>Episode one airing
>No thread
Yesterday wo Utatte
Everyone's watching Bakarina and HS doesn't release the subs until 11:00
Moshi moshi?
I've been looking forward to this so wake me up once I can watch it subbed.
Most people are going to hate this
I will watch it because I enjoy slice of life drama
Its very slow and characters often make frustrating decisions. It is one of my favourite romance manga though
Apparently this will have 12 + 6 episodes. The last six will get streamed.
We'll see.
The painting kid breaks up with the model in the final fucking chapter
I dont think it's subbed yet
subs when?
looks like a gloomy melancholic romance slice of life. skimmed through the manga and it moves at a snail's pace.
In about 40 minutes, according to HS.
>looks like a gloomy melancholic romance slice of life
That's exactly why it intrigues me. It sounds like a pretty refreshing take on those genres. It will also be interesting to see how Doga Kobo handles that mood.
If those 18 episodes are going to adapt all 11 volumes, they might actually cut a lot of content.
Raws are out
Not enough cute girls, doga kobo will explode
The problem is that there's very little slice of life and almost no romance. Everything in the manga is just an excuse to keep a series of sequential love triangles under constant tension so it always looks like something's about to happen even though it never does until the very end.
Honestly it was much better than I expected.
i agree. it goes on for far too long. i couldnt get into the characters so i didnt care much for the ending as well. people will argue its realistic and what not
>i couldnt get into the characters so i didnt care much for the ending as well
This except the relationship between Uozumi and Haru kept me going, would've liked the series much more if it focused solely on them, sort of like a Welcome to the NHK but for directionless adults who aren't NEETS
The work on this episode was finished like 1 year ago. Surprised they really took their time before actually releasing the show. In fact, the whole show is actually almost done.
I don't know if it's because Dogakobo respects the material, or just because they had a lot of fucking time in their hands.
Would explain why the character animation is so good
It is Doga kobo after all
This is unironically one of my favorites manga of all time. I hope the anime can create the gloomy atmosphere as well.
Is this the True Tears of the decade?
Noe a shit. Hiromi for the win bitches.
Because we're all watching Doga Kobo's better show this season
I'm also watching that one. It airs 3 days from now though.
[HorribleSubs] Yesterday wo Utatte - 01 [480p].mkv
I'm trying to check the manga, why is Manga Dex so slow lately?
Maybe billions of people being told to stay home has something to do with it.
[HorribleSubs] Yesterday wo Utatte - 01 [1080p].mkv
Its basically "Unrequited Love: The Manga", or "x loves y, but y loves z, but z loves a, etc.". Its also very slow and some characters (specially Shinako) can be really frustrating to follow.
Shinako was the absolute worst and doesn't deserve Rou like the ending implied.
>x loves y, but y loves z, but z loves a, etc
Fuck that
Why adapt this? The only thing I remember about the manga is that it was boring and the end was shit.
I really wanted to like this manga because i love my wife Toume Kei and my waifu Haru but i simply couldnt. Maybe with this anime i can finally finish the story.
i love kei toume's art but her stories are pretty meh. haru is also an obvious self insert like that one girl from hitsuji no uta was.
Are the threads for this going to be filled with manga readers and spoilers?
Holy fuck, did they make a mistake airing this on the same day as Bakarina, Gal and Dinosaur and Bookworm 2.
jesus you're in every thread today
Is this Just Because! alternate version?
the mc actually moves on from his oneitis, so no.
What was the release schedule for this manga, if it ended pretty recently, but in the beginning cassettes were still used.
The manga lasted for 18 years, switched magazines in 2011 or 2013 and finally ended its run in 2015 and it was a monthly release manga
I was about to ask if Doga kobo had adapted any other Shueisha property, but then remembered Umaru.
What happened in the end again?
This was fucking great.
How the subs? Burger?
I thought she was an anthropomorphized crow come to reward him with cloaca at first. I watch too much anime.
NHK ni Youkoso 2
>lops off her hair and stops wearing glasses
I hate it.
>people still making this retarded comparison
That much I know, but 18 years x 10 chapters a year don't match 113 chapters total even remotely.
>gloomy melancholic romance slice of life
Have you never seen a drama before?
>adds a crow to her shoulder.
I love it.
The subs are healthier, but the burgers taste better.
>what is a hiatus
>wanting an old and used pussy instead of a fresh JK pussy
is there NTR in this? When I read the manga it kinda give a vibe of Natsu no Zenjitsu. I've watched Hitsuji no Uta long time ago but I've never finished his manga.
There's no NTR because that would require something to happen.
I felt the soundtrack is fantastic.Comfy shit i love it.