One Piece

When will Buggy the Pirate God return?

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Sex with Hancock during Timeskip, was fooled into it but liked it well enough
Virgin by choice, believes sex/fapping makes you lose focus
Lesbian sex with nojiko and various female partners
Virgin until timeskip where he secretly ditched his training to fuck Kaya
Had sex with female visitors on baratie and various islands, was a chad until Robin joined the crew and sexually mindbroke him turning him into the coomer he is today
Had sex as a regular animal before eating df, none since
World class. Regularly has sex with Franky
See above. His grunts and screaming SUUUUPER in the middle of the night keeps everyone up
Had sex with groupies back when he was a living musician. Had a porn/panty stash to keep him sane during the years alone
Had regular sex when he was young and in peak shape, now no longer cares about women
Sadly desperate virgin. Will ask to be the entire cast's cumdump at the post-Wano victory celebration

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>literally cannot resist his massive lightning rod, extremely reluctant but her body can't lie

you know nami fucked her for sure

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>Virgin by choice, believes sex/fapping makes you lose focus
You think Zoro would be so obsessed with Kuina and devote his entire life to keep a promise he made to her if they were just childhood friends? Kuina put Zoro's little sword into her sheath for sure. Zoro has dreams about it every night and wakes up sweating.

Him and Shanks will accompany Luffy to Laugh Tale and it will be one of the most kino scenes in One Piece.

sanji will die a virgin

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Why Kaido never used his hybrid form against Oden
and guess how Oda gonna ruin this moment

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>Had regular sex when he was young and in peak shape, now no longer cares about women
Implying any women would let that fat fish fag with his yuckmouth teeth near her pussy. FFF is absolutely repulsive.

The lurking Legend

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>fucks PRIME pudding's pudding
>gets to pump bunny cunny

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That would be a nice way to bury their hatchet.

I can see Buggy but there is no way Shanks stays alive for that long.

Shanks will be killed by BB and Mihawk will be killed by Shiryu. That's for sure.

Here's your Wano matchups bro

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Must be hard that you were right there with Roger at Laugh Tale but couldn't join him back then and although you vowed to get there yourself, deep down you know that you're not good enough to actually get there yourself.

>Lesbian sex with nojiko and various female partners
No way t/u/mblr, Arlong's crew ran a train on her.

Those piercing babyblues

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seethe harder

Probably the worst version i've seen of this chart

>Joy Boy
>Buggy is a clown (brings joy)
>Buggy is male (a boy)

Does anyone know when was the Jinbe vs Ace fight mentioned in the manga? I cant find info about it, only about the anime fight
PS. Daily reminder the Jinbe vs Mihawk fight is not canon, so Jinbe canonically never jobbed to anyone(he was protecting Luffy against Akainu so that doesnt count)

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New bounty poster?

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Top 40 Wano Characters (Panel Time) (1-20)
>1. Luffy (758)
>2. Oden (402)
>3. Zoro (386)
>4. Kin'emon (366)
>5. Kiku (299)
>6. Kawamatsu (252)
>7. Hiyori (238)
>8. Sanji (202)
>9. Orochi (200)
>10. Hyogoro (190)
>11. Tama (186)
>12. Kaido (173)
>13. Raizo (171)
>14. Denjiro (167)
>15. Kanjuro (168)
>16. Momo (166)
>17. Ashura (165)
>18. Law (159)
>19. Nami (155)
>20. Inu (150)

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Actually, it would be even more kino for shanks to die but buggy to get to laugh tale with luffy and breaking down crying.

Isn't Hawkings part of the Beast Pirates anymore?

Even if he wasn't protecting Luffy it wouldn't classify as jobbing, there's no shame in losing to a goddamn admiral.

sanji acts like those pajeets my sister is always complaining about

But she was the one giving headpats

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>21. Shinobu (130)
>22. Linlin (124)
>23. Robin (115)
>23. Yasu (115)
>24. Chopper (111)
>25. Queen (109)
>25. Hawkins (109)
>26. Franky (101)
>27. Usopp (100)
>28. Toko (94)
>28. Onimaru (94)
>29. Neko (93)
>30. Roger (84)
>31. Toki (83)
>32. Brook (78)
>33. Tsuru (71)
>34. Kid (61)
>35. Urashima (59)
>36. Killer (57)
>36. Whitebeard (57)
>37. Holdem: (53)
>38. Hitetsu (52)
>39. Babanuki (51)
>40. Carrot (44)

>Jinbe vs Ace fight
Chapter 552

>robin would fuck current jinbei
prime jinbei was drowning in pussy

Chapter 552

He doesn't want to work for Kaido but it wa his only way out
He can turn side or just use the confusion to escape Wano

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>kiku fights 2 commanders along the monster trio
what the fuck

Big Mom would destroy the fat fish fag and the others.

I don't believe that she will take part in the fighting. Sanji will probably distract her with food or there will be another gimmick used to remove her from the fight or even use her against the enemy forces.


Carrot, oh no...

>Zoro smiling to Jinbe

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At first, yes.

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>western dragon
Did the person who drew this even read One Piece or just googled Kaido and mixed him with a generic dragon design

>5. Kiku (299)
>11. Tama (186)
>16. Momo (166)

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. Kiku (299)
new strawhat baby

I expected Momo to be higher as he's the mcguffin. And how do other main villains compare panel time wise? Because for the villain, Kaido's count is pretty small.

stop posting, fat fish fag.

Because Oda thought it would be cool to save it up for the actual fight against him, like it really matter. That's how he operate, he has to use those shallow trick to keep the reader invested failing to notice its not even necessary.See how fucking greenbull was shadowed when we could have had his face revelation because it change nothing to the story.

>Hitetsu and Babanuki have more panel time than fucking Carrot


You mean Straw Hat

keep crying carrotcuck

>Jinbei is not at his peak right now
Reminder that men age like wine

why the fuck would Nami have sex with her sister, you're disgusting.

who said he isnt? the guy managed to stalemated a yonkou, tanked one of her attack with little damage and landed in a blow. If anything he's in his prime right now.

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She's hot, but needs more character for me to like her.

Jesus christ carrot is so cute. Imagine thinking she isn't a strawhat

To become pirates and fulfill their dreams. It's not like they already were together with their friends on a journey to fullfil this dream and then ditched them. No, they left their home to begin that journey.

Suppose you and your friends are in a band together and you play the guitar. Then another band asks you to become their guitar player and you go "sorry but I leave you for the other guys". It means that you ditch your friends. If, however, you and your friends never were in a band together, then you wouldn't ditch them if you joined a band. Even if you had to leave them for a while when you go play concerts in other countries doesn't mean that you ditched them. However, if you already were in a band with them and left them for another band, then you ditched them.

. Kawamatsu (252)

>the guy managed to stalemated a yonkou
So did
>base luffy

Kawa is the best scabbard

How? I dont remember seeing that much of him

Literally Fairy Tail tier moment
Lucci should have won

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Funniest part is that Jinbe ditched the Sun Pirates right after the Shichibukai were disbanded so they are all wanted criminals now

Wouldn't Orochi easily be murdered by one of them? Hardly requires all three to fight him.

I think Momo will fight Orochi and avenge his father this way.

Big mom captured Jinbei.
Big mom travels to wano
Blackbeard comes and steals the poneglyph
Jinbei has fled

way to disregard what i listed after that tho, did any of them tanked a yonkou attack and landed a hit? fucking Luffy got obliterated with one swing of Kaidou club.

more like fishman age worse than milk

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They count by panel, so literally every little frame of each character.
Basically autism.

he had enough time to tell Ussop to run, he has enough energy to keep moving

He got that long completely unnecessary flashback.


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I agree. Followed by Denjiro. Ashira Douji's cool.
The rest can die in a fire, for all I care.

zolo hid inside Sunny and that's his face of relief that he didn't got nailed again

Yeah i am jusr trying to remember why he was around so much. Inu and kinemon should be more i would think

>Not putting Bepo with Zoro and Killer
He's easily just as strong :^)

Yeah I was hoping back then for Usopp to actually help and not just shout to activate Luffy's magic freindship power. Would've been so much more satisfying to see Usopp prove him being worthy of being a crewmember by doing some genius shit that heavily damaged Luccy. Not fight him directly, of course, but somehow trick him into taking huge damage (or even make him fall into sea water).

The REAL template, where everything isn't offscreened.

Who is fighting who?

How is Momo going to be that devil fruit? I don't think Momo could defeat any fodder.

No need to thinkinh
That's already a fact

>Even if you die, don't die
Bros... something happened to Jinbe, I can feel it.


>did any of them tanked a yonkou attack
Luffy and Chopper clashed. Jinbe didn't tank, he also clashed.

carrotfags and everyone else

Its definatly not a shame, but its just to keep in mind that he wouldnt go dow as easily in a straight fight

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>Straw Hat Pirates
Luffy = Pirate King/Captain
Zoro = First mate/Monster Trio
Nami = Navigator/ actual acting captain
Usopp = Sniper / Vice-Captain
Sanji = Cook / Monster Trio
Chopper = Doctor / Mascot
Robin = Archeologist / Assassin
Franky = Shipwright / Engineer
Brook = Musician / Swordsman
Jinbe = Helmsman / Monster Trio

>Potential outlook and candidates for the future:
Vivi (+Karoo) = Diplomat/Ambassador
Bon Kurei = Spy
Carrot = Lookout / Backup food
Caribou = Priest
Caesar Clown = Scientist
Tama = Cabin girl/ Chore-girl

Hancock = Pirate Queen / SH Grand Fleet Commander in charge of Paradise
Katakuri = SH Grand Fleet Commander in charge of New World

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>Supported Jinbe for years
>Falseflagging faggots come in and pretend they weren't clamoring for his death

>big meme imprisons jinbei and germa
>leaves for wano
>bb arrives
>frees all prisoners
>jinbe freed
>swims to wano
there you go buddy

Kawamatsu got a pretty sizeable panel boost from chapter 953. He also appears very early in the arc if you look close. I was surprised too