Thank you to all the anons who recommended fire punch throughout Yas Forums. I didn't know what I was expecting but I just finished it and I'm blown away by the story, ending, and just how good it is.
Fire Punch Kino
Other urls found in this thread:
I loved the ending
Fire Punch is manga of the decade
are people just spamming this shit because it looks like a wojak?
Kino came first brother.
Yes. Well at least I am
>I loved the ending
I beg to differ
it looks like the coomer meme, why don't anyone realize it? am I the only one?
that's a shitty crossboarder meme too though
I was going to read it but the spammer is such a fucking faggot holy shit, fuck you fags for spamming the sdame image 10 times every fucking day.
So I went to re-read Sundome instead, brings back the memories
Yes. Yas Forums found a way to raid Yas Forums while looking on topic. Just look at this Yas Forums general: And it's much worse than that.
Praise pur Lord agni, i love Yas Forums so much....
Where's the trainwreck-poster guy? I miss him.
Fire Punch was on my waiting list
but after seeing this damn face a dozens of times, I already hate this manga
and I'm not the only one
I was wondering the entire time why they didn't just cut off the burning area and let his core just regenerate from there without the fire.
Then they do just that like 60 chapters later.
Ignore the shitposts and just read it user, you'll only regret you didn't read it sooner
Yas Forums has better taste in anime than Yas Forums
How does Yas Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
Imagine squandering your own potential enjoyment due to the influence of shitposters, I can't think of anything more moronic and self-defeating.
I just finished Fire Punch. I wanna cry, that was actually beautiful.
you mean the redditor?
Its another case of reddit calling others reddit to fit in. Can I post this on my “WACKY RELATABLE Yas Forums MISHAPS” reddit page??
He is LITERALLY a redditor though, fucking retard.
What's this from? Looks kinda gay desu
He is autistic but he isn't wrong. Also someone has to fight the Fire Punch shills which balances things out.
Go back
You're obsessed.
The manga is good, unfortunately Yas Forums can't discuss it anymore.
The face wasn't even the page that stuck with me anyway.
the core was this tiny thing in his head. No way to remove it through normal means. Only Judah could do it with later
Which one then?
Pretty much. Truly ebin.
It's a very meme-worthy face
Wow, I totally believe you, person who keeps posting the same fucking picture.
>Aw man I lve fier uunch theeas so kino wino maakes me cum
Shut the fuck up. At least try to talk about the manga beyond spamming le face
So this manga was all about identity and the madness of purpose? Also was the ending just pure nihilism and that their struggles didn't matter? I know togata said that movie theaters were heaven, but could it really just have been a movie?
I showed the agni face to my old boomer dad and asked him what emotion he thinks the face is trying to convey and he says it looks like he has to poop.
He’s not wrong
>was the ending just pure nihilism and that their struggles didn't matter
The way I read into it was that even in the thousands and thousands of years that Agni and Luna/Judah spent isolation, since they had LIVE programmed into them. They persevered until they finally got to see each other. It was a happy ending, or at least the happiest ending they could get since the earth got struck by a meteor.
Not him, but pic related was by far the most memorable page of the manga for me. Chapter 45 in general is an excellent chapter.
>beautiful story
>manga of the decade
This bitch just said she froze the Earth over and intends to kill every living creature on this planet, and OTHER planets, all because she didn't get to see the new Star Wars movie
Give me one fucking reason why I shouldn't drop this shit immediately.... if you can
Are you an speed reader blessed?
How many years until we can have a mostly shitpost-free Fire Punch thread again?
Because she's delusional and mentally ill from having lived too long with her immortality power. She did none of that, she's just bullshitting.
Never. If you think that's bad now, wait until CSM get its anime.
i read all of fire punch over the course of 8 or so hours last night and really enjoyed it, why is it only remembered for the face agni makes instead of it's actual messages?
Because some guy kept spamming threads with it
It's a great scene in context but now it's primarily associated with shitposting
Adopted by shitposters. It's great when you can get an actual discussion rolling, same with CSM.
>visibly invulnerable man who purges his enemies with an undying flame
>saves your life and destroys an empire that enslaved you
is there any reason to blame people for actually falling for agnism? made me want to start my own cult
People on Yas Forums aren't really as smart as they believe. It's why most discussion of FP, even before its newfound popularity, isn't really about the actual thematics and mostly "lmao Fujimoto is a madman, look at how wacky he is!!!". Not really exclusive to FP either, plenty of other mangas suffer from brainlets, even basic shonens.
There was no better alternative for the overall collective. There needed to be change, but not total destruction.
Didn't know they made an anime out of him.
kill yourself heronigger