>This is your Gendo for the manga
Boku no Hero Academia
The dabikiller
So is it canon he has white hair? I want Hori to confirm it
It's pretty much canon, yeah.
I guess? Bones still gives Touya red hair for some reason instead of white
Hori clor his Todoroki red hair black in the manga. It would give everything away. Like it already didin't.
Deku's dad
>still no jiroufags
Red > white
What an handsome man
>just cuts to the Vestiges dream after pose
It's a good hook for the next season but goddamn that was an awkward place to cut. We got to see none of the aftermath. Why did they do a filler episode instead of making room for all of that?
Has anyone edited the last fight with Just Another Hero playing in the background yet?
>Out with the old and brittle vessel, and in with a younger, stronger new one!
Endeavor and Hawks sex chapter soon
You know this is sure in a weird place for me. I thought the manga was boring especially the last few arks in particular, However I don't know if its the director or what but. I really enjoy the Anime. This is the only Shounen that I think the Anime is flat out better than the manga.
Endeavor is fucking boring compared to All Might.
This episode has to be the best in the entire series so far. The music, timing, animation and FEELS were all on point. If only BONES hadn't botched the rest of the season. At least we last on a magnificent note.
I was actually quite surprised that we got the bed-quirking after the credits. I wonder if we'll get a more detailed version next season.
You know. This is pretty fucking obvious but considering that at least tries compared to 99% of the rest Imma give you the honors.
Why? The red hair doesn't mean anything.
>inb4 red hair means fire quirk
We're told Touya has a fire quirk anyway. I think the white hair is a nice touch because it hints at his ice constitution, but in the end the hair color isn't really important.
>AfO has white hair
I told you faggots, didn't want to believe me.
The ost for the final scene kinda fell flat for me. It also seems really weird that they didn't have (time for) Dabi show up, as now that has to happen at the start of episode one in season 5.
LOL (Laugh Out Loud)
>The ost for the final scene kinda fell flat for me.
You mean the AfO scene? I thought the sound direction during the entire fight was pretty good.
>a year later and hes STILL at it
Nemoto should've aimed a bit higher. Maybe he would've hit him in the head.
>The ost for the final scene kinda fell flat for me.
not at all, especially at the end where it went low in the anticipation and then started again right as the fist was revealed
> It also seems really weird that they didn't have (time for) Dabi show up, as now that has to happen at the start of episode one in season 5.
except it would be stupid to end the season on a gay twist because its both cheap AND it actually gets resolves almost immediately and it would have left viewer salty since its practically a nothingburger
if they ended it later it should have been after miruko saved them
I can't wait!
Puching harder
Rinse and repeat
>the limp dick "intellectual" resolution
>the masculine overpowering strike
I hope they don't do another fucking filler episode.
Nah, Plus Ultra scene. Don't get me wrong, it was good, just not as good as any of the AM final scene's OSTs.
No no, I meant both Dabi showing up and Mirko resolving the issue. I say it will be weird as we are going right back to the immediate aftermath of the fight in a year or whenever season 5 comes. It's not bad, just a strange decision on Bone's part. They could've started cutting the OP/ED in the past few episodes the make that and the Hawks scene happen.
Emoku is cute
>Reposting this to every thread
Reminder your arguments don't matter when you make them in bad faith
You're not alone.
The OST for endeavour's really shit.
It's not that the track itself was outstanding or anything, but it fit the scene really well. And as that other guy mentioned it rose and fell during the appropriate dramatic moments.
He looks good like this
AMs track is much more hype worthy for some reason
Let's be fair, Endeavor should be second to All Might.
Silly user, they already had sex. Don't you remember the hospital?
Our fears were wrong, Pro Hero arc was nicely adapted.
Absolutely, I will agree with that. It's resurgence when Endy stood back was well done.
Deku is second to AM. Or rather he's the one that comes after him.
>AM was more hype than Endeavor
Entirely appropriate, sounds like they nailed the feeling.
Not all of them. It still ended at an awkward spot, leaving out all the aftermath and jumping straight to the ofa dream.
horifags will defend this
Cute and canon
Not anymore
Hope they don't skimp out on the ending.
>2 cours
>26 episodes
>3 episodes that weren't shit
>all without the MC
This is where you start hating the MC and the anime, right?
I'm glad it ended the way it did. Ending on a Dabi cliffhanger that implies they'll fight next season would have been stupid. My question is this: do you think they can salvage the bland matches of 1-A vs 1-B like the Momo and Todoroki fights or are we all just hoping to get to MVA as soon as possible?
Are you me?
Todoroki vs Tetsutetsu has potential
The rest is pure dogshit and unsalvagable. Even with god tier animation and OST.
Hoping for joint training being 8 episodes with MVA being 12 episodes at minimum
The anime is going to tank in ratings when they get to the shitty joint training arc.
Pro Hero is ironically the moment most people realize the manga is shit. Not because Pro Hero is shit but because it suddenly isn't shit anymore and then it goes back to Deku and being shit
I guarantee this will be the time when we will see animeonlies develop a huge army of hatefags just like it did in the manga.
I liked Tokoyami's power up, but I do agree that Shoto vs Tetsutetsu was the best part of it.
The Todoroki fight was the only kind of fun fight, though the end was a cop-out. Unless they make it a slideshow they can hardly make the arc worse, really. If anything, decent animation would improve it.
a little birdie told me they won't be seeing each other again
>Tokoyami what is your weakness?
>Light and anything what makes light like fire or explosions
>Hawks what is your weakness?
>Geten can only control ice not create it so he is hard-countered by Fire
Can we talk about how Dabi is not only constantly jobbing but constantly jobbing against people he hard counters? This goes beyond normal jobbing.
Mha suffers from typical shounenshit faults. There is no clear plot or goal for the cast so hori just brings in new villians every arc and hopes that it makes for good story but it doesn't it's extremely boring
Why did you attach that picture to your opinion?
To be fair, Geten can re-freeze water his ice comes in contact with. Dabi is still the ultimate jobber though. There's a reason daddy rejected him.
animeonlies love brainless fighting so they wont mind JT arc
He doesn't even have the benefit of caring about anyone to even make him a little more likable. He's awful.