Is she supposed to be an Ara Ara Onee-san character?

Is she supposed to be an Ara Ara Onee-san character?

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No. Darjeeling is walking book of aphorisms and a massive baka

She's supposed to be Miho's cum dumpster.

She reminds me of Violet.

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She is a dumb dork

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No thats a slag

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What determines a slag?

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dumb quotes and anglo larping

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Dump Peko, you will be a slag too.

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She's a semen demon type.

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And she will be also bullied

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The slag should fear the baka.

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Bakas are the best

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Dumb middle class girls who pretend to be upper class ought to know their place.

Lovely, isn't it?

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Autistic LARPer

They all are

This and she is also my wife

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Not everybody.

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>implying Darj doesn't come from an average background and acts hoity toity to compensate

they are certainly up there

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Then how can she buy expensive underwear?

Iam sure you have to be super larpy to even get into the KMM team. I wonder what her hidden side is
siphoning funds for lingerie

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Nah, her family's noveau riche. Hence why she tries so hard to be classy but winds up just spouting nonsensical aphorisms instead.

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But she is wearing that underwear even before being the commander

Maybe they accepted a normal girl to balance the autism.

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Wasnt she the vice commander at that time? Surely she had access to the books

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>having a mind so feeble that it must characterize characters in such limited types.

Well iam glad that she is around to keep the wani in check and having some fun while doing that.

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She's supposed to have fun. And she's doing a good job.

Erika should be glad to have the nicest and kindest vice commander at her side

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She may be a slag, but i don't think that she is a thief.

To be fair, there's lots of levels of rich. Darjeeling could easily be rich, just like Hana is rich, without being on Nishizumi levels. Paying ~1000 $ for underwear doesn't require you to have tens of millions in assets. It's perfectly comfortable to do so while being "just" a dollar millionare.

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>Cake tank unit
I need it

BEADY EYES ANGLO LIES, yeah she is probably just loaded, no guppie would steal

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>no guppie would steal shit
>Finns get a Drama CD about stealing shit

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We need more Koumes

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But the wind just flows from east to west user. Thats not stealing, just borrowing for a not specified time

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At the very least, more concluding koume on monday

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It's not stealing, is a tribute.

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Remove Mika

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>Top left corner rolls Kingtiger wheels around like they were nothing and probably wrestles down a gorilla silverback each morning for training.

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>Not Herbie

The Finn has been successfully disabled comrade

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She's Pekoe's bully

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Bullying your peko is the law

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Kinda feel sorry for her. Assam can fuck off to do spy shit, when ever she needs a break. Rosehip is an enigma, that just does what a rosehip does all day. And then you have peko, who has to endure all of the shit darjeeling spouts.

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But that's her training.

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What fucking wank is she drinking? Put milk in it.

I like how you could see her heart break when Darjeeling said Rosehip would be the next commander

Ukulele would be even better

Maybe they should put away the big gay book of proverbs and instead pull up a list of british tanks used in WW2

They need a speed baka, not a retard.

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Why do you hate Pekoe?

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Exactly why she would be even better than my wife . Imagine Pekoe trying to tardwrangle her but it's useless because she's only Vice Commander

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