Have you ever seen a purer love in an LN, Anime or Manga? Two people who only have eyes for each other, who admire each other for their virtues, yet are willing to love each other despite the other's/their own acknowledged shortcomings. Also, throw in willingness to work through their problems and stick around through good times and bad.
My question is, is it possible to attain this in real life?
And when we look back at this generation of LN writers, does Watari top them all?
How is their love pure? Yukino is downright possessive and not to mention abusive. Hurling insults at 8man, calling him other names and other such, even going as far as to say he disgust her. Is the love pure just because she wouldn't be happy seeing him with another girl?
Jace Gutierrez
Do you know what i dislike about the whole yukino/8man relationship?
it's sick. Seriously, 8man has been told he's basically a worthless peice of shit since the day he was born. he's been ostricised publically every step of his life. Does Yukinon EVER once validate his worth as a human being? Nope. not once in any of the LNs does she ever validate his existence. instead she denongrates him, insults him, casts insults at him and generally treats him like trash.
Even when she's deredere for him she still treats him like a peice of shit. she makes zero effort to empathize with his life or situation, and instead focuses on "changing" him as if all the unfair social stigma he faces is 100% his fault.
He already hates himself, he doesn't need some stuck up bitch telling him he's trash 24/7 too. If changing was as simple as "wanting" to be popular i'm sure he would have changed long before meeting her.
furthermore, her whole basis of admirition for him is based on a misunderstanding. She likes him because she thinks he is an outcast because he hates stupid people and stupid society and chose to be an outcast. Just like her. She's wrong of course, he hates being an outcast, he might hate the people who treat him like filth, but deep down inside he hates being alone. Yukinon, on the other hand has CHOSEN to be an outcast. unlike 8man she could be popular if she wanted to be. she's chosen to be an outcast because she sees popular people as shallow. In reality she's projecting Hayato on all "popular" people.
Their relationship is sick. There is no love or respect there, just lies, deception and misunderstandings piled upon some S&M and a topping of emo loneliness. 8man would be much happier with any number of other girls in this story.
Jackson James
I can't believe Yahari threads are still in this absolute state. Back when S2 aired I didn't think you autists would keep at it even today. You better learn to have a civil discussion when S3 airs or else
Ayden Adams
It's a relationship that's definitely the most "human" if that makes sense. They argue, they cry in front of each other, they have quirks that annoy each other at time but at the same time they laugh at each others jokes, they have alot of fun talking to each other and they have something in each other that can make them change for the better. They may get separated from time to time, but they always find each other and grow even closer.
Hachiman and Yukino have great chemistry, been talking about themselves, projects and philosophical things from the start. They talked as if they were childhood friends.
Camden Ramirez
>tfw S3 is gonna have bad official subs again
Jason White
Maybe not actually. The people working on season 3 subs may be good this time.
Benjamin Wood
>Have you ever seen a purer love in an LN, Anime or Manga? Two people who only have eyes for each other, who admire each other for their virtues, yet are willing to love each other despite the other's/their own acknowledged shortcomings. Also, throw in willingness to work through their problems and stick around through good times and bad. this description fits perfectly with Haruka and Yuu
Connor Cook
Who’s subbing season 3?
Hunter Johnson
And who are they?
James Myers
I like them too You're retarded, user. They're both the exact same. They both hate superficial relationships and want GENUINE but can't communicate properly and cope with their edgy "everyone is dumb" attitude because deep down they're scared. They're perfect for each other because they're so similar. Banter isn't abuse. A negative multiplied by a negative gives a positive
White she gave up soon after. So Yui did tel her how she should feel.
Wyatt Green
Yukino and Kazusa gave up soon after in both moments.
Landon Jenkins
Were their feelings not strong enough?
Chase Ward
>A negative multiplied by a negative gives a positive That’s a double negative.
Henry Anderson
>kazusa gave up after >literally consummates their love
Kayden Powell
And Yukino is about to consummate her relationship as well.
Cooper Cooper
No, both are meek. If Yui or Setsuna told Yukino/Kazusa to do X or Y, they would do it. Yukino is depicted as a scaredy cat and we know those are weak to big dogs (Yui).
That's wrong. Kazusa doesn't fuck Haruki until like the end of Introductory Chapter.
Yuckyno a shit, and 8man became a pussy after like 5 novels. Fuck the author and fuck you all.
Blake Davis
It doesn't matter what you think, Hachiman wasn't romantically interested in either of those girls. You got successfully harembaited my dude.
Ryder Price
Ponkan8's love for Iroha?
Owen Gray
There is always Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei and Tatsuya Shiba (Oniisama aka Anime Jesus) if you want a Gary Stu flawless MC "who isn't a pussy" but wins every thing that comes his way including all the hot chicks.
Yeah, I can tell how fucking bored Saori Hayami was playing as boring uninspired incest imouto compared to a multifaceted and complex character like Yukino.
Hunter Edwards
She's voiced all powerful Fate servants, botes, school girl who lust after their sensei who is a single dad, magical clone imoutos, mute girls and a cake idol, a yandere friend and a sperg sister who hates chuunis.
Didn't this bitch throw shade at 8man during the cultural festival?
Thomas Baker
And before you ask, it will be streamed in Amazon Jp
Charles Campbell
Well yeah? Human beings aren’t perfect. There’s stuff about me my girlfriend doesn’t like and there’s stuff about her I don’t like. But we still enjoy each other’s company and share life goals.
Leo Thompson
>Reading Yukino anthology. >Reach And Yukinoshita Yukino (29) asks a new question. No wonder Spyro doesn't want to translate that chapter. Holy shit.
Benjamin Gomez
Those other chapters aren't written by Watari.
Leo Barnes
I can give you a rough summary if you want. Or should I make a new thread?
Christopher Myers
I already know what happens in it, that's unnecessary. You should not give yuipollfag ammo.
Caleb Flores
Spyro is that you?
Jacob Morgan
>he thinks spyro isn't the only non-EOP on Yas Forums Just why would you care about literal fanfiction other than to shitpost, my dude? Scum don't deserve breadcrumbs.
Outside of Watari's chapter? Did you like any other? I liked the shogi one.
Chase Nguyen
What happens in that chapter?
Christopher Morales
That doesn't matter since I'll pirate it anyway.
Luke Miller
All I'll tell you is that Yukino works at a bank at 29 years old and that's all your getting from me.
Zachary Turner
It's getting streamed in here by sentai films.
Robert Allen
I'll still pirate it.
Brandon Reyes
>streaming niggers supporting the cartel The only thing you should be doing is torrents while buying Oregairu merchandise. Fuck the cartel.
Kayden Hughes
Is she still with 8man?
Jacob Nelson
13dl.net Just search 弱キャラ友崎くん
Asher Ortiz
Either at a bank or some place else. The rest isn’t important.
Camden Wood
Is English your first language?
Chase Ortiz
Luis Bailey
>anons refuse to release information. >Thinks it will give YPF ammo >especially when its Yukino at age 29 They broke up didn’t they? Or is itnworse than that?
Elijah Scott
If people in Yas Forums Oregairu threads weren't pieces of shit, you would be given that information. Blame yourselves for spoiling fun. We don't give information to human trash.