Anyone else seen this? It seemed like cliche D&D style fantasy shit when I first heard the premise, but even though it is indeed sorta that, it's still really fun.
Record of Lodoss War
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I watched it back in the 90's. It's got charm and depth beyond modern fantasy (including isekai) and frankly you'd best stay away from Deedlit, she's been my waifu since 1992 so BTFO.
>Anyone else seen this?
People are still acting like this is some kind of obscure anime? Anyone that watches more than seasonal shit has already seen it. It's a known classic.
The original anime dub of this scene is hilarious because the cleric was so deadpan. She's falling into this pit and everyone is all DEEDLIT! except for him. It's like he was the least-involved person there, it was just "...deedlit. no."
all I know of it is the SOTN style game made by the luna nights guys and that one pick where the dark elf fucks deedlit, so I'm gonna assume its a masterpiece
>Anyone else seen this?
I welcome another ROLW appreciator, but man, this show is probably one of the most watched old shows out there.
I remember going into I think it was Sunrise video and they had the complete box set on VHS for like 300 bucks.
Go watch Vampire Hunter D if you like this.
Good usage of BTFO. One to admire.
read this a few times if you were born after 95
>Anyone else seen this?
What a weird way to start a Lodoss thread. It was shown on the sci-fi channel back in the day, and it's hardly obscure.
the characters and plot are just completely horrible cliche, I couldn't bring myself to watch it for more than a few minutes
it's generic jrpg the anime
the art has a great period character and I like seeing frames from it, but sometimes the classic anime "gotta get as much use out of this cel as we can, so just pan it across the screen slowly" thing really bugs me
The BD version is so nice.
can't remember anything besides
>Io sono prigioniera
I'm watching now and about halfway through. It is horribly cliche. Even back in the 90s when it was aired anyone who was into fantasy even a lick would have been put off by it.
I suppose back then it had the appeal of being "anime" fantasy and unique in that aspect, but now you've got dozens of fantasy anime and hundreds of fantasy JRPGs and VNs to play through and it does nothing unique with the setting.
Deed is cute though, so I'll finish it
It's literally a pen and paper campaign you absolute casual. Goddamn, modern isekai shit really does rot your fucking brain.
My anime crush since I was 10 year old.
This. It's absolutely the most cliche fantasy story but goddamn it, fantasy is nice.
except when he burns down his house, that shit could spread to other houses and easily make Parn responsible for several people dying.
People who complain about cliche are often really just missing the entire point of why cliches exist. Because it works. It's just nice. It's sincere. A story that doesn't try to SUBVERT genre conventions and instead focuses on being honest will always stand better than any self aware, ironic deconstruction parody shit.
>Io sono prigioniera
always gives me shivers.
Also you ever notice how important fire is as a visual metaphor. Parn burns down his home and stands behind the flames. His first encounter with Ashram is also tied to fire.
I attack the darkness!
the BEST opening of all time
insane track, timeless, GOAT
Ending track was really nice too
tangent, but the reason why older films (and animation) upscale so well is because it's literally the film medium.
TV shows, anime, and movies filmed digitally don't upscale well because it's literally a fixed size and you get all sorts of artifacts, banding, and fragmentation as a result.
The second half is a huge mess that's almost not even worth watching
It's a heroic battle against a dragon and raid on enemy empire. It was great.
>People who complain about cliche are often really just missing the entire point of why cliches exist. Because it works.
The reason cliches exist is because they're easy and ROLW never wants to spend that much effort on its characters or story.
It spends more than enough time on both. How much more info do you need? Do you really need to have every character stop the plot to exposit their entire life story in their own little mini arc.
Good god, I didn't even realize that I'd read it wrong until you pointed it out. What's this site done to me?
They don't do fantasy like they used too.
>The second half is a huge mess that's almost not even worth watching
Depends on the series, I guess. The OVA is just 13 episodes, and it's relatively solid straight through. The ... 27? episode TV series is a lot weaker because they cram a bunch of additional characters into the series.
The biggest problem with the TV series is that they wasted a little bit of every episode on those dumb SD shorts. It's a few minutes every episode and it's adds up fast.
Still one of the best selling LN’s ever
I do wish they'd translate the others. The first one was a fun little read. Lotta love in here if you're a fan of Slayn or Woodchuck.
>The biggest problem with the TV series is that they wasted a little bit of every episode on those dumb SD shorts. It's a few minutes every episode and it's adds up fast.
I bet you hated Naze Nani Nadesico, too.
Naze Nani Nadesico was an important plot element of the series that happened like three times and was part of the main story. Lodoss island are dumb little shorts not tied to the main plot that just eat up the run time. They are completely different and you're a moron.
>I do wish they'd translate the others.
When I was in japan it took me a bit of effort to locate the novels, but I translated them all.
I released them to Yas Forums back in 2005. Some user stripped off my "translated by" and stuck them behind a paywall site.
The site's gone now, but I learned my lesson: never translate anything for Yas Forums.
I imagine they're out there on the net somewhere. Good luck finding them.
>you're a moron.
Given a choice between being a moron and literally not liking fun, I think I'll take idiocy.
What's your take on the "official" translations?
>Finds old anime
>"Why is this cliche and like a lot of anime?"
Every fucking hour there is so many retards that cant critically think. The show was the archetype that everyone trues to emulate.
lmao this "archetype" existed with LotR, Forgotten Realms and all DnD shit, Shannara, Dragonlance and a billion other things that predate it and already were cliche by the time RoLW came out even if it was one of the first to do these things in anime form
I said effort, not time. Although it really doesn't spend much time on characters, ROLW is absolutely focused on the plot first with characters a distant second. It works out fine, but that's just it: it just works out fine. It never tries to be anything more than okay, and pissing on people who see something that just strives to be fine and want for something more is dumb as hell. There's no superiority in liking it any more than there is for being unsatisfied.
You guys ever read the shoujo where some elf chad comes to cuck the main guy?
That's alright. Leaf my waifu is cuter anyways. Even though the story she appears in is kind of weaker.
looks fantastic but it's a mess
The OVA's are fucking glorious and among anime's peak.
>What's your take on the "official" translations?
I *think* some official company like yen press or whatever picked up the record of lodoss novels, but since I don't need english I never really looked into it.
It's been my experience that no matter how well a translation is done, there's always something lost- subtle wordplay, contextual humor, so on and so forth- this is especially prevalent in works that take place with japanese characters or in japan- there's a lot of cultural shit that you're simply not going to get because you don't live there and you don't "get" why they're a big deal. It's like trying to explain DEMAND PENIS to a complete newfag that wasn't there for it- something's just going to get lost, and you're not going to be able to adequately communicate why it's even a thing.
Just look at the image attached. It was a running meme back 10 years ago that *everyone* got. Do you get it? Can you explain why it was a big deal back then in a way that makes it relevant now?
Most people jump on the Pirotess ship, so I'm fine either way.
What are some similar fantasy anime?
>What are some similar fantasy anime?
There isn't too many out there. Honestly the first one that came to mind was Grancrest Senki which ***might*** fit the bill?
It's literally a D&D campaign made into an anime and manga. FUCK YOU.
So many terrible fantasy novels are just D&D campaigns lightly reskinned, how does that refute anything
If you can handle the funny, Slayers is worth a read.
>but sometimes the classic anime "gotta get as much use out of this cel as we can, so just pan it across the screen slowly" thing really bugs me
You might like the new Thundercats show. It's very fast and has lots of quick cuts and easy to digest funny faces so you won't get bored or confused.
Checked both already.
It sucks that fantasy has so few anime titles despite its popularity as a genre.
unfortunately there isn't much. Berserk manga post - eclipse is close. Most traditional d&d style fantasy in anime falls under isekai and its rarely played straight. the stuff that does exist is rather short. and if you care about the older art style then you're really SOL.
Good old sunrise. Hope you're ready to drop $60 on a dvd that had 2-3 episodes on it
dumb ass knife ears touching all the traps
I dunno, the individual tapes made a nice mural.