What are your favorite lines from Goku and Vegeta's Japanese VAs? Post videos if you can
Dragon Ball Super
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This shoulda been the main cast.
Fuck Nameks
Fuck Saiyans
Fuck Gods
Fuck you
Vegeta's AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIEEEEEEEE truly encapsulates the character's role as a jobber and is therefore my favorite line
I like Goku here when he starts the Kaioken
And here when he yells at Vegeta
And this Vegeta
And his brief rant at the end
>A bunch of irrelevant jobbers
Sounds boring.
>1813 days (almost 5 years) since its introduction
>still the strongest saiyan transformation in canon
>implying the current group isn't filled with jobbers already
>You overestimate the shit out of Toriyama's involvement.
Toriyama only gives a basic outline, it's so basic Toei almost gave Jiren (the most important enemy) a completely different personality (this personality ended up belonging to Toppo), he only designs a few characters too. Kale was a somewhat important character with lots of screen time and she was created by Toei
What's that? Do you hear it? Do you see it? LO, BEHOLD! Her magnificent SPLENDOR!
Caulifla the Endearing
Caulifla the Adorable
Caulifla the Lovable
Caulifla the Sweet
Caulifla the Lovely
Caulifla the Appealing
Caulifla the Engaging
Caulifla the Delightful
Caulifla the Dear
Caulifla the Darling
Caulifla the Winsome
Caulifla the Charming
Caulifla the Enchanting
Caulifla the Attractive
Caulifla the Pretty
Caulifla the Adorbs
No other bring in the entire multiverse could ever hope to compete with her beauty. Even Perfect Cell is no match for her ULTIMATE PERFECTION!
Make your own chad
Cover yourself, ugly whore
>SS plus Ozaru
>so only 10 times stronger than SS
Weaker than SSG.
>inb4 but he made Gogeta...
That's Broly's own strength, you can't say *his* form is inherently stronger than Blue just because *he* is. Or do you think basic SS is stronger than SSB too because basic SS Gogeta is stronger than SSB Goku?
Good thing i wasn't refering to the Ozaru shit, you have to be absolutely fucking blind to not notice the bright green hairdo
Pic related and link for goku.
And in vegeta case, the "ORE WA" line is pretty good.
Are you perhaps implying "LSS" isn't the result of SS plus Ozaru power like the movie shows...?
>inb4 but my headcanon
I don't really care, let's say you are right and LSS is something else, completely separated from the monkey power, now what? Goku vs Caulifla and Kale in the anime and Gohan vs Kefla in the manga proves that LSS is still weaker than the god forms. LSS Broly is vastly stronger than SSB Goku/Vegeta because Broly himself is retardly strong, not because his form is stronger.
This looks way better. Can Goku and Vegeta please get a fucking new outfit that sticks already?
>Are you perhaps implying "LSS" isn't the result of SS plus Ozaru power like the movie shows...?
I enjoy Goku yelling "BEJIITAAAAAAAA", meme or not.
Under absolutely no circumstances whatsoever should Cuteifla ever conceal her beauty
So..? Why are you conveniently ignoring the rest of my post? You know, when I adress that even if you were right, LSS would still be weaker than the god forms
Vegeta reverting back to the armor after abandoning it in the Buu arc is criminal
>inb4 dubfag
Back when Goku cared for his friends.
>Vegeta [headcanon] after [headcanon] is criminal
Patrician taste Cutefriend
When 17 made his wish to return the erased universes it was the Zenos who returned them not the dragon, does that mean that the dragon have limitations ? Or did the dragon force the Zenos to return them ?
Wrathful is Super Saiyan 4 done right.
Jesus fuck that widow's peak. Not even childhood spared him.
oops wrong image
I hate grand shit, but I'll say literally nothing about Vegeta switching to a tank and jeans while calling Earth his new home. He really doesn't look bad not dressed like a Saiyan 24/7.
Also, yes, adding back the armor was the worst. I don't know why everyone sucks off the Android Saga design and won't move on from it already when it was literally already replaced in the very next even longer saga and ending. He doesn't even need it anymore, both his suit, boots and gloves represents Saiyans very sufficiently.
Based Yamchad being SS4-tier.
>3 out every 4 pure U7 saiyans are stronger than Beerus
In the grand scheme of things Vegeta and Broly are just sandbags to get Goku to become stronger unlike the humans who are his friends and he considers them to be a part of his family.
Ah...I missed this...
I don't think I'll be entrenched in these threads constantly but bouncing back and forth from this to games seems nice. Going to Yas Forums was a mistake. It fucked with my brain.
Now I want to see some chadhan posting.
FUCK Toyoshitto.
FUCK Toeishit
Is there anyone who can beat Jiren? I doubt Broly can, since Jiren is better at offense, but if I take my pick, Jiren is a huge win. It doesn't have to be Jiren, but if one is made, I'll be doing the worst job ever working there."
"You are at the way of defeat, Broly." Kaika replied. "You must protect your pride, and find an opponent strong enough to help you overcome your bonds."
"One person cannot defeat me, Kaika. I have a strong fighting spirit, but there is only one Jiren, and even he is no match for me."
"Then, I offer you my compliments and respect.
I wholeheartedly agree.
>Copelycamels want to be CHADjischolars
>COPEGANGshitters want to be the CHADFORCE
He transcends the very idea of strength. He has achieved with just the ten fingers on his hands what Gods cannot even dream of obtaining. His energy and aura rip and warp not only the very fabric of his reality - it tears our own reality apart through the numerous men inspired by his very being to learn, study, and become the most knowledgeable scholars to ever walk this planet.
Enter CHADren.
>fuck saiyans
why is gokek there then?
Daily reminder fusions in BASE are already much stronger than the fusees max potential, since Gotenks wasn't even able to go Super Saiyan at first yet he was supposed to beat Fat Buu and no one disputed he was much stronger than Goten & Trunks even at full power.
The fusion starts somewhat higher than your combined maxs and then the real fun begins with transformations but they're not a requirement, this is probably because only Saiyans transform.
A fusion has to integrate the max powers because otherwise it'd be useless if the result can't transform (for example Goku fusing with Piccolo, it'd have to be higher than Blue by default since there's no super Saiyan hair)
And Goku himself was thinking that fusing with Tien or Satan might provide a small boost, this obviously was considered an improvement over his SS3 powerlevel.
So yeah Base Gogeta can kill Jiren since it's significantly stronger than MUI by design
>fastest reaction time
Yamcha claims another W.
Why do I feel this is from a movie? Everytime I see a good moment with the Z fighters it turns out to be from a movie, during the actual anime they were dead or training the whole time and you gotta wonder if they're even friends
Tori didn't like the live action cuck.
sorry, I meant goku's. vegeta's never said that outside of third world spic dubs.
He still does.
>Going to Yas Forums was a mistake
This is Yas Forums though. And that's why it's great.
>Daily reminder [headcanon]
Good pup!
>Why do I feel this is from a movie?
Because it is, it's from the Tree of Might (Turles' movie).
It wouldn't even fit in the main timeline because Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu were all dead at that time and Goku was stuck in a hospital bed.
Goku is an earthling at heart.
Didn't open.
Toei truly elevated the manga. DBZ wouldn't be as popular without TOEI's greatness
They also used to improve Goku's character before the senile hack told them to make him a retarded psycho
Not enough to train with them and make them break their limits though.