
Hitori did say 2-3 days and it has now been 3 days so it should be safe to assume that it will be tonight.

What are you talking about, user? The name was right there. It's your fault if you didn't see it and let it die early.

Attached: last thread.png (1493x396, 143.45K)

Totally forgot about that thread. Meant

That was because that user probably just wanted a shitposting thread since it was April fool's day. A lot of other people were making similar shitpost threads that day.
It just turned into a serious Overlord thread because Hitori coincidentally posted that day.

I activate my Board Class Item [Thread Savior]!

Attached: turedo surehviah.png (252x195, 5.69K)

stay cute, phillip-kakka

These threads have been on more life support than corona victims

Only this and the last thread have been like this.
Most of the threads lately have been able to reach bump limit and lasted for 2 days. It just seems like this thread and the last one just didn't interest anyone.

Gachashit tempts me. Any other content?

Attached: 1565783555615.jpg (1017x1032, 196.87K)

So what does everyone listen to when they read Overlord?
Currently I'm rereading all the past volumes (just got to 12 again) and these are some of the things I've been listening to: