>chainsaw man taking over Yas Forums
w-we finally made it chainsaw chads
Chainsaw man taking over Yas Forums
Enjoy becoming the new hero academia when everytime anyone write something negative about the manga fanboys cry about shitposters and contrarians. It was a good run.
Why is always Reezefags making the retarded threads?
She is cute.
The cutest
Cute dead mouse
still better than a literal tranny being in every second post like on the One Piece threads, hijacked by furry and tranny discordniggers
>chainsaw man taking over Yas Forums
It's not in the way want it to "take over" though. Sure, being able to discuss CSM pretty much 24/7 now is nice, but the threads are always filled with cross-boarders, Agniposters, and people who blame us for Agniposting. Well, whatever, is Makima contracted with Darkness?
No chapter this week?
why do you sound like a tranny bitch?
>TFW there will never be a thread to surpass trashfire clownposting
I'm glad she's dead.
Go back to Yas Forums you fucking waste of air and space.
This, in a few months the threads went from very comfy to irritating and idiotic. It was better before, especially because what is discussed now is repeated over and over again.
where are the speedscans this week?
Manga is axed
Search the fucking archive.
Not that user, but stop assuming every troll/asshole is from Yas Forums. It's dumb.
>being from anywhere except for Yas Forums
He pretty much sounds like a textbook Yas Forumsermin.
If something barks I have the right to call it a dog.
And evidently you're not from here either. Stop defending retards or they'll feel at home here.
you will never be a woman
>> 201143705
This is relevant
Tried making the Darkness panel into a PC wallpaper
Thank god the most retarded waifufags get pleb filtered by Makima being portrayed as shady.
So, what do you gain from making a contract with Darkness
Most devils hand out simple powers, but just giving you the ability to trap/crush people would too ordinary
Maybe it takes away other people's ability to use contracts, that's why they need it to kill Makima
you succeeded
>we can finally shit up the board by having constant threads!
What if my waifu is Makima?
I calculated Makima's powerlevel based on chapter 64. It's not 100% accurate, but I'd say it is roughly correct
Why is dead Denji so funny. Also do you think instead of regen, super speed will be the new super power that Fuji puts on everything?
>realizing Beam literally hit Denji with a LIVE this chapter
You are just giving excuses to that one mod that hate us to delete us forever form the board.
>he dies two pages after
But how much are those values in increments of Power
in the grand scheme of things, we don't know, but 1/3rd of a face is enough to kill Makima, and Makima is strong as fuck
Hoping for an adaptation before it ends.
what's going on lad
upset that your favourite little manga is popular now?
sad as FUCK
well on the way mate
It's a stupid gimmick. Just like one punch man. I wouldn't have touched it if it wasn't for that latest chapter with the astronauts and discussion about D&D like belief based power level scaling.
>A premise is a gimmick
What happened?
Every week, same question, same answer; archives. It's gotten to the point where Yas Forumsutists are literally asking within dump n leak threads themselves "where are the scans," fuck off.
It's not a premise. Conclusions follow from premises. Him being a chainsaw man is entirely irrelevant to the series so far.
That's low quality bait. Worse than your previous post which fails to refute anything.
I'll take it as your concession.
Either baiting or just another speedreader. Don't even know which is worse at this point
Who are you calling a speed reader? you have failed to respond to a one sentence critique three times in a row.
Big damage.
You only measured the height of both the Darkness fragment and Darkness himself, implying that the Darkness fragment and darkness have the exact same width/depth, which is incorrect. You also made the assumption that the Darkness fragment is perfectly representative of Darkness's body, which isn't confirmed. He could produce thousands of those chunks for all we know.
Where can I find all of the official lewds?