to do with it being limited to physical home releases with ADV back in the day here in Burgeristan.

Can confirm. I've seen some of the DVDs at booths for upwards of $75~ more.

Went to a showing for Shinjuku Private Eyes at a local convention last year which had a lot of people unfamiliar with it and they genuinely loved it. It's more or less that it hardly has had exposure in the US outside of niche circles of fans.

Hojo still draws shikishi and doodles here and there.

he is very cute yeah. i have a crush on him and kaori no homo


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Even though it's popular in France, the french dub sucks badly desu

That's one of the big reasons its big in France in the first place

Dub was so bad people fell in love with it and got to know the source material better


Discotek has it, so we may see it on Crunchyroll soon.

Isn't known as Nicky Larson in France?

Yea it's Nicky Larson in Europe

Was it one of AB's better dubs?

I have only seen a few episodes so far. I like the stylish blend of comedy and seriousness/smoothness. But from what I hear, the show drops that in favor of being just a flat out comedy later on. Is that true?

It's okay, user. He's probably made everyone bi

Oh you know it. He's a majesty of a man

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How can one series have so many 10/10 tracks?

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Once saw some dude selling ADV's City Hunter 2 set for nearly 200 bucks at a convention. Nearly had a fucking heart attack.

There's more comedy latter on but it's still an action show.

Jesus fuck

I think boomers know this series and the jacky chan film

I saw the LD box set for City Hunter 3 at a fraction of that price at another booth

I don't really understand the thought process of reseller scum.

Reminder the movie outsold and beating Code Geass Resurrection movie last year.

Did ADV get the OVAs and movies, as well?

If anything, I'd resell a thing like the DVD for about... ten or fifteen over the OG retail price so someone can get it without breaking the bank

I've heard Discotek got them, as for ADV... not sure.

I think they had gotten everything except "Death of the Vicious Criminal Ryo Saeba."

I'm shocked that Neo-ADV didn't get it before Discotek did.

I guess Sentai didn't wanna bother

I haven't seen it yet but I like the atmosphere I'm getting of it and I found the OP awhile back and love it.

I still really like 'Get Wild', it's a great song. The stylized from Shinjuku Private Eye are great, too. The thing is, Ryo feels like a very 80s character, and he feels a bit out of his element the further we get away from that. Even the movie made his schtick seem faintly ridiculous / dated now, the way James Bond is struggling to stay relevant.


a god among men

There was a Korean live-action series, but it takes an ENORMOUS amount of liberties. Like, the protagonist has Ryo's incredible accuracy, his revolver and his coat, but it's all grim and serious and shit.


I question why you'd take the name and lose everything else about the character, since he's a vigilante assassin in this one.