Honzuki no Gekokujou

Season 2 starts in less than an hour

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Here's the Muse premiere link for anyone who can access.

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Which one would you fuck?

New OP's cute.

Airing on ABC at the moment

both ?

Airing this on the same day as Bakarina, Gal and Dino and Yesterday was a mistake.


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How can it be a mistake when this anime is leaps and bounds better than
>3DPD for half the episode
>Drama garbage that can't be saved by Dogakobo

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At least it's not fucking miso soup

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The child prostitute is back.

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None, I don't like used goods.

Finally, some good fucking food.

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Enter the true whore

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I would.


Cute pair

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Why artists always draw Main like a slut? Is not funny.

Slut? She seems to be dressed pretty conservatively.

They go on dates on Ferdinand's flying lion.

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It's the 2nd cour. That doesn't fucking matter.

Just look at that face, literally asking for it.

>literally asking for it
The books?

subs where

>tfw no XDCC bot has GJM anymore

Crunchyroll was like an hour late on Villianess. I expect similar for Book Loli.

18:45UTC for shitty CR subs
Sometime next week for GJM probably

Muse stream in 5 Minutes

In what way is GJM better?


Why did he have to win the mainbowl instead of Lutz?

I droped this after episode 2 and never expected it to have a second season. Did the anime get more loli feet?

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Just loli suffering.

Probably. But I'm not a footfag so I honestly don't remember.

Illiterate subhumans like you should be sterilised

Wait, is the blonde adult voiced by DIO?

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now this is cute

if they keep subbing it as main i'm going to lose my shit

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Myne is a shit. Tuuli best girl.

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Muse Asia use Maine and GJM use Myne.
You could also turn CR to a different language.

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i'd rather die

God I want to lick those feet

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You did read a book today didn't you anons? Manga doesn't count.

Of course, only the best.

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my wife maine is so sexy

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