
New thread

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You mean Bacarina yes?

I actually really liked the first episode. DOOM FLAGS.

Bakarina a cute!

That was fun.

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At least include the other title in OP too

Reminder that Achan won, and there nothing you can do about that

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We need these meetings screencapped. They're great.

>Worst of all he's our brother!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hamefura - 01 [720p]1.webm (366x372, 64.8K)

I don’t get it. Does it take place within a video game or an alternate dimension where the setting of the game IS the real world?

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what the fuck? I'm not used to her doing cutesy songs.

Seems to be two threads
Alternate universe where game is real.

Video game character gets isekai'd to real world where HER world is a video game world... and returns to her native world with full knowledge of it.

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Alternative isekai new world

They actually made this into an anime.

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is she dabbing?

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no, bakarina played the game in her past life before being hit by the deadly japanese truck-kun and reincarnating into katarina

Don't you know? Video games and books are written by people who isekai into OUR world.

and it's not half bad

Me every day but I'm not a cute loli.

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Which otome would you game?

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>the only otome villain shit that actually sells and can compete with others light novels
Of course they would try to milk it

Nobody can compete with evil Katarina, not even Katarina herself


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The one with tiggest bits obviously.

Bratty Bakarina is pretty cute, wouldn't mind seeing more of her. Maybe in the alter series?

What a cute baka.

Mary's bigger than Katarina, right? Katarina never wears revealing clothing so it's hard to tell.

Maria's the cutest, bestest, by far.

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The two on the top.

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Who's best boy and best girl?

Did they change the ending where she gets a harem of every character male/female while being unaware of it and continue the story past the ball?

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Would this actually be native isekai with the term used correctly?

>bakarina gets a bump on the head as a child
>lives her life as a shitty isekai protagonist in the real world where she also dies in an accident
>bakarina then returns to her own world

Does the fact video games are involved matter?

Also her best friend got reincarnated (without recovering her memories yet) into one of the girls that it's in love with her.

Aoi Haru (SYD ED)
Zenryoku Summer (Aho Girl OP)
She does it occasionally.

>change the ending
It never was an ending

You mean on top of each other right?

Is she even going to survive into adulthood with how reckless she is?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hamefura - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.48_[2020.04.04_16.27.23].jpg (1280x720, 79.65K)

I still can't believe this is the same singer as the the Knights of Sidonia OP's.
Pretty good for otome show
Book loli couldn't reach 1000 posts when her episode aired during firsts season

>an alternate series where Katarina still realizes who she is and what her role is, but still acts like a bitch for reasons outside her control
I would watch it.

>native isekai
>term used correctly
And no.

Never underestimate the power of a baka

or heroic age for that matter

book loli ascended through the weeks

Bakas are stronk.

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Weird, I thought if someone's gonna post quintessential angela with would be something Fafner.

>lives her life as a shitty isekai protagonist in the real world where she also dies in an accident
>bakarina then returns to her own world
It's her memories, she lived in real world before being reincarnated, she never was reincarnated in real world.
Anime went on great length to show it this way, because bakarina actually considers herself a Katarina+memories, not "another person who forced to live as Katarina", which is rare for genre

Good to see more authors who love my waifu, Iori. First Takagi, now Baka.

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Sophia is perfect.

Is she even going to survive into adulthood with how sexy she is?

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That was nice. The pace seemed a bit fast, but in a good way.

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it will be amazing

Eh I don't know. She's great at voicing cool and badass girl but that doesn't really suit Maria's image.

Is that from spin off?

The ads is pretty great. Truly this anime is full on pandering to farmers.

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so, has this kickstarted the new age of otome isekai?

How are ratings?
What about amazon preorders?
Is this a flop?

Yes, and then it will end after everyone hates the Doted on by the Crown Prince anime which will probably be the next adaptation.

You all are as dumb as Bakarina's OG loli Japanese monkey self.

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Hope no, genre is almost as bad as regular isekai
Bakarina is one of very few exceptions

it's a shame she grows up



>not a single upskirt shot
Based and wholesome.

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yep, hit not just bump but post limit
Pretty good

>they aired the showering loli omouto episode of one room right after bakarina, then another loli short, then the book loli show
So Saturday is lolicon night eh? I like it.

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I watched that Gyaru Dinosaur stream before Bakarina's and man that's not a good segue to Katarina.

Imagine the view.

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I want to make Mary straight!

Give me Maria or give me death.


She's straight though, just not for loser like you.
She just rates friendship above romance

Need some O RLY edits

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>that meeting on Katarina's head

>literally the ascension of a bookworm