Glasses character takes off his glasses

>Glasses character takes off his glasses

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>childish shounen trope
>shounenshitters: "OH SHIT"
No wonder manga like KnY and BNHA are still being produced when morons like you support this trash writing.

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>childish shounen trope
I thought HxH are chads, not retards. You don't fight with glasses on your face in close combat/melee. Taking off glasses is logical step.

>glasses character takes off his glasses
>does something badass
>doesn't appear to need glasses at all

Attached: 1556899008782.jpg (210x240, 18.77K)

>speaks about childish shounen trope
>posts childish shounen
I don't like bleach either but you have to really be delusional to think hxh isnt shounenshit
It's published on weekly SHOUNEN jump and all (eventually)

glasses are /fa/

HxH was published in shounen jump by mistake. Everyone knows it except Bleach, KnY and BNHA retarded fags.

How is it possible to be this pretentious?

>Girl with glasses on doujin cover
>She takes off her glasses before having sex

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Is it possible to learn this power?

>it was a mistake
Sure it was bub
Meanwhile, based Holyland was published on YA like all true Seinen


How is it possible to be this based*?

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Edgy shit is a dime a dozen in shonen though

>my shounen is superior to your shounen
Ok now compare it to a good series

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B-b-but user, it isn shounen, it is soft seinen. I swear

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>If I'd have kept going, I would've...wanted that ball enough to kill for it

>he think seinen means mature
It's like FPS shit game rated R.
HxH is above it.

What do you by mistake? Did Togashi acidentally sign a contract with WSJ instead of a Seinen magazine?

There's something seriously wrong with these people

Daily reminder that HiatusxHiatus will never ever be finished.

There's no manga for adults, it's cartoons from Japan
the best you can do is have it aimed at teenagers rather than kids, you know that right?


What's wrong with him is that he's either spent two years on the same books or never read them at all.

I love this.

To be fair, he sounds based

>childish shounen trope

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>There's no manga for adults,
HxH is book

It will end up a book since togashi cant draw anymore, sure
But bleach has novels too im sure you know :^)

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LNs are not real books.

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No, they are not
Capping this for when the HxH LN comes out

>never read them at all
That's exactly it. Just like Togashit they love namedropping pseudo-intellectual shit they have never read
It should be, it would be less embarrassing to read

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>HxH LN comes out
Hey "by mistake" will work in this case since same thing happened with Ender's Game when book was published as YA and author told people it is not YA and never was

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Based Hunterchad.

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>Chad KnY/BNHA still being published with popular acclaim
>Virgin HxH on hiatus because not even the author cares anymore

>Virgin HxH on hiatus because not even the author cares anymore
True artist. Not commercial monkey. He work when he want to work.

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>gets good deals thanks to his wife

>Glasses character takes off his glasses

>moe furshit nd IESLB

Absolutely based.

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Sorry I have no idea what these categories are, I get laid

You got dropped by your series, you don't get to talk.
Back to your corner, Fido.

speak louder huntermumbler, i can't hear you

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maybe they're farsighted

Oh really? Post your feet

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>I can't punch you if you don't take off your glasses

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is that killua in the middle?
why does he look like a chick

That's a Togashi character that you're posting

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>the level of cope


a roastie made this right?

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HxH fans are like that one kid that would make fun of people for watching Fightclub because he'd watched Se7en
And then someone would pop in and start talking about actually good movies and he'd just move the goalposts to popularity

>ᵀʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ᵃ ᵀᵒᵍᵃˢʰᶦ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ ᵖᵒˢᵗᶦⁿᵍ

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Unironically based.

Not from a Seinen...

>makes HxH in 1998
>gets married in 1999
>it's someone thanks to his marriage he got a good deal, not thanks to making YYH
Whatever you say, user.

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I tell you, Togashi's works has great lines
pic related

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>people meet when they marry
Not everyone does arranged marriages, rajeesh

>tfw you have a glasses fetish

Doujins where characters take them off can fuck right off. Goes double for animes if the character stops wearing them for the rest of the series.

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It was made by and Diesfag, the hunterfags of the chunni VNs

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Why not learn to draw glasses so you can add them back? It can't be that hard.

Yes you should read Kamige Irae. HxH Chads are discount Kamige Irae Chads. Reading HxH gives you around 150 raw IQ. Reading Kamige Irae is boost to infinite.

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