One Piece

The moment Kid and Law officially lost any chance of being "rivals".

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She's joining bros

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Why does Law seem to be so concerned by this?
Is it because he is preparing to stab Luffy in the back?

Would Kid and Moria get along?

I want old Robin back, bros

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I see what you mean, given that I see it happening more than ever: people using the classics as the source of their legitimacy instead of as a source of good ideas.

Being royalty, classically, is about being excellent to your community, not about taking or inheriting an excellent person's chair. Have you considered why Cobra is a hero and Wapol is a villain?

Um gamer

Kiku for nakama.

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If I lived in OP world I would have wanted to live on Zou post Jack’s raid.
Minks are cool. They have variety of looks so you won’t get bored of seeing their faces for years and they are also nice and strong at the same time so if anything bad will happen they will protect you.
Also giant Elephant as an ultimate line of defense.
Minks are cool

>"First time?"

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I'd be best friends with Luffy and be a godlike warrior.

PW4 patch where they move him with the Straw Hats when?

>muh good muh evil

>fat fish fag joins crew

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Ya seethe?
Ya boil?
Ya sizzle?

all things jinbe should have done with the rest of the sun pirates with big mom and oven right behind them at the end of WCI

What does it mean?

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So glad jinbei has joined

they have the will of X.

Jinbe literally abandons his nakama, leaves them in the dust and joins another group of people. He is a disloyal traitor. Luffy having a boner for that guy makes no sense whatsoever.

Next chapter will reveal Tama snuck onboard the Sunny in order to help save Momo. Mark it down.

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There's a reason their reaction was important, it's a pretty big deal.

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Literally every person Luffy has recruited abandoned their nakama Kizaru-kun.

He's honestly the best contender for the coveted "Zoro's wife" position.

They don't want to get copied by Bon Kurei

>zorofags mad he's no longer the second strongest on the crew, nor top 3 bounties in the strawhats

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>anti-jinbefags will deny this

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it's just fashion.

Talk about rent free

wrong, I'm a brookfag and I have no problem with jinbe joining.

>ywn interlock fingers with Jinbe because of his gross webbed hands

Poor thing

Reminder that Big Mom couldn't kill this fucking fish.


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You fags were sperging last night though, glad I was spot-on.

He provided the most bland dialogue. Any random character could've done that. OP is a shonen after all so we cannot fault it for not being deep. Since it's for kids, we cannot expect it to really do something amazing when it deals with subjects like this. So we get the usual "belief in yourself blablabla whatever". Who fucking enjoys this? Nobody. That's not why we read OP. We read it because it has interesting characters and when they are put into interesting situations, fun happens. A generic "MC sad and must be motived again" is not such an interesting situation. It's something we've seen a million times in other shonen handled in exactly the same way. So what if it wasn't Jinbe but Raleigh who provided the bland dialogue and slapping around stuff? What would that change? Nothing. Jinbe never adds any unique flavor to a scene.

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Zoro and Sanji could fight over her.

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It means they're homos who are fine with anal fisting.
>4. Arm band tattoo
>While some people might just like the look of arm band tattoos, others get them to let the world know they enjoy anal fisting.

hori will draw three, one being zoro, one piece characters for the newest one piece magazine

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How can Oda say that Kidd was the only one with a fleshed out backstory when Law clearly had something going on with Doflamingo since Saboady?

zorofags are the most level-headed posters here
sanjifags are psychotic and carrotfags have ied
i can imagine them yelling at their monitors/phones

brook being mvp of WCI is enough to get me through him being useless in wano

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In Gray are the people who does/going to die

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I hope he would draw Jinbei as a celebration of him joining the crew

at least remove the background

>zorofags are the most level-headed posters here
>he wasn't here for the daily zoro vs sanji powerlevel threads

The same ones say they would doe for kinnemon

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Brook was one of the exceedingly few good things about the second half of that arc.

Law was uncharacteristically edgy this chapter clearly something's going on with him.

Nah, too lazy for that shit.

What the fuck are you doing

>zorofags are the most level-headed posters here
Until someone speaks ill of Zoro. You'd have to be a Zorofag to not see how obnoxious they can be.
>b-but kikufags/carrotfags
Like the monetfag and other temporary characters, they will leave. Zorofags have been like this forever, and are clearly seething that Jinbe destroyed the power hierarchy in the crew.

Can anyone tell me the first time Jack was officially confirmed to be a fishman? Is it in his Vivre Card?

I would assume it was only CONFIRMED when we saw him in the ocean.

I would assume it was when he didn't drown at the bottom of the ocean.

if we're gonna get nishimura to do some one piece sketches too, i'm gonna fucking cum

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they are just jelly

Except Robin, and Brook in some way.

Yeah, but I want to see something official and a concrete statement. Not saying I'm denying him being a fishman, I just have never seen such confirmation in an official capacity.

Why the fuck did he eat the fruit and why the fuck did he eat the shittiest of them all.

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What is fat ,smells like fish,and Ugly ?

Yes it's Jimbe !


I imagine he ate the fruit not knowing it was a DF.
I highly doubt many fishmen would sacrifice their ability to swim.

Imagine thinking you're on equal footing with Luffy and then watching him get a subordinate who has nearly your bounty and would likely trash you in an actual fight since your bounty is inflated artificially by being an asshole

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This, he had no idea, that's why he called it a curse.

Ah yes, makes sense. Imagine realising you lost your most valuable thing and gained absolutely nothing.

Let´s see:

>Ashura will die and probably get to follow his men to death after 10 years
>Kiku will die just before Izo finally arrives
> Dog will die and Neko will revenge him

seems pretty reasonable to me

you forgot our starfish designer
by his feats he is number four right now if you count OVEN> PIKA like any sane person
he´s the voice of reason the SH need

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are you satisfied with the latest balance patch?

>Kanjuro Character Changes
>Escaping Crane is now cancellable after a successful block
>Increased the jump height of Escaping Crane
>Increased the air dash speed of Escaping Crane
>Sumi Gomo's attack startup is now faster
>Sumi Gomo's arrows' hitboxes are now expanded downards
>Sumi Gomo's arrows have now increased damage
>Sumi Gomo's recovery frames have been reduced

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So will the SH ever get individual fights again or is that part of OP over forever?

And I don't mean a short clash and then the rest of the fight is offscreen. I mean actual 1v1 fights we used to have in earlier arcs like Water7 or Alabasta. Will Robin ever get a fight again? Nami? Usopp? Because I enjoyed those fights the most and it's been a million years since we've seen them fight. Now they only get to do one big thing in an arc (like Usopp in Dressrosa) and the rest is about the big guns fighting.


There Will be 1v1 but for what i see It will be more group fights, i think the 1v1s probably are going to happen in the final arcs where the SH are at their peak strenght

Conis is so underrated

>Kanjuro surviving

His peer just announced he'll be a subordinate of one of his rivals. I'll be seething too.

brook and scratchman will team up for a soul concert.

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monster trio isn't even a real thing
its a fan made term lol

>why the fuck did he eat the shittiest of them all
there are way shittier fruits out there, vander decken is just shit in every way and mostly used his abillity to harass a little girl