Zenitsu will suicide the Demon King to save Nezuko.
Kimetsu no Yaiba
It's alright! After all, the Ubuyashiki clan raises their sons as daughters most of their lives, why can't he do the same?
Sure, it won't have a dick and will be only 75% as gay, but at least it'd have more holes.
Ah, someone who appreciates the superior ship, I see.
Imagine if Giyuu still had his smile and optimism.
That would mean sabito never died
nor his sister.
Either that or Tanjirou was still around and not a demon
>doesn't need blood
>doesn't burn in the sun
>can be as young or old/small or tall as she likes
>superhuman strength, speed, durability and senses
>true immortal
Why did she turn back?
Because she had the mind of a toddler. No point in being a superhuman if you have the cognitive faculties of a two year old.