wtf I want a daughter now
Wtf I want a daughter now
What's the point if she hasn't got one of these.
You mean daughterwife.
Man, I really don't get some people. Like, normal dudes don't cross the streams. She's either your daughter or your love interest. Sure, this dynamic isn't as fucked as that one show where the protagonist's hot Mom keeps getting this close to fucking him, but it's still fucking weird.
Like, can't Ranpha romance someone else? Or find some racoon-boy and fuck him?
Ur gay
Your daughteru is your second waifu.
>She's either your daughter or your love interest
Or both
Daughterus are just waifus in training, bud. Lurk more.
*hit pipe*
Then make one.
NBR "daughterwives" are cop-outs by the way.
Raphtalia was a lot better after she 'grew up'. I like how athletic and solidly built she gets.
She's a cute mean drunk.
>10 year old in 20 year old body
Indeed. And when you end up missing her loli-form you can just have a litter of tanukis with her.
The MC of this anime gets transported to this new world, and everyone hates him. Okay
But then he starts acting like this bitter incel loser who's been scorned by society from birth, which simply isn't true. Real life losers are bitter and hateful because they have been living like that since day one. A 25 year old NEET friendless KHHV is bitter because he's spent 25 years being rejected by society.
This MC is just a whiny normie who can't cope that people don't want or like him here. He is not based. He is not "one of us".
Then, the most ridiculous thing happens. The show tries to portray him as a likable character because he takes on a slave and gives her good food and doesn't treat her like a subhuman. Wow. I wish real life social rejects could solve their problems that easily. Hey incels, why don't you just take on a slave and treat her like a normal human? Haha you're so stupid, incels. Haha. Fuck this show.
Based and daughterpilled. Strictly to protect.
That's what I wanted to see.
Until her demi-instincts kick into gear.
I'm sorry. I'm not gonna fuck my raised sweet tanuki daughter. Especially when there is a hot and still prime and sex-starved Queen on the loose, with a kingdom at her control nonetheless.
But that's just me.
I respect that. I just can't resist kemonomimi.
You forgot to post the panel where the nurse explains it has to be another demi-human, and not him ;)
Don't fuck with me, I'm getting than tanuki pregnant, genetics be damned.
Anyone's read vol 16 already?
t. Actual incel
Eh, usagi and yotsuba are way stronger want a daughter inducing drugs.
you mean hamster
>using isekai characters as therapy role models
Jesus user...
It's called Daddybait.
>Like, can't Ranpha romance someone else? Or find some racoon-boy and fuck him?
No, she's a cursed slave, she literally dies when she allows herself any independent thought, not to mention an independent sexuality. She's a tool. That's the whole point of this incel show.
You're trying too hard bro, eat a snickers.
Having her suddenly grow up was super lazy writing
>slave cursed into total obedience with the mind of a child
Lol this fucking incelbait show
Blame the japanese for that, during the WN days there was a poll to either keep her grown up or revert her. Guess what won.
Have you ever played princess maker? Its a game where you raise a daughter/wife
He's right though. She's a cursed slave
That's about the only thing he's gotten right.
go back retard
I would have made her piss the bed by the second night. Three pumps per squirt I tell you.
is it bad that i want to fuck that coon girl?
>incel show
Except it’s not. My wife and I both really enjoyed it and she’s not even that into anime. She even liked Filo so much that she pre-ordered her Nendaroid.
I did, waiting for 17.
I tried making a daughter but got a son, instead.
Isn't shield hero a literal Pedophile groomer?
My man!
That's immoral, user.
Same...twice now. Probably for the best.
Best fucking disease ever.
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for other men.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to ravage her every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
Blessed anti-NTRshit girl.
That picture you posted has nothing to do with what you typed.
But there isn't.
that alone should have told you something.
So you're telling me that you got rejected by society and not the way around? And you're actually blasted by it? Who is the actual normie? you IMAX projector.
>IMAX projector
Ok that was very funny.
Have you read manga, user?